30fps locked
In the camera settings
Heavy stutters, slow texture loading
It's an awesome game, but it's so unoptimized. You need to use the DX11 version or it will crash a lot and Proton GE for better performance. I ended up saving a lot manually and then closing the game and restarting it. You can play for about one or two hours then you have to restart cause performance goes to hell.
Vsync off, medium settings, FSR balanced.

Frame-limit set to 30FPS.
Framerate drops, stuttering before using GE-Proton and graphics settings
Game crashed after cutscenes or when loading an old saved game.
RAM and swap consumption was massive.
Here's what helped me to get a stable gaming experience.
I noticed a huge increase in RAM usage after cutscenes, when loading the new level. Once RAM was all filled up, swap was used up to its maximum which then caused the steamdeck to freeze or reboot.
Since the default swap-size is 1GB for the steam-deck I created a secondary swap file and added it. With 16GB swap the game was able to load all new content after the cutscenes that previously caused crashes.
I also found these video settings in the game to get a good performance: "Screen Mode: Fullscreen", "V-Sync: Off", "Master Quality: Medium", "Upscale Mode: AMD FSR 2.1", "Upscaler Quality: Ultra Performance". Furthermore I always used DX11 instead of DX12.
This unfortunately reduces the beautiful sceneries in the game to not so beautiful images, but at least with all these tinkerings I was able to avoid crashes, FPS drops, and I could finish the game.

Tried Proton 8 (crash), Proton 9 beta (crash) and Proton experimental (froze)
Crashes at certain point and can't play it after
Crashes when certain gore part happens, tried the default Proton 8, Proton 9 beta and Proton experimental. All of them froze my deck and had to force restart

Beatiful game you cannot play.
Dark spots or shadowed spots were almost completely black. Objects in the shadow could not be seen. Changing settings did not improve anything.
Irratic movements while looking around.
Moving from one room to another or going outside would drop FPS significantly.
For what I could see, this could be a beatiful game. In the current state however, you need a lot more than just a 3060 (maybe only Nvidia). Not being able to see any objects in the shadow is a problem as well.

mangohud %command%
com Proton Experimental meu mouse fica mais rapido, com o ProtonGE fica lento
Quando mudava o grafico pelo menu
O jogo roda bem, so esta meio estranho, como nao joguei no windows nao sei dizer

VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11,dxr PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 165 -f -- %command%
Freezes sporadically, might be compiling shaders
The game has frequent auto-saves, but there is no way to fastforward scenes that you may have already seen just between a save and a crash
When the performance overlay indicates that 11GiB of RAM is in use, the game will crash very soon. This will take about 15-20 minutes of gameplay depending on how many cutscenes are viewed in that time.
Doesn't Get Past THe First Cut Scene Without A UE4 Crash
It started off with UE4 crashes during the initial cut screen, but then found an article to replace the game's shaders with Vulkin shaders [https://steamcommunity.com/app/515960/discussions/0/3190241719891148835/]. This got me past the first cut scene, but then the game locks up barely 15 minutes into the game after the cut scene where you look in the key hole. For the life of me, I can't get it past this with any tricks. In the end, the troubleshooting isn't worth it for a point and click walking sim game.
Almost completely unplayable
Because of the settings, textures would be place-holdery, making it difficult to find anything
Even with everything set to low and FSR from with what seemed to be 240p resolution, there would be frequent stutters.
Sometimes the game would run at 2FPS, even in menus with GPU utilization at 100%
If you have a similar GPU, extreme patience and really RELLY love this game you could probably make a complete playthrough.
Crashed once in a cutscene and once after resuming Steam Deck from sleep while game was paused.

Shortly into the game, when the player character goes to look through a keyhole, the cutscene does not launch and the radio just keeps playing.
EGS (Epic Games Store) version
Performances were worse than expected. But I was able to complete the game without major issue
Animated loading screen is replaced by some placeholder picture
Had to lower graphic settings significantly

Work well so far. (no setting to rebind keys)
Had to lower the graphic settings to medium, otherwise the framerate was too low

Works but runs slowly even at low settings and needs vcrun2019, i completed the demo with only this two problems
installed vcrun2019
low framerate even at low settings