Proton-6.18-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
The game's in game menu resolution only goes up to 1920x1080 so you need to edit the config file in the Steam user data folder for higher resolutions if you want borderless to fill your screen.
Sometimes alt tabbing would cause the controller to become unresponsive, turning off the Steam overlay seemed to fix this.
The game binaries require hex edits to launch properly which are listed by other users. Despite doing all that and figuring out which proton versions actually worked with it the game completely locked up multiple times during mission 2 forcing a termination.
Proton 6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Sometimes the audio won't work on startup and will require you to restart the game multiple times until it starts working. Once it starts though it's perfect throughout.
6.15-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Previously there were issues with needing to edit some config files and the launcher would have some issues but the latest Proton GE version has fixed all the issues. Should just be able to launch and play.
Game launched fine but with complete hardware and software lockups.
Complete lockups
Massive lock ups every 15 or so seconds causing both software and hardware to lock up.
Tried with both 6.3-8 and Experimental with everything up to date.
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
As of the most recent game update, there has been pretty drastic foliage artifacting. This can be fixed by launching the game with "RADV_DEBUG=llvm %command%" as the Steam launch option if you're using an AMD GPU.
For Nvidia Users, the only fix so far seems to be downgrading the game version. I've seen posts on how to do this but don't know how to do it myself so try searching on the Steam discussion forums or Reddit.
Worked 100% fine out of the box with that GE version. Including playing on servers with crazy mods.
6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Failing to launch
Tried with Proton Experimental, 5.13-4 and 5.0-10
Using the launch options RADV_PERFTEST=aco PROTON_USE_SECCOMP=1 %command% the game runs as well as it does on windows but unfortunately with my hardware it runs quite poorly when using DX11 while it runs great in DX12 on windows so I'm getting DX11 performance on Manjaro despite trying to force DX12 on in config.
Ran perfectly fine with no issues with 5.13-6
Earlier Proton versions including previous GE builds would be met with problems playing the .wmv pre-rendered video files requiring you to install WMP11 via protontricks, however, this version of proton (6.5-GE-1) supports those files properly without needing protontricks
The game ran flawlessly when switching to experimental. No stuttering or crashing after 10+ hours of gametime.
protontricks 21690 -q wmp11
Follow this guide to remove the GFWL launcher:
Works great with the mentioned Proton version, Proton 5+ did cause issues with stuttering in cut scenes and some graphical glitches.
protontricks 221040 -q wmp11
Game crashing as soon as the Capcom logo appears (After steam overlay initiation)
Tried with: Proton 6.5-GE-1 Proton 6.3-2 Proton 5.13-6 Proton 5.0-10
All result in the same crash
Like nearly all Resident Evil games on Steam:
protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
As the game uses .wmv video files for its cutscenes.
Crashes right after the window loads
Tried Proton versions: 5.0-10, 5.13-6, 6.3-2, 5.21-GE-1, 6.5-GE-2 Using PROTON_USE_VKD3D=1 as the game requires DX12
Went through a lot of trial and error to get the game working but the protontricks line is what did it for me
protontricks 244850 dotnet48
There is a Linux patch here:
However I couldn't get past the .net installation part so I removed the prefix, did a fresh install and just installed dotnet48 through protontricks and the game worked fine. Not sure if it will work for everyone so you may have to tinker more depending on other things installed.
Played for about 8 hours with no issues what so ever.
Played with a controller and experienced no graphical, sound, input or other game issues.
Fixed audio by editing the game's .ini in %steamlibrary%/steamapps/compatdata/638970/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application Data/Sega/Yakuza0/audio.ini
Fixed fullscreen by switching to borderless in the game's .ini %steamlibrary%/steamapps/compatdata/638970/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Application Data/Sega/Yakuza0/graphics.ini
Might have to change some ini settings in the games install for settings to apply properly and I had to match the .ini's refresh and framerate to my system's which then ran as smooth as butter
I couldn't even get to the main menu using standard Proton versions but the GE version worked like a charm without any issues.
I've nearly played 10 hours and none of the cutscenes have had any audio syncing issues as others have stated so hopefully that keeps up with this version of Proton.