Workout perfectly without any issues at all. Had it running at 90FPS and never had any audio, video or controller issues. Everything worked perfectly. The game uses the Xbox colors for her control inputs, but that's perfectly fine.
Definitely recommend picking this one up for your steamdeck

Añadidos los botones traseros simulando izquierda/derecha en el joystick derecho, para tener rodadas hacia delante y hacia detrás fuera del joystick (LT solo te permite la rodada normal).
Funciona bien sin tener que tocar nada.

- Screen 40Hz
- GPU 400MHz
- CPU 4W

gamemoderun MANGOHUD=1 %command%
Starts up and runs perfectly. Ran on big picture mode 3440x1440p ultrawide resolution @144Hz (with black bars) no problem. Dualsense controller working fine. Using Wayland
Всё играется замечательно
I tried playing the game with the Deck docked to a TV with paired a BT Xbox controller. No input was recognized.
Works perfectly out of the box
Works great with Proton 6.3-8
4.5 hours and no issues with multiplayer so far
Only launch command is gamemoderun
Runs perfectly.
Works out of the box

DualSense controller works perfectly
Installs and works perfectly, also through steamlink.
Works out of the box with no customization needed.
Works perfectly out of the box with Xbox 360 Controller
It runs with literally zero problems, great co-op game with Steam remote play.
Install and play.
Works out of the box.

Installs and runs perfectly.
Played to completion (8 hours) with no crashes and perfect performance (no lag or stutter).
Used Logitech Gamepad F310, which was detected automatically.
Full-screen and windowed modes both work.
Multiplayer untested.
Only worked with 4.11-13, 5.0 only showed a black screen (have to kill process) and GE's 5.8 downright crashes at the start.
flawless. dualshock4 controller
Runs perfectly out of the box.
worked out of the box
Worked 100%

This is a fresh install of Manjaro Linux and Steam. After installing the game, I tested with default settings. My screen would go blank and the game never ran. I then tested each proton command one by one. The game will only show that it's running in the games list, but it never actually starts.

Runs without issues out of the box, flawlessly on PC and very well when streamed to TV using Steam Link. Froze there once in 7 hrs, surely related to a streaming issue. D9VK flag is set by default. No "exit" issue anymore. Awesome!

Starts and runs without any issues using D9VK, performance is as smooth as it can get, controller works perfectly. Finished the game, so about 7 hours played without a single problem.

I must kill the process for ending the game

Set PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 reduce CPU usage and solve the "exit" issue.

Works better than on Windows. No, seriously - on Win10 there was a major stutter each time a checkpoint/shop was reached. This does not happen at all in Ubuntu w/ Proton.

The game runs perfect, with gamepad and everything. I've finished the main story, and got almost 100% completion. The only problem is that it will freeze forever when exiting and you have to kill it.