Game works on Ubuntu 24.04 much better than on Windows
The game simply crashed on Windows 11. Then tested on Ubuntu 23.10 and afterwards 24.04. Works out of the box, not weird things happening. There is a video recording to showcase and give an idea how it works here:
game ran flawlessly - only singleplayer briefly tested
Worked out of the box.
I run tiling WM, and running game initially creates a tiny window - I have to push it to fullscreen manually. If, during gameplay, I try to resize the window it'll again take on that tiny form; resizing it to fullscreen afterwards will leave UI elements (such as radar) disproportionally small.
Works out of the box with Proton 6.X+
I don't think this has anything to do with Proton, but there are a lot of sound effects that are absolutely deafening and will play far louder than they should.
For whatever reason, when you Alt+Tab out of the game, it sets itself to an incredibly tiny windowed mode. You just need to Alt+Enter to make it full screen again though.
In some missions, framerate dropped considerably, though I'm not sure as to why.
Everything work fine now, except that I can't regroup unit with ctrl + F(x)... Due to XFCE ? French Keyboard ?
Unable to regroup unit with ctrl + F(x)....
Proton-6.1-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
worked fine after changing to proton 5.13 and some other changes. it doesn't work out of the box though.
sound=pulse was needed
screenshot(f12) locked program then crashed.
had to make the usual changes but it worked fine after that.
Works out of the box with Proton Proton 5.13-1. I have been able to play skirmish, did not try Campaign or Multiplayer yet.
BAD fpu control word
Game starts, with audio, then dies
I had so many hopes for this after the recent Proton patches, but it's still borked.
Game starts perfectly, once you start the mission it crashes, Bad FPU control word.
Started the game no problem, watched all the intro videos even got to listen to the pre mission briefings, as soon at you start mission it crashes giving you a message of Bad FPU control word.
SO CLOSE but then Bad FPU Word
Proton 5.0
Does not launch at all.
Does not launch at all, even with some tinkering.
Still the same "FP Error".
I followed the link to the BZforum from the previous report. The forum post mentions how dbghelp.dll and msvcr90.dll need to be loaded into Wine. Using protontricks (, I have loaded those two into my BZII env but this does not fix the infamous "FP Error: Bad FPU Control Word". The forum post discusses version while the current Steam version is 2.0.185, so perhaps some other libraries are now needed.
I can reach the home screen and navigate all menus. But when trying to start up any missions or maps, game will crash out and display dialogue box with "FP Error: Bad FPU Control Word".
This BZ Forum post from 2014 could be a potential fix to the issue, but I haven't had time to fully investigate it yet:
With Proton 4.2-5, I can reach home screen and navigate all menus. But when trying to start up any missions or maps, game will crash out and display dialogue box with "FP Error: Bad FPU Control Word".
Same error as others' attempts: "Bad FPU Control World" when launching a mission. This was only tested with the single-player, and appeared to crash the moment the loading screen completed; although the sound clip that accompanies that screen happily played through to the end, a good 20 seconds after the crash.
The game runs with and without Wine D3D if multisampling disabled in game settings. Menus seems to work, but game fails to started, crashing with message "Bad FPU Control Word"
- Test with "Vanilla Proton": Launching game goes to a black screen and no further. |
- Test with "Disable Esync": Same result as Test 1. |
- Test with "Disable D3D11": Lauching game fails with "DirectX failed to initialize. This game requires at least a DirectX 11 level graphics card, and version on windows which supports DirectX 11". |
- Test with "Wine D3D11": Launches game successfully, plays intro movie, allows you to navigate all menus and sub-menus, but trying to start a mission/ map causes game to fail with error "Bad FPU Control Work". |
- Test with "Wine D3D11" and "Disable Esync": Same result as Test 4.
The game won't launch unless you use Wine D3D, at that point menus all work perfectly fine, but actually launching the game results in a crash with the message "Bad FPU Control Word"
Black screen but game don't start.