SteamAppId=480 WINEDLLOVERRIDES='dinput8=n,b' protonhax init %command%
Running DSFix with graphical mods, running a fork of DSCM via protonhax and launching as Spacewar to access online features.
As far as I know mulitplayer is peer to peer, so you may experience desync on unstable connections, but aside from that all multiplayer works flawlessly.
Instead of launching from the library you can launch the game by doing:SteamAppId=480 GAMEID=480 steam steam://rungameid/211420
After launching the game I run:protonhax run 480 <PATH TO DSCM>/DSCM.exe
By doing this I have been able to play MP with friends even after the developer and publisher ended online play for this title, if you want to play with friends on Windows, direct them to this video.
Information originally found on:

WINEDLLOVERRIDES='dinput8=n,b' gamemoderun %command%
Main menu shows as the classic "rainbow" artifact.
OOTB Experience

fps drops (occasionally)
Games with directx9 seems to have a problem with newer proton versions, I use proton 4.11 with them. Some dx9 games works with newer versions if installing 'dxdiag' with protontricks, so the game can recognize dx9. e.g. GTA:SA, Juiced, TD:Unlimited

Game ran just fine without mods, but would not boot with dsfix.
Getting dsfix working was such a hassle. Game works fine without it. After going through the installation steps for the mod and following the winefix instructions from the reddit post linked, I was able to get the game running with dsfix.

"WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Framerate gets very choppy at times. Fixed by installing DSfix. DLC almost unplayable without it.
I'm one of those people who don't really care about framerates, so I soldiered on through the base game but once I got to the DLC even I couldn't take it anymore. Then I found DSfix and now it runs great!
Here's how to install it on your Deck:
- Go to Desktop Mode and download DSfix
- Copy the files from inside the zip folder to /home/deck/.steam/steamapps/common/Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition/DATA/
- Open Steam and look for Dark Souls in your library. Instead of Play, click on the Settings button and go to "Properties..."
- Under Launch Options paste the code above
- Return to Gaming Mode and run the game as usual

WINEDLLOVERRIDES='dinput8=n,b' gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Intro video doesn't work due to patent-encumbered format. Just watch it on YouTube; no point changing or installing anything for a one-time 3-minute video.
Make sure to read DSFix's readme and set game options accordingly.

Honestly Perfect
As with all From Software games, anything other than 16:9 doesn't work properly. And since I have a 16:10 monitor, I have black bars on the top and bottom of the screen on fullscreen. Then again, that's more on From Soft than on Proton; and also not really a big deal.
And those black bars? Once I change my monitor resolution from 1920x1200 to 1920x1080 they disappear.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Works well out of the box, at least as well as vanilla can. The DLL override is necessary to make DSFix work, but that's it. Most of the tinkering is then within DSFix itself, to find the optimal settings for you.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
An install of DSFix and subsequent WINE override and I was ingame with no issues.
While I only had to edit DSFix.ini to set the game to 60 fps , it seems mileage may vary depending on system as detailed by other users.
Multiplayer is (unfortunately) shut down permanently.

Initial menu and character creation were useable but laggy. HUD loaded, but the screen was black and eventually crashed to desktop.
Moved the installation to the system drive. Will continue to tinker with it to see if I can get it playable.

Could not get it to launch
Attempted to launch it with Proton Experimental, 9.0-2, 7.0.6 and 6.3-8. I also tried it both vanilla and with DSFix, and with and without 'WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%'. No luck, unfortunately.
Steam would try and open it, hang for 10-30 seconds and then close the program. I also was unable to see any programs open/change in the GNOME system monitor whilst trying to boot it.

Didn't work with Proton-GE (PC settings screen freezes) but works with the default Proton 9.0-2.

Worked fully out of the box. Even installing DSFix didn't cause any trouble at all, like some people seem to be having. Following the instructions was all I needed to do for that. Obviously Multiplayer servers are long down, so I can't speak on that.

Tried all suggestions from other users here, could not get the game to run at more than 4 fps
Game starts, menu works normally, game unplayable.

It's not a great port (I had drops below 30 fps) and DSFix didn't help much
Retail release with GFWL disabled
I've got retail release (GFWL) and couldn't update the game even with pcgamingwiki decrypted patches. For that reason I had to search for older DSFix, which didn't occure to me at first.

Without running DS Fix, you can play the game
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Installed DS Fix
DSFix is essential for playing this game, and every time I've tried running the game by hooking the DLL I get an instant CTD after it boots. I've got AA disabled, to no avail. Quite strange that I can't seem to get this version running on my system, I'll try again later with a more powerful linux machine

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" env OBS_VKCAPTURE=1 %command%
Normal Dark Souls worked fine, but some options in the essential DSFix mod cause the game to crash. I consider the mod mandatory so I'm leaving this as a tweaked report even though the vanilla game installs and runs on its own. Must have aaQuality 0
and ssaoStrength 0
or the game won't start. I turned on anti-aliasing override in my graphics card control panel to improve the visuals.
The OBS_VKCAPTURE line is to enable game capture in OBS for this title. (This is a tweak to OBS.)
The Vulkan shaders are noticeably darker than on Windows.

Apply DS fix and appropriate DLL overrides, disable SMT, enjoy butter smooth 60fps. About 3hr of battery with this config (LCD model deck).
10W TDP, SMT disabled, 1000Mhz locked GPU. DSfix applied (60 fps stable)
With SMT enabled performance is limited to about 45fps with significant dips. Disabling SMT via power tools significantly increases power consumption, performance, and core utilization.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
All you need for this is DSfix, first turn off AA, put all the files from DSfix in the dark souls exe folder, open the DSfix.ini and don't forget to unlock fps to 60, it should work just fine.

Very little issues with Linux compared to Windows (only minor stutters) Overall much less stuttering and better performance than Windows 10
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8,d3d9,DS_Overhaul=n,b" %command%
When using Alt-Tab to un-focus and re-focus the window, the ability to switch between one-handing and two-handing weapons is broken. However, pressing 'Alt' again once the window is re-focused will fix this. Tested with fullscreen OFF and ON (but not tested with DSFix borderless).
Mods used:
- DSFix
- Various texture overrides (utilising DSFix's textureOverride option)
I could not get Dark Souls Overhaul to work even with all the launch options found in various reports. The game would launch but be completely unplayable (several seconds would pass per frame).
DSFix was left to default options with these exceptions:
- aaQuality 4
- aaType FXAA
- ssaoStrength 3
- ssaoType VSSAO2
- unlockFPS 1
- FPSlimit 60
- borderlessFullscreen 0
- enableTextureOverride 1
The game runs exactly as it does on Windows. Without DSFix, plays like the older console versions. Haven't tried DSFix, but I've heard it does work, which would significantly improve the experience. A great way to play Dark Souls on the go!
The game plays well enough without modification. Slowdowns in certain areas and when certain visual effects are shown. The credits cutscene did not load but all other cutscenes has worked flawlessly. This game does not support 16:10 resolutions but it's fine.
Modding the game seems identical to playing on PC. DSFix is installed the same way but will need you to enter the following Launch Option into Steam > WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n'b" %command%
Using custom textures with DSFix introduces freezes when you try to enter new areas that may last half a second or more. Certain areas are more prone to freezes than others.
Certain visual effects and areas produces slowdown.
The credits cutscene uses an unsupported codec or something that makes it unwatchable on default Proton 7.0-6
This game is fun.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Need to install Dark Souls Input Customizer for mouse input
I did exactly the same things I described in my last report, but this is on a different device with a different distro.
No problems whatsoever after one hour of play. It requires some tinkering before, though.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
For mouse input to work, I needed to install Dark Souls Input Customizer Mod
After installing and selecting Proton 7.0-5, and then installing DSFix and Dark Souls Input Customizer, the game was opening, but when starting a new game I got a black screen every time. Tried Proton 7.0-5, Proton Experimental, and GE-Proton7.41. None of them worked, but by switching to Proton 6.3-8 I managed to get it working.
Setting fps cap to 60 also works as expected (using DSFix, of course).
Not encountered any problems while playing on deck, Steam it self showing it's not working on Deck but that's not true at all.
Полностью прошел игру и начал новую игру+. Все играбельно и проходимо. Баги не замечены. Замечательный опыт.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
I am currently using the Proton Experimental w/o issues, but it runs just fine with the latest (7.0-3) as of right now. DSFix works as well
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Running the game w/o modifying anything works fine. Installing DSFix was quite the problem, however. It took me a lot of trial and error to get DSFix working. If anyone else is having issues with DSFix on Linux, here is what I recommend. Remove everything from the dsfix.ini file excpet this line: skipIntro 1 If the intro skips, you know that dsfix is working. Now you can go back and add all the options. In my case, I had to disable aaQuality 0 and disableDofScaling 0.
WINELLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Used DSFix and installed it by going to Steam OS Desktop mode and right clicked > properties > browse local file location > dragged and dropped DSFix there
stable and locked frame rate at 40fps on the right side steam deck menu
DSFix works, but needs to but the custom Steam Launch Options of (remove the brackets) [WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%]. Locked solid at 40fps
A bit slow loading during area transitions

Dsfix also working nicely
Can't open up at all
I tried to launch the game using the custom GE-Proton provided by Garuda, made sure all the dependencies of Wine were installed, ran protonfixes. The game didn't boot at all, I tried to run the game with different settings D3D9, D3D11, V3DK, neither worked.
This problem also happened with a fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and it's shipped kernel.
Also tried Proton Experimental, 7.2, 6.3, 5.10. Neither booted up.
Furthest I could get was that Steam recognized the game as launched and executing, but after five minutes it never booted up. I'm using a single monitor setup so I don't think the window manager is messing with anything.

Follow these steps to override dinput8 to make dsfix work
- Open a terminal
- Run the command: protontricks --gui
- Open winecfg
- In libraries tab add dinput8 as native the built-in
Title screen shows an RGB scale for a while then the title renders correctly
The game presented the following performance issues
- Stuttering and frame drops, diminishes over time
- The first cutscene suffers from a massive fram drop reaching far below 10fps
Dsfix does not work despite performing the dll override

Keyboard/mouse controls are as bad as in windows. Use a controller or try a input mod.
Even on Windows the optional multiplayer connectivity is rare without Wulf's Connectivity helper. That won't run on Linux.
DSFix seems to work fine without the DINPUT DLL override. Ran at 60FPS in 1080p. Used enhanced textures and unpacked for modding. D3D9.dll mods (DS PvP Watchdog and SweetFX) caused dips to ~12FPS but aren't required.

GE-Proton7-9 and GE-Proton7-10 failed to launch the game with and without DSFix.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
GE-Proton7-9 and GE-Proton7-10 failed to launch the game with and without DSFix. Reverting compatability back to Proton 7.0-1 allows launching the game with and without DSFix. Thus there seems to be some breaking changes in GE-Proton.
When trying to launch the game with DSFix, "Loading of specified dinput wrapper failed with error 126: Module not found." error was given. Without DSFix (and related launch options), the game starts to launch, but fails to do so after cloud sync. No error message is given.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
Patched with dsfix from Nexusmods, which improves the game greatly. Add the launch command option to use it and remember to set the dinput8.dll as executeable by running 'chmod +x dinput8.dll' in the DATA folder
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" gamemoderun %command%
Playing with the following mods:
Dark Souls HD Texture Pack
High-Res UI and Subtitles
Dark Souls Flora Overhaul
Lava Eyesore Fix
Xbox 360 HD Interface Icons
Lowest Common Denominator HD Textures
Revamped Stat Buff Icons
Appealing Longsword
Realistic texture pack
Tree LowRes Texture Fix
Mostly without issue. The game will freeze in certain locations where I assume it's loading in the texture packs. That would probably be lessened if I had this installed on a SSD instead of a spinny disk.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command%
Pulling cursor outside of bounds crashes game on multi-monitor setup. DSFix couldn't disable coursor as well. Using DWM.
Stuttering. Pretty much fixed with DSFix.
All in all it works on Slackware. Textures appear to be lower resolution than 1920x1080 though. Normal stuttering issues seems to be taken care of by DSFix.