Mr Daylight
Suddenly broke
Was working for a few days but now it stalls on the first loading screen with the red logo on the bottom right.
Questionable performance in some areas. Very difficult to stream or record it at decent FPS but should be enjoyable enough standalone.
Bad performance for such a simple looking game but should be playable from start to finish with no serious glitches. The online part is borderline unplayable lag but that's nothing to do with proton it's just like that.
Barely playable @ 720p 30fps
Huge FPS drops in certain menus
You could complete the game but performance is so bad that I wouldn't recommend it with this hardware/setup. Wait for patches to the game, proton and all of its technologies. Would want to at least hit its official recommended specs for a decent experience.
nothing works
Virtual desktop got the intro sound and window to render but the contents were garbage visuals. Completely unplayable and tried dozens of combinations of settings steam tinker launcher.
No linux specific problems. Not recommended to run on a hard disk drive however. Will increase load screen time exponentially as well as hurt the general FPS and frame timing when in-game. Played on low settings @ 720p.
Gold and Plat ratings are extremely misleading. Game crashes due to mfplat in upgrade scene, post-credits cutscene and I tried the fix for mfplat: it doesn't work and another linux friend of mine who tried it with no success, too. Cutscenes have desync'd audio/video.
Until there's a native fix for the mfplat issue this game is woefully misrepresented because any DMC fans knows the real game starts AFTER the credits where you grind out to become the best - not something you can do with the game in this state. Patiently awaiting stronger proton to handle malarkey like this.
Newer proton versions cause extremely long loading screeens in freelancer. Went from 2 minutes to less than 10 seconds by using v8 of GE. Also some texture flickering on latest & experimental. DLSS doesn't work, you just get jumbled mess.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=0 %command% FPS varies wildly depending on level or areas within level. Minimum graphics @ 720p should give you fairly nice performance for such a heavy game. Gamepad seemed to react dynamically (switching from KB/M seamless). Never got matched up for the PvP mode so can't comment on that.
Practically perfect just how I remember it. Only issue (which isn't linux specific) is the mouse sensitivity is quite whack. If you want it to be slower in-game it'll cause it to be near unusable in menus. Simple solution is to just not use your mouse in menus; stick to arrow keys, enter, esc, etc. Only use mouse for actual gameplay.
Wouldn't even install! Said it was completed in seconds after downloading less than 1MB and threw an error about EAC. Trash
Seemed to play fine from start to finish with no errors on ENG subs. Didn't try other languages or excessive 'petting' mode.
Certain graphics like small-character on corner of screen special transitions will CTD without wined3d. Can't seem to strangle fps so it will run into the thousands which is not ideal for power consumption.
Cursor escaping window might force windowed (multi monitor). Can CTD if you alt tab or do any window management.
Just some windowing glitches that your DE should probably be able to handle. Perhaps stay in windowed mode. Other than that it runs perfect.
Fix Audio Desync
install libstrangle https://gitlab.com/torkel104/libstrangle https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/libstrangle-git/ add: strangle 60 %command% to launch options
Broken Shadows on AMD
Shadgows look blocky. Turn them off
Fog works fine on AMD
4:3 Aspect Ratio
Game is stuck on 4:3. The widescreen fix ( http://ps2wide.net/pc.html#popst )doesn't work so don't bother.
strangle 60 %command%
borked shadows
no windowed mode
The reports make it seem like you can grab a controller and play this fine. Beware the shadows will be bad, you'll need to turn them off and perhaps fog if you're Nvidia. The audio desyncs from high FPS and lots of people can't seen to play with a gamepad. Resolution is locked to 4:3 aspect ratio. Lots of things that would bewilder a gamepad player used to click and play.
outdoor areas completely tank fps
distorted screen
after showing an autosave warning the screen will turn to garbage
-EPILEPSY WARNING- PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=0 %command% Have to play @ 720p mostly minimum graphics to be able to stream it while playing but it's playable. If I don't run the launch option I've listed then all the character's skin colours becomes very tan even already tan/black characters get darker + epileptic cyan colors flash in the menus and loading screens.
fps drops in some situations/areas which shouldn't happen for a 7th gen console game
4.11-13 works for this manjaro system. Newer versions used to work but now do not so beware some inconsistency there.
On Manjaro I have to have this as launch options: PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=0 %command% PROTON_NO_ESYNC=0 %command%
Very stuttery upon first few missions but gets smoother the longer you play. I keep a Dualshock 4 pad plugged in to stop it from crashing but you don't need to use it to play, keyboard and mouse is fine. At best of times I can get triple digit FPS. Overall playable.