Works good, one slight annoying issue tho
Maximized window would mess up the cursor, seems offset
You can play the game maximized, yes, but there is an annoying cursor offset. Just play the game on a smaller window (optionally play on fullscreen)
Works better than Windows 10 on my dual boot pc
Played on Dust 2 on Windows 10 and Linux, local and official servers.
Windows 10 (local): weird 20-40 fps lock
Windows 10 (server): jumps from 30-50 fps to 120, then back to 30-50
Linux (local): 50-80 fps
Linux (server): 70-100 fps
Overall, I prefer to play CS2 on Linux
Replaced game dlls with https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzhrrXphObwhHeWqUqJeJWFoHU3UfOzS/view (fixes lightning)
Alt tabbing would make the mouse move wrong, change brightness and apply to fix (quick restart)
Every 20-40 minutes there would be a freeze for 0.5-1.5 seconds, not a huge deal
Enable Proton 5.13-6, Lightning is broken on start so download the dlls from the link, replace client.dll and hw.dll, place opengp32.dll near opengl32.dll
Linux's tradeoffs are: New bugs such as the entire map youre on becomes white Light freezing (every 20-40 minutes but it freezes atleast for 0.5-1.5 seconds)
A fix for most of the issues that could happen through your game is just changing the brightness and applying (quick restarting), it causes the game to restart. Quick restarting the game on linux is much much faster than windows so go for it (Windows takes around 25 seconds, meanwhile linux atleast 5 seconds)
Replaced in-game dlls with the ones from here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DzhrrXphObwhHeWqUqJeJWFoHU3UfOzS/view?pli=1 (fixes lightning issues)
It seems as going through some level transitions has a chance of making the entire level white, although this can be fixed by changing brightness and applying (quick restarting the game)
Alt tabbing messes up mouse, change brightness and apply to fix (quick restart)
Light freezing, not a huge issue
Without the lightning fix, its impossible to play the game
The hands and weapons you hold are transparent
Mouse acceleration, turned it off by downloading a patch
Get mouse acceleration fix, and you're good to go. All though the hands and weapons are transparent...
+fovy 75
Alt tabbing for a long period of time (>3 minutes?) makes strange artifacts on the screen. Restarting the game fixes it
Mouse acceleration. Fixed by installing a patch
I've read somewhere that switching to Proton 4 fixes the invisible hands and weapons glitch for F.E.A.R. 1, and at the same time I know that F.E.A.R. 2's engine is the same as 1, just slightly upgraded. Tried switching and, works perfectly! Install the mouse acceleration fix (https://www.moddb.com/downloads/fear-2-mousefix-v103) and you should be good to go!
options.cfg -fov:95 -motionblurscale:0.0 -noptt
If you have issues with the aim (seems off, like as if its mouse acceleration) DISABLE AIM ASSIST. This is the stupidest setting ever and doesn't label it self like a huge issue but it really is one
options.cfg -fov:95 -motionblurscale:0.0 -noptt
Aim assist messed with the aim, disable it
Windows save doesn't carry over to linux and vice versa (Level/campaign progression, player level and such don't save)
Played with a friend. I was hosting the server and he was on windows, overall it was perfect. Most desyncs happen tho (such as incorrect player position and enemy position) but theyre not that bad and could just be ping issues. We also tried playing on his server and it was perfect too.
Really fun game to play with a friend and it works just like on windows if you are on linux
Played with a friend, seems to work perfectly
Without GModCEFCodecFix the game seems to just crash on x86-64 and without x86-64 the game runs out of memory eventually
It's a Half-Life mod so nothing too serious, although the font is different on Linux
Native! Quite spooky game and doesn't need any tinkering to play
I suggest enabling vsync because this is one of the last games I expected to make my GPU hotter than it should
Quite sure that disabling shader pre-caching makes the first 3 minutes of gameplay very stuttery, but after that everything is fine
Works as great as on Windows, played Arena so far
Opening the menu to for example change settings seems to show the taskbar for a split second but its just a visual bug so it isnt too bad
Having "Force Full Compostion Pipeline" enabled on Nvidia X Server Settings makes the game feel a bit stuttery, quite delayed and some screen tearing was seen, disabling it seems to fix and there is no screen tearing
Great game, great performance
Disabled PhysX. The game stutters at times, but it's most likely because the game is loading so many things at once. Had screen tearing but restarting seems to have fixed it somehow (enabled and disabled physx? maybe vsync too)
gamemoderun %command%
The game was fullscreened on 1280x1024 (which either the game or my monitor didnt support?) and gave me a blackscreen, had to put -window on launch options to fix it. Oh and also changing resolution messes around with the HUD and everything so restart the game when you do so
Minor stuttering, "fps_max 120" on console fixes some of it (atleast for me)
Not sure if this is a bug or anything but there is a "Adjust brightness levels..." option in the Video settings and it works?? I don't remember it existing when I last played on Windows
Just perfect
A bit more lag because your computer is handling the server but it still works quite decently
Native port constantly crashes, if im sure Proton 9 fixed everything because I clearly remember last year trying NMRIH and nothing worked
Works out of the box if you play on 5.13-6, switching to a higher proton version gives a black screen
Playing on linux seems to be better than on windows? The animations look better on linux but not quite sure about the movement
Works out of the box, short mod but pretty fun
Mouse sensitivty was really random so I had to enable "Raw input" in the mouse settings
There was a little bit of stuttering so I had to do "fps_max 120" in the console
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 %command%
Works great, load times are surely faster than on windows
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 mangohud %command%
Screen tearing no matter what settings I put, but eventually got used to it
gamemoderun %command%
Do not use the Native port, it is so much worse, fps goes down by a lot and has lag spikes everywhere. Using proton 8.0-4 seems to work a lot more better and even on the laggiest map (Summer in Cairo) im getting 50-60 fps on 1080p ultra settings
Screen tearing, fixed by /gap_iSwapInterval=1 in the console (F1 in-game)
Works like on Windows
All audio seems to be gone, background sound plays but doesn't loop
Because of the slowdowns the character moves slower (makes some parts more easier but some impossible)
Game seems to get extreme slowdowns at times
I have tried putting other proton versions but it doesn't seem to fix anything, going higher than 5.13-6 seems to amplify the slowdowns even
Works perfectly
Played with a friend that had windows 10, connection was perfect, everything was synced and over all good
It's ok, definently can play through the whole game but the screen tearing is terrible (atleast on my computer)
Awful screen tearing, disable the composition pipeline
Really laggy but still playable
The game would constantly lag on random places and it was annoying, I am so sure the Windows version was more optimized. There are no crashes to be seen UNLESS if I had "Force Composition Pipeline" enabled in Nvidia X Server Settings
Disable "Force Composition Pipeline" in Nvidia X Server Settings for better performance
Works out of the box
Going to windowed mode doesn't work (alt-enter), you have to play on fullscreen otherwise the game is just a black screen