Had no problems with Multiplayer, everything have gone well
It works with no extra tinkering needed, just only Proton and you're good to go

Works flawlessly out of the box.
No tinkering. If you play on Steam Controller, beware:
- the button glyphs are incorrectly from PS controller in the menus, but it doesn't happen in-game,
- switch the right touchpad in Steam overlay from "Aim Joystick" to just "Aim", because that 1st one is relative and feels weird.

Sometimes small letters in messages. Controls works well but tested only on sarge officer.

my waybar was still visible in fullscreen
mouse movement feels weird

Wipe proton prefix and start the game clean
When changing the anti-aliasing setting, the game freezes for some time. First time I did this, it crashed XWayland and got borked. I had to wipe its prefix for it to start again.
I just got unlucky, the game should launch and work fine

Works out of the box with no tinkering
I run this game with Proton 8.0-5 and it works perfectly fine, no issues at all.

Text is narrow and hard to read at native resolution
Main menu works using controller input. However specific menus like "force ready" do not respond to controller input. If you use touch screen the gamepad controls dont work for the tech hacker minigames.

PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
I've tried it natively and no matter what I do the game will just crash on joining.
鼠标移到主菜单的多人游戏框时,游戏卡死。proton 8.0 和 7.0 都不起作用
鼠标移到主菜单的多人游戏框时,游戏卡死。proton 8.0 和 7.0 都不起作用
simply works great

Won't start after a minute.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Proton: 1689268633 experimental-8.0-20230713
Set refresh rate to 40Hz; game runs fine either way
Dynamic lights have very faint shadows
I'm running on the beta branch; full disclosure: I am the one who compiles and uploads the builds for this game.
No , when I press Shift+Tab , it always crashes
When I press Shift+Tab , it crashes
Works pretty well.
Sound effects (gunfire, hints, voices, etc.) were missing one time for a whole mission. It was resolved after starting the next.
Some of the text in the menu dialogues are cut off - only a single letter is displayed.
When the time scale is changed to slow motion, the period of slow motion drags on longer than what is seen by the host. Then the game fast forwards to catch up to the host, and it is very easy to get killed during the fast forward.
Audio stopped and didn't start playing again even after restarting the game
Game freezes briefly after creating a lobby
All other versions of proton seemed to crash at/directly after the lobby screen
Runs absolutely smooth without a hitch!
Perfectly playable, but has minor text artifacts here and there.
Text is sometimes cut off, displaying just a single letter. The bug is shared across all Source engine games, including CS:GO.
Works perfectly out of the box
Mouse sensitivity was very high, couldn't remedy
It works the same on Windows (even with the same bugs), perfectly playable.
Normal Alien Swarm bug, change resolution and crash (occurs on Windows too)
Alien Swarm always crashes for no reason or when it minimizes the game, no matter what OS. But it's still playable.
Works out of the box as if it was native
No performance issues during a singleplayer campaign with bots. Game is locked to 100FPS by default and my hardware had no troubles keeping that at all times.
400+ gameplay hours with 0 modifications or launch args. In my view no special Proton version or launch arguments are necessary.
Works out of the box, great game to play with friends.
Works perfectly

Doesn't open
Install and everything, but doesn't open

A few fps drop
Game launches and stops after a few second (nothing is displayed); had to add same launch options as "Among Us" to solve issue : PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Using this, it was able to start and worked nicely.

Didn't work with nouveau drivers, had to install nvidia's drivers for debian
runs out-of-the-box very good
Sometimes little tweaking/workaround with desktop resolutions is necessary. The games likes native resolution with fullscreen or any in window mode.
Runs flawlessly out of the box
This games runs well with proton 4.11-13
I am surprised in knowing that this game doesn't have a linux port since it uses source engine.