gamemoderun %command%

Had to assign mouse click to button to navigate launcher
When resuming from sleep mode occassionaly had no audio, couldn't replicate consistently but only seemed to happen about 5% of the time. Fixed by restarting the game.
When using turn based mode from Memoria launcher, the game would crash when resuming from sleep mode.
Mostly works fine at 60fps and with mods. Occasional audio loss on waking from sleep. If turn based mod is turned on it will crash on waking from sleep mode
The Reason I even replayed this game was to see what Moguri Mod can do, and I'm not disappointed

Run it with the moguri mod for bezter experience!
On handheld mode 5 tdp, runs smoothly 60fps, on dock mode 8tdp fhd 60fps smoothly
Game works out of the box without problems, ive installed the moguri mod for better experience (qol, visual upgrading (16:9 rendered background, better character models)

gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes freezes indefinitely when switching to other windows on Sway WM.
Tried both the vanilla game and the Memoria engine and both run great. The Memoria installer was confused with Proton-GE so I had to make sure to use regular Proton for the installation to work.
Had some troubles playing in the beginning (see old report), but after restarting Steam the game worked without problems.

Square Enix game launcher is very unstable and freezes most of the times. Had to set the screen resolution via the game settings file
Only playable on low resolution (768x640), disabling window mode leads to crash
The game runs with default Proton, but only on 768x640 screen resolution. Higher resolutions or disabling windowed mode leads to the game crashing after pressing Play. The Square Enix launcher is very unstable after starting the game from Steam. In order to try out different screen resolutions I had to change the settings in the Settings.ini
, found in ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/FINAL FANTASY IX
I also tried out GE-Proton9-7, which leads to an instant crash skipping the Game launcher.
Only played the first scene, unfortunately it is not really fun with that small window. As other people have more success I assume my system may be responsible.

works like charm funny, that we can play ported Playstation to PC game, in its turn ported to Linux
Funcionou perfeito sem qualquer alteração!
The game runs perfectly.

Must launch once from desktop mode before it will work in gaming mode.
game is hard coded to a 30fps limit. solid 30fps with tdp limit 3W 30fps and gpu clock locked at 200Mhz.
First time launch must be from desktop mode then it will work in gaming mode.
I also tried a bunch of different Proton versions, including Proton GE. It crashes when it goes to render in game without Moduri mod on Steam Deck. With Moduri mode, the game loads, background music plays, and the menu works, but I don't get any 3d models, or backgrounds. Just a black screen. It doesn't work with Moduri mod either.
black screen
Without Moduri mod, it crashes whenever I enter the game
Yet another classic Final Fantasy game. Worked without any issues. Just install and enjoy!
changed X and O buttons

No issue with default steam version. However give a look to mogurimod (not tested yet)
Runs perfectly with no problems
I've installed MoguriMod, the instructions can be found online.

replaces some textures with moguri mod textures
Installed the moguri mod but just the textures. Theres some glitches with widescreen on certain cutscenes but i just played in 4:3
Checkboxes in the launcher don't show if they're checked or not, but they do work otherwise and the launch button works.
gane can use low tdp
First launch needs to be done on desktop mode or the system will hang. After the initial start up on desktop mode, game mode is able to open the launcher up absolutely fine, and you'll need to use touch or steam button + trackpad mouse controls to start it.
Installing MoguriMod (8.3) requires some tinkering, I recommend following the video posted by Aru. Additionally, I had to manually delete the file \steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY IX\MoguriFiles\StreamingAssets\ma\mbg116.bytes, otherwise the game would crash after one of the final cutscenes (known MogurMod bug).
Rarely the sound would crackle briefly, it always happened when sudden spikes in frametime were detected.
In general it works pretty much as expected after installing MoguriMod (8.3), I recommend following the video posted by Aru to install the mod on the Steam Deck.
I had to delete the file mbg116.bytes, as the game crashes towards the end otherwise, as explained in: https://sites.google.com/view/moguri-mod/support.
no problems so far
MoguriMod install tutorial for the Steam Deck, see here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n0YNgha9h1E
The tutorial video should mostly apply to other Linux distros too.
In the event the game crashes at the final cut-scene this is a known bug with the mod. A fix can be found here: https://github.com/Albeoris/Memoria/issues/142#issuecomment-677456708
So after applying the fix just select the "Continue" option at the main menu and you will get taken to the cut scene right before it previously crashed. So no real progress will be lost.

Moguri Mod:
- Create a new prefix
WINEPREFIX=~/moguri winecfg
- Make a symlink to FF9 files
ln -s ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/FINAL\ FANTASY\ IX/ ~/moguri/drive_c/FF9
- Launch the installer from wineconsole
WINEPREFIX=~/moguri wineconsole
Install in
Remove the prefix
rm -r ~/moguri/
- Enjoy!

5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
Supposedly, the cloud saves automatically upload when closing the game. However, this didn't happen to me, I had to manually upload them in the main menu.
The game crashed right after the final boss, leaving me unable to finish the game. However, this only happened with the Moguri mod installed. After disabling the mod, I could finish the game no problem.
If you want to use the Moguri mod (I highly recommend it), you can follow this reddit thread to make it work.
The mod launcher never opened for me when launching the game (Steam boots FFIX right away), but you can access it with
wine path/to/FFIX directory/FF9_Launcher.exe
The game runs out of the box. Just hit play.
Moguri Mod also works.
It worked just fine with GloriousEggroll (the normal proton did not start)
It was a bit janky to switch workspaces.
A guide for an HD version: https://gist.github.com/Eoin-ONeill-Yokai/5016e28506071165578eb8c181700b0f There were some unfortunate crashes with it but might be worth it for some
Completed the entire game with a controller. Encountered no issues, even backing up saves with their built-in tool worked flawlessly.

Works perfectly.
Nintendo controller is treated like an XBox controller, so all the buttons are backwards in the menus. This is a problem many games haven't addressed, with the assumption everyone on PC uses Microsoft gamepads.