First launch, the X button on controller was not working for normal attack. It fixed itself after a restart. Not sure which proton version I was using for that launch.
Opening cutscenes did not work out of the box. Glorious Eggroll fixed that. Rewatching cutscenes worked out of the box though as well as Glorious Eggroll.
Use Glorious Eggroll version and if you have X button issue on controller then restart. Then the experience should be the same on Windows. Maybe this will change as I start playing more but for now it's basically the same.

Unfortunately, I can't play due to the freezing issues that happens at the beginning of the game.
Game freezes completely at the beginning, after about 3-5 minutes. I couldn't progress at all.
I tested with Proton-Experimental [bleeding-edge] and GE-Proton9-23. Nvidia drivers 555, 560 and 565. Unfortunately, the same behavior in all tests, making it impossible for me to play normally.
Works flawlessly out of the box

Using regular Proton videos would not play.

Enabled FSR to stretch to fix the aspect ratio.
Fully playable with great performance. Have not experienced any slowdowns or graphical issues. Steam' FSR on Stretch. FPS capped at 60 in game. In game graphic settings on High

Works out of the Box
worked out of the box for me. stable 60fps. no issues here

Very stable experience when locked to 45fps. Game can be played at 60fps with lower rendering options.
Initial settings window needs to be navigated via the touch screen.
In-game text might be too small sometimes.
In settings set the: Resolution to 1280x720, Rendering Resolution: High, Shadows: Medium Quality, Frame Rate Cap: 60, Display mode: Full Screen, Ambient Occlusion: On, Camera Motion Blur: As preferred, Dynamic Reflections: On.
Steam overlay settings: Set frame limit to 45 FPS, Scaling Mode: As preffered, the game looks good in 'Stretch' to compensate for the lack of 800p resolution.

I have a dual boot, I installed it from Windows, not because I couldn't install it from Linux, I just thought it was going to be difficult to get this working in Linux since I saw it was Silver. But then I came to Linux and it works perfect up to now.

The game crashes when played on 60fps but reducing down to something like 50 with an external fps cap works
playing through campaign with my friend through torii gate battles also work

Изменение размера экрана через Nioh Resolution на 960х800 в самом деке с помощью PortProton. Это требуется для использования FSR
Гироскоп использую в режиме эмуляции мыши, работает прекрасно. Активация при нажатии LT (оружие дальнего боя)
Epic каждый раз после выхода показывает окно с устаревшими облачными сохраненениями. Выключил данное окно в Epuc, чтобы не появлялось. При надобности перед удалением игры загружу его сохранения.
Не сказать что сложно читается, но все же нужно прилагать усилия из за сниженнего разрешения экрана
Игра идет плавно на 60FPS в любой локации, видео катсцены работают, но требует дополнительной настройки. Занимает 20 минут, но дает плавность на всё оставшееся прохождение

I changed resolution to 960х600 using Nioh Resolution changer. This was done to use FSR, cause game can't change resolution lower than 1280x900
Использование FSR
Прочитать текст можно, но приходится прикладывать усилия
После спящего режима нечто подобное наблюдается. Но это бывает и у других игр, так что не страшно. Обычно уходит само по себе спустя 1-2 минуты

The fps are quite good, but the frametimes are high. You can notice it.
As other users have mentioned above: If you don't use the GE Proton version, you don't get any cutscenes. The Game just skips them.
Haven't had any problems

It has been almost flawless until now. It's a shame gamepad viabration won't work but I don't really care in the end.
The gamma calibration screen has a weird reference image to compare to. I haven't noticed anything shocking in-game yet.
- Quick strike won't work in the intro mission until you've left-clicked once, otherwise the corresponding xbox (x) button is detected.
- Vibration won't work.
I haven't tested inviting players yet (will update) but I can fight online corpses.
Still early in the game but it works very well with Proton-GE-8-26. Please note that I'm playing from my Epic library through Heroic, not Steam. The indicated command has been abbreviated (due to low character limit), steam-ified with the bits which typically show up in a steam "compatibility" command.

Graphismes moyen
Autonomie 50% vibrations désactiver
FPS 30

If you enable Crossplay, bare in mind that you need to be signed into Epic somewhere on your computer in order for online to work at all. You can disable it at any time in the menu and resume online play. (I did not test if Epic crossplay works with proton because I do not use it.)
Without GE Proton, you can run the game okay, Proton 5-13-6 seemed the most stable. You will miss the cutscenes though, and they're amazing.

GE Proton needed for cutscenes to play.

Epic version via Heroic using Steam's Proton
left click/light attack bug
If you're playing with a controller you need to left click with the mouse at least once to enable light attacks. The 60fps lock is rough, and I haven't found a way to unlock it. Probably a dealbreaker for many considering the game is still pricey but I got it for free and besides that, it works great.
One point in the game is impassable because it always crashes. Frustrating to not be able to finish the game.
Some of the controller buttons don't work in windowed mode: X and RT.
One particular level - not an optional level - crashes the game every time, requiring the entire computer to be restarted. The game therefore can't be completed.
The game runs well with few issues
The game runs very well other than cutscenes not being able to play and few times it cant connect to multiplayer other than that it gives 40 to 60 fps on average at 4k.
Fast attack doesnt work until you use your left mouse button.
movies not playing (wmv files)
light attack button not working ( X on xbox gamepad), fixed by left clicking once the game is started
movies are not played (wmv files)
At the beginning no movies was played, with mf-install and Proton Experimental got the majority of movies playing but not all, and some movies were insanely fast. The fix was to choose Proton GE 7.28 for all the videos to play well, after installed the playthrough was perfect. Not sure if it is mf-install and Proton GE 7.28 or just Proton GE 7.28 that did the trick. Light attack button is not working ( X on xbox gamepad), fixed by left clicking on my mouse once the game is started. Perfect playthrough.
Noticeable fps drops in places, sometimes persisting through most of a level.
After playing it some more, it's a bit more rough than I initially thought, although definitely playable. The performance drops sometimes even with low rendering settings and the skill showcase videos are played way too fast, making them pretty much useless. Some cutscenes seem to be played a tad too fast as well, or there's some other issue with them, because sometimes they fade to black even when a character is still speaking.
After trying to view skill preview videos, my X button stopped working. Restarting the software fixed it.
Skill preview videos don't work. I tried to watch multiple times and my X button stopped working.
controller quick attack button did not work with in full screen
quick attack did not work in full screen
Epic games cloud would not work
game would freeze and lead to graphics card reset.
mangohud gamemoderun %command%
The game occasionally has severe performance problems, including in-game movies simply not working but also major FPS drops even on strong hardware.
When playing with a controller, the primary attack sometimes doesn't work, regardless of button mapping. Alt-tabbing out and back in helps.
With rendering resolution set to high, performance was not good enough. After setting it to medium the performance is comparable to Windows so far.
Apart from a bit lower graphics settings and occasional (and fixable) issue with the primary attack, it plays great and I can finally nuke my Windows partition. No more issues with the cutscenes.

As someone said here Ge proton 7.28 fixes missing movies bug, but now as someone new to linux(steam deck), i wonder why in newer version(7.42 i tried first) this bug exist but in older it doesnt. Isnt new version supposed to be better?
gamemoderun %command%
I tried to play this before, but found the missing cutscenes to be too much for me to enjoy the game. Now that GE-Proton7-28 has fixed the cutscenes the game is great!
Played through the whole game, a lot of the cutscenes did not play, no other issues though.
A lot of cutscenes aren't played.
GE-Proton seems to fix all the reported issues on my Steam Deck, movies work fine
Video cutscenes work now with custom proton, game runs about the same as on windows.
Pre rendered cutscenes do not play. Displays error message with scene id for a few seconds and the game continues
Beaten the game + dlc. Solid deck performance
I cannot finish the game on Linux this game crashes every time i try to leave 3rd region
i had to change to 30 FPS to get stable FPS, but i know i have sub-minimal HW
Cut scenes not playing correctly, also i can't leave one region, it always crashes the game
I cannot finish the game on Linux this game crashes every time i try to leave 3rd region

Been playing coop with a friend and it works flawless.
Video playback is broken at the moment which does not keep you from playing. There are only a couple video scenes anyway.

No video cutscenes, rest works flawless
Movie files for cutscenes don't play
In a previous report I mentioned the controller light attack (keypad X key) not working. The solution for this is to once press the LMB button on the mouse for a light attack, from then on the game controller will work fine. If playing the game purely with a controller, it's easy to miss this fix!

No video cutscenes, but fairly flawless otherwise
Sometimes the light attack (keypad X) didn't work. In game menu's it works fine, just as a light attack it sometimes didn't work. Not sure the cause, but a few restarts seems to help. Once it works, it seems to keep on working for that play session.
(my opinion ofc) Missing cutscenes are very minor setback. Could be easily watched on youtube. No other performance or gameplay issues
Turned on steam deck's FSR filter in performance options. Major battery and fps saver in my case
Cutscenes that do no use game engine do not play at all. Only display error message and continue game as if they were displayed normally.
Tried Proton-GE but no dice on fixing video; used Nioh Resolution mod on PC and moved the patched .exe over.
Pre-rendered videos do not work.
Pre-rendered videos do not work, not even with Proton-GE. Game runs at a decent 60 FPS with medium resolution and medium shadows, with AO off, but this doesn't enable FSR, causing the game to look poor at 540p. The game does not support running the main resolution lower than 720p, so I had to use the Nioh Resolution mod on the .exe on a PC, and then put it in the folder; I set it to 700p and used a 0.77 rendering scale. This caused the Steam Deck's built-in FSR to kick in, and thus the game ended up looking much better while still running at 60 FPS. I'd really prefer an option to enable FSR even on games that are technically running at 720p for situations like this, since the rendering resolution was lower and the game did not have it built in. Pre-rendered video definitely needs to be fixed, but as I've already played this game I'm not too miffed about it, as only a few cutscenes don't work as a result, and I don't consider them to be important.
The game work really well with fully 60 fps without any problem.