without GE-Proton-22 stuck in connecting screen

Switch to Experimental removes FPS drops

Stuck in loading screen with proton 8.0-5 and 9.0-2. Working with 7.0-6 and Proton Experimental
Not working with current stable proton version. Switch either to 7.0-6 or to experimental

Doesn't respond to microphone, but it was hit and miss with Windows, so may be unrelated.
If you join a game, launch the game separately from the invite. If I launched from an invite, it would only bring me to the game's launch screen, but if I joined with the launch screen already on, it would join the lobby.
Occationally out of sync with other players, but recovers quickly.
It never did pick up my mic, so I can't do the challenges like talking to it on the radio or probing it to get evidence. I can get the evidence organically, and the mic was very hit and miss under Windows, so it may be unrelated.

Playable, but better hardware and maybe Proton GE will work better
On low graphics game starts with normal FPS but a couple minutes later drops to stable 15-30. Game is still playable, but the video is slower than normal
all fine with the game
Playable without problems
It ran great but I never got the mic to work, wasn't super needed for the game so it was still playable, my friend on Windows talked for me.
I hosted a game and never had any issues.
Crashes when joining game, both local and multiplayer.
gamemoderun %command%
Voice recognition did not seem to work. (Testen on 2 linux clients)
If you've played Phasmophobia you'll feel right at home. I have more fun in this game with friends, and the strategising is very engaging
DXVK_ASYNC=1 gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Worked like native windows

Ran perfect. Audio works, no graphical glitches, and no crashes. Consistent 75FPS (VSYNC enabled).
Multiplayer ran just fine, no crashes.
Early access game, so the multiplayer is buggy sometimes.