Following the story needs a big dose of patience. Fortunately, dialogues can be skipped...
As my machine is not supposed to be fast, I reduced the resolution to 720p. This makes the game playable, but the in-game movie dialogues are horribly slow (voices play at the normal rate but the images do not follow and I often get 5 seconds delay between a question and its answer).
Before Using PROTON_NO_D3D11, the character sprite was not showing. With this tweak, everything seems fine (including controller)
Crashes too often
Game crashed after 30 minutes play on my first try. Then after 5 on the second (and last)
By default, complains about Windows10. Then 'Your graphics card does not support the DirectX 12 features the game requires'
I have used winecfg to set windows version to win10 which allows to go further I have used winetricks to install d3dcompiler_47. But it still fails
Note: Proton v5.0-9
Works OK but for one point. Following episodes can be played however.
I get a crash at one point in the first episode. The other episodes work OK.
Playable, but performance is bad on my (not great) hardware.
Too slow to be fun
- Movies did not seem to play
- Japanese text rendered as boxes (while chinese text was good)
Finished the game, worked OK
Some anecdotal slowdowns when entering a new scene
Crashes at launch with Proton 4.2-7. Works with 3.16-4
Finished game. Everything OK
Dosbox sees the joystick but the game doesn't
Too slow. Too ugly
Lots of black
First launch crashed. Second worked. I did not try a third one because of the slowness and graphical glitches .
After installing dependencies, a dialog says that "The system does not have enough memory. At least 4GB is required" then starts and crashes. I do have 4GB RAM.
Previously, I could not run the game because 4GB RAM was not enough. With 8GB, everything works.
Regularly (at least every hour) crashes because of "Pure virtual function being called... Error R6025"
Intro video plays at 2fps, then the music of the menu screen begins and the game crashes. Tried setting opengl and changing glide in dosboxTR.conf, got a mute black screen.