No gameplay issues at all, everything runs great even on highest graphical settings.
Got a strange error on first install, saying that the launcher failed to install, though everything seems to work fine regardless - all launcher features are available and working.
To get the game to run it required changing the DirectXVersion to 9 - and installing the provided DirectX redist into the prefix. Plenty of other comments have detailed the exact procedure. With the DirectX changes applied though the game seems to run with native-like performance and without a lack of visible issues.
With the UPlay Overlay disabled, and UPlay launched in offline mode, the game will run. It's certainly playable, though the missing Multiplayer is a bit of a bummer
Have had to skip the launcher as it errors about not finding a file (gamedata.dat). Multiplayer completely refuses to work. Audio (XAudio) is also bit glitchy.
UPlay overlay has to be disabled for the game to launch properly, and using anything but windowed mode puts black bars on the top and the bottom of the screen. Apart from those two minor issues it's been running perfectly fine.
The game won't launch unless you use Wine D3D, at that point menus all work perfectly fine, but actually launching the game results in a crash with the message "Bad FPU Control Word"
Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST GloriousEggroll
Complete and utter silence.
The game - while perfectly playable - runs at a rather slow but steady framerate. Entering the region map freezes on a white screen for several seconds.
Sound issues involving clicking and no audio scaling - distance- or settings-wise. Apart from that it runs perfectly fine.
The Broken Worlds patch and Legendary Edition mod also seem to work perfectly fine. Only played single-player so far.
Very occasional freezes, and the intro video is broken, but apart from that it's both playable and enjoyable.
Audio froze into a short loop after over four hours of playing. Might be related to a massive number of simultaneous sounds trying to play.
Direct3D mode fails to run in Windowed mode, requires the use of full-screen
The game seems to freeze randomly (2 times over 4+ hours of playing), requiring a force closure and a relaunch.
To get the in-game music and video to work, you need to use protontricks/winetricks to add amstream
and quartz
Proton-6.5-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Replaced the Launcher/eg2.exe
file with a symlink to ../bin/evilgenius_vulkan.exe
- as the Launcher crashes hard
Runs well, including with perfect support for my X56 HOTAS
Seems that Wine isn't mapping HOTAS binds in the exact same order as what the game expects, some of the binding names were off from what actual axis/button they represented once bound.
The game runs like a charm even on all Ultra settings, not quite hitting a constant 60FPS on my RX580, but near enough to not be noticeable.
Runs amazingly well, the only real thing that hints at it not being truly native is the Windows classic theming of the launcher settings.
Played some custom games on randomly generated maps, everything works fine on very high graphics and full-screen mode. No issues when tabbing either.
Played through the entire campaign on ultra settings, didn't notice any slowdowns or issues.
Runs great with no noticed in-game issues, perfect performance with borderless and ultra graphics.
Apparently automatic settings seem to default to very low graphics, including amusing GPU memory calculations that seem to estimate usages way into the negatives when looking at some settings.
The loading screens are rather stuttery, and in fact sometimes freeze completely for half a second or so, though that might just be my slow HDD. Apart from that minor issue the game runs flawlessly.
Runs perfectly fine
The game unfortunately isn't friendly to 16:10 resolutions, with some letterboxing in fullscreen.
6.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Hossin seemed to give me some occasional freezes, going to have to do some more testing.
Runs fine, HOTAS input works fine with my X56, even if the game in no way uses it to its full extent. Enjoyable flying nonetheless.
Had to install d3dcompiler_47 with protontricks 895870 d3dcompiler_47
to fix an error on launch
The game runs well except with dips when passing near/through heavy particles, like clouds or exhaust smoke. This seems to not be a Linux-specific issue though, as I'm seeing reports - albeit few - about clouds causing slowdowns in Windows as well.
The game seems to launch to a completely black screen, just pressing escape is enough to get it to continue on to the menu though.
Requires d3dcompiler_47
to run, can be installed with protontricks 895870 d3dcompiler_47
Cursor was glitchy, but switching to system cursor in video options solved that. Played through a full match without any other issues
Followed the guide at - movies are missing, loading times are a bit long, and some other minor issues exist in menus, but the game itself seems to play perfectly fine.
Runs surprisingly well on Deck, apart from the known AMDGPU issue with grass
Grass causes the game to crash when on planets, you need to lower grass density to 0 in graphics settings
There is a broken intro video (black screen) after the Space Engineers splash screen, pressing any button skips past it and to the main menu
Note that for some mods to work (WeaponCore among them) it'll be necessary to use winetricks/protontricks to install dotnet48 - and potentially also xact
Launcher works fine, the game launches and plays without issue though it will stutter a bit without the poe stutter fix.
The game runs fine, no performance issues or glitches that I could see, though the mouse slowly drifts to the side when pressing a button. Nothing that makes the game unplayable, though it gets a bit annoying when trying to do things that require precision.
Ran through the full demo without issue, didn't notice any that seemed out of place - no stutters, no performance issues.
Runs great, surprisingly no issues with Origin either.
Using both fsync and futex2, but should work just fine without those too.
The launcher seems to perform its task perfectly, the game updates and launches fine, gameplay is steady and performance is good, though some audio is missing unless you install a FAudio build with FFMPEG support built-in.