Download war LEER. Ordner "ADULT SHERIFF" wurde erstellt, war aber ebenfalls leer.
Das Spiel ist immer noch im Shop zu kaufen, aber wenn es nicht mal herunterläd?!
A "novel" story. Good for a one time playthrough.
Switching between window/fullscreen is possible without crahi but should be avoided
Just tried the singleplayer. Increadible smooth gameplay. As i have NOT tried multiplayer i cant say anything about those "battleeye" issues.
This old game allowed native screen resolution of 2560x1440!! Runs out of the box. One little annoying thing: mouse movement is really too fast. Ingame config(reducing mouse acceleration) did not help. Ingame help text is confusing: Neither "f" nor "enter" opened those damned magic book. It was set to "F2". Also I had to move those runes to the main char("F1") and dropped them there instead of doubleclicking.
Problem: Buttons können NICHT angeklickt werden, ein Start somit unmöglich
Updates führen zu einer längeren Wartezeit (ca. 5 Minuten++) in denen alle Dateien des Spiels geprüft und angezeigt werden.
HINWEIS Mit dem Wechsel auf eine GE-Protonversion funktionieren die Buttons!
Wer der Zwangsregistrierung(e-mail) beim Start zustimmt mag das Spiel weiter unter Linux testen, ich habe an der Stelle freiwillig abgebrochen :P
Surprise! Normally you have to tinker around if you are using debian stable.. Maybe it runs fine due to usage of kernel 5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64?
DLC "CATGIRL LOVER - FREE catgirls for everyone!" in Deutschland nicht mehr im Shop verfügbar
DLC "CATGIRL LOVER 2 - LOVABLE GIRLS" in Deutschland im SHOP nicht verfügbar
Had to run the game 3 times.. before I got to the start screen
Sound was crippled, just a short view was possible until the game crashed
Mouse acceleration is way too fast. You need to be very careful by pushing the mouse..
Default steam runtime(5.0.x?) crashed at the end of the intro missions BEFORE command of the carrier is taken.
If set to proton 4.11-13 the game continues and works as expected.
Maybe slightly slower compared to the proton 5.0.x version but still impressive!
No 4k resolution supported, black frames left and right of screen
Cant tab out of game nor switch to other desktop. Game wont let go.
Runs out of the box. Just one issue when returning to the main menu(of the game) some graphics flicker, but this will disappear if continuing the game.
Fensterchen "Spiel wird gestartet" ist sichtbar, nach ca. einer Minute verschwindet es und das Spiel endet. Kein Spielfenster sichtbar -.-
Auch mit GE-Proton7-9 und Parameter PROTON_USE_WINED3D11=1 %command% versucht. Keine Änderung. Spiel startet nicht.
DLC "Daily Wife- Expansion" in Deutschland seit 20.12.2020 nicht mehr verfügbar
Graphical issues makes the game fun ONLY for hardcore gamers.
Main Char invisible
Tabbing out of fullscreen & back worked using 4.11-13.
If returned TO fullscren using Steamplay default/experimental showed black screen(try ALT+ENTER)
White screen: switch bloom off
Dark screen: play with graphical options may SLIGHTLY help.
Parts of screen stay black like shadows are borked.
"best" fullscreen experience using proton 4.11-13 INSTEAD of any newer!!
Everything works fine, launch screen, menue, music, speech, ..
Except the main game is unplayable YET due to graphical issues.
Maximale Auflösung 1920x1024, Vollbildschirm etwas matschig
Läuft einwandfrei
Startet in kleinem Fenster kann in den Optionen aber korrekt auf Fenster(randlos) eingestellt werden
Läuft problemlos
Unbedingt auf eine andere Sprache umstellen, die man auch versteht. Empfehle englisch.
Maximalauflösung liegt bei 1920x1024. Links und rechts bleiben Ränder. Stellt man auf Vollbild um wird es etwas matschig.
Läuft problemlos
Das Spiel bleibt NICHT auf dem virtuellen Desktop auf dem es gestartet wurde sondern es wechselt auf den letzten genutzen.
Erster Start nach der Installation des "DLC Odyssey" endete mit einem Programmfehler. Bildwiederholrate fiel von 60 auf 45 (4k)
Flugkontrollen fühlen sich schneller an, Systemkartenaufruf ist schnarchlahm geworden
Das Spiel ist viel zu kurz!
Läuft einwandfrei
Komplette Parameter für Start(steam): PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command%
Um Fallout3 GOTY(steam) überhaupt starten zu können die Datei xlive.dll von
/steamapps/common/Fallout 3 goty/ kopieren.
Die Meldung während der Installation das (irgendwas mit DotNet) etwas nicht installiert werden konnte habe ich ignoriert.
Nutzung von ALT+TAB läßt das Bild verschwinden, auch ein Wechsel zu anderen(virtuellen) Desktops führt zu diesem Fehler.
Mod ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated installiert(manuell):
Änderungen(laut Modinfo) in den ini Dateien gesetzt:
Im Pfad
/steamapps/compatdata/22370/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Fallout3/
iSize W=3838
iSize H=2112
Damit das ganze ohne Fentertitel und Rahmen daherkommt(KDE-Plasma):
Fensterregeln für steam_app_22370:
- ohne Titelleiste und Rahmen (erzwingen)
- Position (erzwingen) 0 x 0
- Größe (erzwingen) 3838 x 2112
Es ist eine FRECHHEIT, das der Fehler mit dem ehemaligen GamesForWindowsLive "Service" immer noch nicht behoben wurde..
Welcher normale Spieler kommt auf die Idee, das noch eine Datei kopiert werden muss? Könnte man da nicht einfach eine Verlinkung hinzufügen?!!
See my previous report (copying games4win.dll(or so) to the correct folder) Changed stuff in the config files of the game
In game radios plays the various radio stations of the wasteland while players "pip-radio" will stop suddenly and stay silent.
Depending on the used version of proton the mouse was way too fast or slow..
Even with usual settings(to prevent crashes) after roughly one hour the game crashes suddenly while moving to another zone. Better quicksave before entering/leaving an area!
Tried a savegame out of the steam cloud. Game runs fine. Performance incredible smooth like on windows(if just walking AHEAD) in 2k resolution and maxed graphics(using launcher pref.) between 52-60(cap)FPS. Except looking around(using the mouse) or firering a gun got me sick. World is spinning like crazy. With slowest mouse movement even I got motion sickness -.- steam launch option: WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command% (without this radio and background music CANT be heard) Fallout4Prefs.ini under section [control]: GameUserCbBackgroundMouse=1 (did not really helped against the spinning world)
2560x1440 Fullscreen /windowed(borderless):unplayable due to spinning. 1920x1080 Windowed works better, slight looking around issues but will do. 1920x1080 Fullscreen is blurry and less spinning but still not suggested. Dont quit directly to the desktop. Like many games first go back to "the main" menu and then leave the game from there.
Up to proton 6.3-6 there were no voices, so we had to use launch parameters:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%
Even with this parameters radio suddenly was muted or played only the first seconds of most songs.
Proton-6.16-GE-1(GloriousEggroll) plays all music, speech and sound(no need of launch parameters!)
Now listen to the music throughout the wasteland!!
Fantasy Girl(game) is banned from shop in germany
DLC "Fantasy Girl DLC-Free" is also banned from steam SHOP.
In 4k the writing is slightly hard to read due to the small size of font.
Runs fine like playing it native.
Vielleicht MUSS es unbedingt die java-8 Version sein?
Instead of /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin/java I was forced to use the "newer" version of java-11-openjdk.
No control whatsoever was possible. Neither CTRL+Q or CTRL+i/l worked. Looks nice but unplayable at the moment due no control -.-
Spiel lässt sich auf einmal einwandfrei spielen. Vielleicht Verbesserungen der Protonversion die Ursache?
Mausbewegungen(zum Anklicken von Icons) verändern auch die Sicht des Charakters
Verwirrend das manchmal "Gesprächsfenster" nicht via Mausklick verlassen werden können, dann einfach "e" drücken
The very only tweak I am using is a more recent kernel: 5.9.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 (needed to run radeon-vii flawlessly).
Tabbing was NO problem, switching desktops neither. But whenever the "screensaver" engages.. the music plays on but there is no way to continue the game. Happens to some other "ported" games as well if run using proton on linux.
If you are happy with a stupid looking blonde girl - maybe. For me it was just good for a laugh(once).
This "game" should be working as a desktop background. Instead it forces itself in fullscreen hiding everything else.
Game is too boring :) But it works fine.
Hitting the fullscreen button froze the game. Let those button alone and all is good
Das Spiel läuft einwandfrei, nur.. die angenehmste Erfahrung wäre: sofort nach Start ALT+F4 zu drücken!
Zeitweise konnta man nicht zurück-Tabben, dafür musste das Programmicon in der Taskleiste angeklickt werden
Sometimes after exiting the game.. the game itself is still running and needs to be killed.
Set graphic details to maximum. Skipped the intro mission, started directly in the main "hub". Game SEEMS to be unplayable at first sight due to VERY low FPS. Switched graphics one level "down". I dont know what really happens, but it seems as if graphic data is slowly loaded(cached?) somewhere. When this is done the game speeds up to be playable. No graphical issues, no sound issues, feels good. WHEN those data is fully loaded.. This LAG may reappear in any newly discovered region; takes roughly under a minute to load all those -whatever- . Then it runs smooth. No tweaks needed. Runs out of the box. Gold status due to those strange "LAG until fully loading".
During travel around the game "world" whenever a new part of the map was loading. Moved installation from harddisk to solid state drive helped slightly
Runs out of the box
Have not seen a CTD during hours of play. Runs out of the box. One strange thing: If tabbed out of the game and back again.. makes keyboard "shortcuts" nonresponding. Hitting leftCTRL+leftALT together ONCE solved this for me. So pressing "h" will open the hero screen again, no need to use the mouse ;)
Lately launching any of the games took far more time. No visual feedback but after(roughly) 30 seconds the game menu appears.
(free) DLC "Lost - Patch" needed to unlock full game+archievements.
DLC is hidden in the SHOP in some countries
Free DLC "Love Wish 2 18+ FREE DLC" has been banned from SHOP in some countries
Spiel startet, zeigt Unity Hinweis und dann ein kleines Fenster mit Fortschrittspunkten. Nach einigen Sekunden wird das Spiel beendet
Neben Default Proton wurde auch Proton 4.11-13 probiert. Selbes Ergebnis. Spiel wird vor Erreichen des Spielmenüs beendet.
Musste "Proton Experimental" erzwingen, damit das Spiel läuft. Proton 5.13-4(defaul) beendet das Spiel VOR dem Menü!
"Lovewish-FREE DLC" in Deutschland seit 20.12.2020 gesperrt
Das Spiel benötigt ZWINGEND die niedrige Auflösung von 800x600 um bedienbar zu sein!
Spiel startet nicht es erscheint eine Fehlermeldung und man ist in einer Wine-Windowsumgebung..
Nutzt man STEAM Proton-experimental startet es!
As long as you avoid tabbing everything is okay.
slight crackling, fully playable, music is fine.
Background sprites were.. faster than intended(flames in party launch menu)
Windowed mode is not possible anymore(steam) as ALT+ENTER now opens stupid big-picture-mode -.-
Game hangs after tabbing out.
Solution: send continue process(using "task" manager)
If tabbed out.. sometimes mouseclicks were not recognizes.
Solution tabbing out+back and it worked again.
To avoid tabbing problems: (if you can) use ALT+ENTER and play in windowed mode.
The steam version(proton) ran better than the gogs version(dosbox).
For best result try proton 4.11-x(really!)
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 4.15, 6.3-6 and experimental still are bugged:
whenever tabbing out of the game or switching viewports the music goes on but tabbing back to the game shows an "empty" non responsible window. You can still end the game hitting Alt+F4
With the modified proton version "GloriousEggroll" this issue is fixed!
4K läuft wunderbar
DLC "Pretty Angel - 18+ Adult Only Content" in Deutschland im SHOP nicht verfügbar
Ohne das in Deutschland(20.12.2020) gesperrte KOSTENLOSE DLC ist das Spiel auf die wenigen Minirätsel beschränkt(die gesamte Story fehlt).
One user told me installation was not possible(no download)
I tried and it works. He tried again.. and failed again.
geo-IP locked without warning? Overloaded server?
Again there is only (chinese?) but no english. Anyway its playable without knowing what to do :)
It looks nice but.. without knowing where my char is.. no fun!
Main char was invisible.. therefore unplayable.
In spite of "english" language support.. there was nowhere an option to switch back from "chinese"?
If its okay there is no sound at all -.-
There was no sound at all!
When starting a new game(all default values) game closed.
The first turn takes some time, but any following turn is ready in an instant.
Problems installing CIV-VI were solved by installing BtS too.
Frequent crashing appeared this year. Last year the game did not crash as frequently as of today..
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/ %command%
Edited file located at ~/.local/share/Aspyr/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/config.ini
Changed entry MaxSimultaneousThreads from 8 to 16.
In spite of the config file description to use the real existing core numbers(8Cores) changing this value to the total(16Threads) did the trick: no crash within 2 hours gameplay!
Moving around the map was a bit slow, textures were shown low detail first and then became more crisp
Game crashed within minutes whatever was done in game(moving, READING the Civpedia, moving the mouse.. -.-)
Longest playtime possible roughly 10 minutes until crash so quicksaving every end of game turn was necessary..
Game runs fine IF the config file is edited
The launch option did NOTHING alone(still crashing) but i forgot to remove it after changing the config file so maybe it is neccessary or not. Dunno. Game runs finally. Im happy with it.
Läuft ohne jegliche Anpassung (fast) perfekt
Solange das Spiel nicht angehalten wird "fängt" es den Mauszeiger auch in anderen "Desktops"
Runs fine until main menu. Game did NOT crash but.. I dont know.
I was unable to start a game as hitiing most of the buttons did nothing. Maybe I am too dumb(i dont know).
Hitting scenario button showed some micro windows but anyway I have not figured out, what to do.
Game closes after start without any error message.
Both settings were tested, both did not work:
Steamplay(steam linux runtime)
PROTON 4.11-11
STAR FORGE runs out of the box.
small little black rectangles were falling from the sky like.. raindrops.
Can be ignored easily.
Multiplayer NOT tested.
40FPS at 4k and maxed graphics.
Since 2017 game is no longer sold(due to many bugs?)
Developer gives it away now:
Game works on WIN7 but NOT win10!! Such a pity ^^
Die Entwickler warnen, das man keinesfalls ein Spiel mit zu vielen Systemen(>100) starten sollte.
Beim Maximum von 500 Systemen dauert der Start schon Minuten.
Das eigentliche Spiel läuft leidlich flüssig bis man ca. 100 Systeme erobert hat. Es scheint dann immer mehr Zeit zu vergehen zwischen Mausklick und Einfügen des Bauauftrags in der Liste.
Spielbar: Ja.
Angenehm im fortgeschrittenen Spiel(bei 500 Systeme): Nein.
The mouse.. problem. While using the builder after some minutes the mouse pointer got stuck and wont move again. So its impossible to select different items to build. A quick and dirty solution was: Tabbing out of the game and tabbing back in again. Now the mouse can be used to select diffent types in the builder menu. Next problem: now the world is spinning like crazy. Easy solution: Tabbing out and back in again solves the spinning so you can build stuff. But again.. mouse will be stuck again in builder menu. Easy solution.. tab out and back in again.. Its annoying but playable ;) Runs great (except those mouse issue).
Without knowledge of the chinese language progress in the game has to be done by "guessing" the correct answer..
Slight sound distortion from time to time, may be due to my ancient sb card. Runs smooth. Great!
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%
Ohne den oben agegebenen xaudio-override Befehl knistert der Ton nervig.
DLC "Tentacle Girl - DLC Patch(Free) in Deutschland im SHOP nicht verfügbar.
Set (steam) launch parameter to:
"PULSE_LATENCY_MASEC=90" removed the crackling sound artifacts
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" activates the NCPs voices
Ending the game always let the process freeze(either back to main menue or back to desktop).
Stopping the game using steam worked always.
Only fx sound like walking or fighting is heard but NO speaking
To fix the "no speech" issue just add
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command%
to the start up parameters of the game(steam library)
The game should never reach such huge cpu load but when this happens also the mouse is laggy.
Sometimes the game process causes a huge CPU load for unknown reason.
Zu viel Text
Läuft einwandfrei
Aus dem Suspendmode aufgewacht läuft das Spiel unspielbar zäh: Speichern, Spiel beenden, Spiel erneut starten, Spielstand laden hilft
Getestet wurde die NATIVE Version des Spieles, KEIN Proton.
Nach der Installation wurde ein Start versucht. Mehrere Minuten blieb der Bildschirm schwarz. Manuell Spiel via Steam beendet und neu gestartet. Erst nach dem dritten Versuch startet das Spiel einwandfrei. Möglicherweise war die Konfiguration nicht vollständig? Entweder etwas länger warten, oder mehrfach versuchen zu starten. Eventuell auch abmelden, neu anmelden und Steam neustarten?
Wenn es einmal läuft.. startet es ganz normal und ohne Probleme.
Maximum screen resolution is 1600x1200 so no HD nor 4k
Default installation shows only garbage on the screen -unusable!
This happens if I change the launching parameters of the game:
Steam Linux Runtime = garbage on screen
PROTON 4.11-11 = game runs fine
Sounds play with a slight delay(compared to the "real" DOS version of the game). Like clicking a button will sound half a second later. Also the intro "video" shows this delay between firering a weapon and the weapon sound itself is delayed.
Game runs until language selection as any choice will end with a crashed game(stuff is written in black ink on a black background -.-)
Solution was to run the game with proton 4.2-9 (any newer version up to 5.x did crash).
unplayable due to graphical issues
game is unplayable due to missing graphics
Instead of steam linux runtime I switched to proton default(4.11-11)
Without voices the game is somehow unplayable
Tabbing out of the game let the game play on .. with a dark black monitor. Must be killed or ended(blindley).
If not using native screen resolution many graphical issues. I switched to 3840x2160 and was surprised as suddenly the game was fine! User interface was now visible and all the stations, ships, stars! Even the radar was working!
Due to some missing textures(speed gauge/lasersbeams) the game became harder to play..
My memory may be corrupted.. but i THINK the graphics were not so ugly when I played the game 20 years(or so) ago..
It was a nice surprise that speech/music finally works as intended!
After launch hit F11 and change res. equal to desktop res. In the options I had to move around with tab/ENTER keys(mousekeys wont work there)
Even if resolution is proper set(finally with sky-nebulae, etc.) parts of the lower screen disappears(is just CUT away -.-) so.. speed gauge will never show proper values(as they vanish outside the screen)
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Just installed Proton-6.16-GE-1 released (glorious eggroll or so :) and forced the use of this
As usual tabbing is not a good idea.. but it did not crash the game. Already "speaking" people will stop talking and NOT resume talking after tabbing back. But the next speech will be heard again :)
The short intro ad-videos are now shown(nvidia, etc.)
No more crashes while someone is "talking". Fine!
Dont use ALT+TAB or you will get a black screen while the game still plays on.. Just FX, no music nor voices. Therefore.. unplayable. Anything else works fine, flying, graphics without issues, docking, etc.
Finally the sound(music, speech) is working
And tabbing is possible now :)
Game runs, it seems as if the videos are NOT playing so keep hitting ESC to skip them. Game (start) menu is.. unreadable. Guessed the first entry should be "Play". Game started but I call it UNPLAYABLE. As you got no radar screen. The ship lacks parts and well.. there are stars out there but neither the laser fire nor anything else is visible. Also the MUSIC is not playing :_( just sound fx.
"DLC Yokai's Secret - Free 18+Content" in Deutschland nicht mehr über den Shop erhältlich