Runs out of the box ON X.ORG/X11. Graphic glitches on Wayland.
tbh protondb needs to add an "on wayland" option for these reports now. Like I and many others said, the game runs out of the box on X11 but on wayland it's unplayable. If you need an example as to why, see this photo I took of my screen: https://i.imgur.com/HlEGP7Y.png If links arent allowed or you simply dont want to click, then just imagine gigantic black pixels all over the main menu. This problem went away completely when switching to my x11 session.
Runs out of the box on the Deck, but bad code leads to the Steam Deck running it not so well. Doitsujin's patch is recommended.
Add this patch on the deck to gain some fps, not a linux related issue: https://github.com/doitsujin/atelier-sync-fix
Launches fine and is playable if you dont mind the load-stutter. DSFix is basically mandatory. Everyone used it on windows too so whatever.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command%
loading causes framedrops without DSFix
Get DSFix from Nexus Mods, add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="dinput8=n,b" %command% to launch options on steam, enjoy.
Game runs fine out of the box (if youre not using wayland). Framerate drops in menus for some reason to about 40fps. 60fps during gameplay though. Occasionally can cause your DE to freeze (this happened to me multiple times on gnome 3 classic and xfce4).
GloriousEggroll saving the day as usual.
Logitech RumblePad 2 not detected. Other controllers may work.
Works out of the box. No issues
Coop Mod also works if you add it as a non-steam game and use the same proton prefix.
Even with the Coop mod theres no issues. Feels like a native game.
Works out of the box.
The developers were obviously thinking about proton compatibility as a Linux native port and Steam deck compatibility were announced already far before release.
taskset -c 1-8 %command%
Added this mod for 2k res and 60fps: https://github.com/Banz99/Final-Fantasy-Type-0-Hd-Unlocker
It's a lazy port so most of this tinkering would be necessary on windows too.
(DEMO tested pre-launch). It displays a false error on launch claiming my drivers aren't compatible, then launches anyways. Performance was alright 99% of the time, with some dips. Without GE-Proton there were weird graphical glitches so I highly recommend not using Valve's vanilla proton.
Works well enough with GE-Proton but the performance problems are a bit annoying. (Game isn't well optimized). Not the fault of linux afaik.
Work out of the box but you must set the Proton version to 8, otherwise it will crash at every cutscene.
Runs like native. No issues (Game version 1.0.3)
Could launch and play with no issues. Some Steam reviews mention something about crashes during the intro before the title screen on inputs but that did not happen either.
Runs like native. No issues (Game version 1.0.3)
Could launch and play with no issues. Some Steam reviews mention something about crashes during the intro before the title screen on inputs but that did not happen either.
Another report after having finished all the quests. Game runs perfectly!
Amazing game and great compatibility with linux.
Works out of the box.
Problems it does have aren't due to Linux compatibility issues. (Mainly crashing while opening a new scene)
Works technically out of th box. But the crashes require a bit of tinkering with Linux itself. Certain settings also improve performance.
Added these lines at the end of the file /steamapps/compatdata/990080/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/Hogwarts Legacy/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini:
[SystemSettings] r.bForceCPUAccessToGPUSkinVerts=True r.GTSyncType=1 r.OneFrameThreadLag=1 r.FinishCurrentFrame=0 r.TextureStreaming=1 r.Streaming.PoolSize=3072 r.Streaming.LimitPoolSizeToVRAM=1
[ConsoleVariables] AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesDuringGamethreadUpdates=1 AllowAsyncRenderThreadUpdatesEditor=1
Crashes caused by max_map_count in the OS being too low. Fixed by adding "m.max_map_count = 1000000" to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting.
Overall "ok" but if you want a performance boost with Nvidia GPUs def add this environment variable which sets nvidia shader cache size within /etc/profile.d/nvidia_shader_cache_size.sh with following content: "export __GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_SKIP_CLEANUP=1"
Also as stated before, without the max_map fix the game crashes every few loading screens!
After copying the files in KingdomComeDeliverance/Bin/Win64Shared to Win64 and setting the launch options to "PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%" the game ran perfectly. Before doing these two things, I was getting crashes shortly after launching it/only seeing black but hearing audio.
Not sure why only I have this problem, but it doesn't work with Proton 9.
7.0rc3-GE-1 GloriousEggroll https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/tag/7.0rc3-GE-1
Massive drop in average FPS makes this game unplayable to me since Sunbreak. No problems before that.
Performance took a gigantic hit ever since the Sunbreak update. I get 120 fps on windows but only 10-30 fps on Linux now. I don't have this problem with any other game.
Runs well with the custom Proton Pack. For why I'm actually submitting this report, see my extra notes below.
Proton-5.0-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
light stutter when the game loads something new into cache
Custom proton, which is required: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom
Good news: Monhun with proton is compatible with MODS. Yes you can use them.
Stacker's Loader is required for that, if you look on nexusmods. This requires the latest visual c++ redistributable by microsoft. After you've set up the custom proton version from github. Install the VC_redist like so:
env WINEPREFIX="/home/USER/.steam/debian-installation/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-5.0-GE-1/dist/share/default_pfx/" WINEPATH="/home/USER/.steam/debian-installation/compatibilitytools.d/Proton-5.0-GE-1/dist/bin/wine64/" wine /path/to/VC_redist.x64.exe
After the installation you can add mods manually like any windows user would in /.../Monster Hunter World/nativePC. I did not test nexusmods' modmanager for this. But it's not necessary at all so why bother?
I hope this helps some people who've been missing mod support for their proton monhun experience ;)
cutscenes have an audio sync problem
Game does not launch for me without downgrading proton for some reason. DirectX errors would occur if I would try to launch at anything higher than 5.13-6.
Consistently crashes after the first hunt after a few minutes.
The beta didn't get my hopes up. Might need to refund this if it still crashes my DE on launch day.
Needed to get Mods to work (Stacker's Launcher). Install VC_redist.exe via protontricks.
Requires tinkering if you want mods to work. Make sure to rename hid.dll to dtdata.dll to avoid the launch-crash.
Run out of the box. No issues after 7 hours of playing non-stop shortly after release.
game is badly optimized right now. Unrelated to linux gaming in this case but I thought I'd mention it anyways.
Game launcher works but clicking on "start" launches nothing
Performance is horrible but I'm not sure thats due to running it on Linux. Game doesn't recognize VRAM without launch options.
drops from 100fps to below 30fps sometimes at seemingly random things like looking into the direction of mirrors
Bad experience in my opinion and I won't continue playing the game either. But it is "playable" if you're okay with the subpar experience this port provides. I'd still suggest just emulating the ps3 version instead.
The launch options help but are not necessary. Proton version had to be set to experimental or it didn't launch. GE-Proton works too and was my first 15 hours before testing other Proton versions.
Works flawlessly
Small sidenote: The mod that removes the weird film grain filter causes water to flicker in crazy colours which might cause seizures. Other mods worked fine.
Runs perfectly. Tested with GE-Proton but should probably work with vanilla Proton too.
Works out of the box
Lag when finishing battles
Weird lags afer battles make me think theres needs to be added a fix
It works but the late game will present you with significant stuttering due to shader buffer
The game seems fine at first but the stutters after battles and after certain attacks and effects get VERY severe in the late game. This seems to be a shader buffer problem. It went down to single digits in some of the last fights.
Runs out of the box. Everything set to low and upscaling strongly recommended.
EA Launcher seemed to cause trouble within Steam Deck UI so I tried Desktop mode which worked better. After that launching within Steam Deck UI wasnt a Problem anymore.
Videofiles don't seem to work and are replaced by an error image. Seems like the devs expected this on Steam Deck so it at least wouldn't crash the game.
The video file issues might be solved by using Proton-GE: https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases/tag/GE-Proton7-49 They're mostly only needed for tutorial videos so if you don't need those you don't have to bother.
Using normal Proton causes the video files to not play correctly. Using Proton-GE fixes this.
You might need to wait a while for the game to actually launch after the EA stuff. Just be patient and it'll launch the game.
Works after copying the .exe of the CRACK to the game directory (deleting the original .exe). This gets rid of the game's DRM (besides steam itself). After that the game starts, but you have to turn off "postprocessing" in the graphics settings as well, because of the graphical glitches it causes.