Performance feels smooth, DS4 works, graphical settings appeared to be configurable (gamma, quality)
Performance feels smooth, DS4 works, graphical settings appeared to be configurable (gamma, quality)
Performance feels smooth, DS4 works, graphical settings appeared to be configurable (gamma, quality)
Performance feels smooth, DS4 works, graphical settings appeared to be configurable (gamma, quality)
Gamma setting doesn't work, DS4 works out of the box, leader boards work, 20-40 frames except when disabling graphical settings to get a ~70
DS4 works, graphical settings appear to work, gamma works, performance is good, audio is good.
Blank screen w/ game audio.
I can hear the game menu sounds when i go up and down. clicking enter on what I assume is the menu option to start the game it crashes
A couple of the main menu graphics don't clear properly (while in the main menu), I didn't notice any other graphical degradations
I can only interact with the initial menu and settings. I can't get to the actual gameplay
Native version has now been fixed, https://steamcommunity.com/app/607050/discussions/0/2794999575661691797/#c3128289956328647283