Runs great on max graphics settings.
40hz/40fps mode
Menu's need to be accessed via trackpad and right trigger
Just works great out of the box
40hz/40fps mode
Just runs really well, played the whole campaign with proton.
Faces add white or black spickles on them, but this was extremely rare
Works great out of the box and has full controller support even vibration
Changed the screen refreshrate to 40hz and framrate lock to 40fps
Runs absolutely great and looks great too!
40hz/40fps mode.
Text might be a bit too small. Still readable but not comfortable.
With TDP limit, GPU Clock Limit, Non-demanding settings on High/Ultra it still run great on 40fps with a TDP hovering around 11~13W
Works out of the box
Changed screen refreshrate to 40hz and framerate lock to 40fps
I installed ReVC to have better controller support and more game settings. Without it will work but doesnt look as and controls as good.
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="d3d8=n,b" %command%
Changed so that i can crouch via the back grip buttons.
Changed refreshrate to 40hz and framerate lock to 40fps
In the controller settings I used the classic controls instead of standard controls. This way you get target autolock just like on consoles.
Just works out of the box. Great experience.
40hz/40fps mode
Just works out of the box. Great experience and great controller support.
40hz/40fps mode - medium settings
Need to use touch in the game launcher
First played without any launch properties. That caused some stutter and fluctation in FPS. With the additional launch properties this was completely gone and the FPS was smooth.
Works great out of the box. The menu has no controller support. You will have to navigate through it with the mouse trackpad
Changed the back grip buttons to crouch.
Changed the screen refresh rate to 40hz and framerate lock to 40fps
40hz/40fps mode
Runs really well, here and there some fps drops. Overall very steady.
Sometimes some fps drops
Changed the screen refresh rate to 40hz and framerate lock to 40fps.
I have it installed on the micro-sd card. When driving fast or sprinting sometimes new areas/chunks that need to load makes the game stutter. I will try to move it to the SSD/internal storage to see if there is any difference.
Works out of the box
Changed refreshrate to 40hz and framerate lock to 40fps
I installed it perfectly fine. The origin launcher was no problem at all. I even installed all the DLC via the Anadius Updater via wine.
It went in to fullscreen but somehow went outside the monitor and couldn't focus on it anymore. Fullscreen borderless works perfectly.
Works great out of the box
40hz/40fps, medium settings FXAA
Requires touch to configure configuration panel on startup. But is accessible with controller support (a yellow box is shown for focus). Need to press play here.
After the intro videos a startup scene is shown with a button to start playing. This button is only accessible through touch. The rest of the menu is accessible through the controller controls.