Proton versions 8, 9 and experimental fails at various points. GE-Proton9-2 seems to fix the problem.
Aside the graphical glitch when using the lantern on enemies, the game runs fine on Proton 7.0-2.
OOTB Experience
- GPU 800MHz
- CPU 7W
DXVK_ASYNC=1 DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH=~/.steam/debian-installation/steamapps/compatdata/678960 %command%
The game stutters badly when transitioning areas. DXVK_ASYNC=1 helps a little but the big problem seems to be the texture streaming (you can disable texture streaming with the Improved Visuals and Performance Mod ->
OOTB Experience
- Screen 30Hz
Works just fine.
- GPU Freq: 200MHz
- Screen: 40Hz
Not sure why it is classified by Valve as Deck unsupported.
Worked for all DirectX options.
The game run exceptionally well on Deck
- GPU 1200MHz
- CPU 10W
- Screen 40Hz
- In-game resolution 960x540
- FSR Sharp 2
Controls sometimes stop working mid-game. To restore functionality had to change the controls profile to emulate keyboard and mouse then change it back to the default controls.
OOTB Experience
Game runs flawless. Played using DualSense (with cable) and all the gamepad functions worked just fine.
Runs out of the box
The demo is poor optimized and it drags the performance down. It is exactly as on Windows. After tuning the engine (a.k.a. disable motion blur and the stupid log) the game runs very well.
Game play very well with Proton.
- Screen 40Hz
- GPU 400MHz
- CPU 4W
Out of the box experience
- OS Version: Stable 3.4.4_20221228.1
- FPS limit: 40
- Screen: 40hz
- Processor: 3w
- GPU Frequency: 200
Works out of the box but low FPS when in dungeons
FPS can go below 30 when in dungeons. Maybe missing some OpenGL optimization.
Works very well.
- TDP: 3W
- GPU: 200MHx
- Screen: 30Hz
Game uses keyboard by default. Need to bring the keyboard up by pressing Steam + X then changing the input method to Gamepad in Options
Need to configure the controller input the first time you run the game.
OOTB experience - Played the entire game without any issue
- Screen 40Hz
- V-Sync off
- GPU Freq 200MHz
- In game Resolution: 640x360
Game is marked as Playable on Steam Deck probably because you have to change input method (from keyboard to gamepad) the first time you play the game
Out of the Box experience
CPU: 3w GPU: 200MHz Screen: 40Hz
Out Of The Box Experience
- CPU 4w
- GPU 400MHz
- Screen 40Hz
Play very well on Deck
Although I have used GE-Proton, the game works fine with regular Proton as well.
Run out of the box
- Was never able to complete The Gauntlet beecause the game always crash around round 16.
OOTB Experience
- CPU: 4W
- GPU: 400MHz
- Screen 40Hz
Install winetrick/protontricks:
sudo apt install winetricks
sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-venv
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
~/.local/bin/pipx ensurepath
Restart the terminal and then run:
pipx install protontricks
You must have launched the game at least once before performing the next step:
protontricks 339340 wmp11
During the first area (Train) and when on elevators in other levels:
- Distorted background colors
- Diagonal thin lines
With Proton Experimental some backgrounds were not rendered making the game unplayable. Using Proton GE the graphical artifacts were minimal and only when inside the train. All other levels of the games were fine (with the exception of the elevators scenes).
OOTB experience
- Screen 40hz
- CPU 3w
- GPU 200MHz
The only thing I found fiddly was that to exit the game, first press the left DPad while pressing the Quick Access Menu button, and then pressing the Steam button, use the right trackpad to select OK
The game runs well on the Deck, except for some areas of the map that drop FPS
Some areas are CPU intensive and cause FPS to drop significantly
Steam Play version is better experience than Native
- Screen 40Hz
- CPU TDP 3w
- GPU Frequency 200MHz
eval $( echo "%command%" | sed "s/Win32\/Launcher.exe'.*/Win32\/TinyTina.exe'/" )
The game laucher crashes when we hover the mouse over it. The initialization options fix it.
Either Friends-Only or Public worked just fine.
Worked out of the box.
Multiplayer working just fine
After playing for a while, consistenly crashes to desktop when loading new missions or at the end of a mission.
- DualSense Adaptive Triggers worked flawless when using USB. Did not try using bluetooth.
- At the start menu, the game always complain about missing files from the anti-cheat system, but works anyway