The game simply runs perfectly out of the box. Using Proton 7.0 instead of the native port will give you a much better experience.
On version 5.13-1 the game didn't work at all, but it works perfectly fine on version 5.0-9
The game didn't run at all on version 5.13-1. But it works great on version 5.0-9!
The game works perfectly, including the Rockstar Launcher, and doesn't have any issues running in Proton.
Everything works perfectly well right out of the box, including Rockstar Launcher, which works in-game too. Proton-7.1-GE-2.
7.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Used the GloriousEggroll fork. https://github.com/GloriousEggroll/proton-ge-custom/releases
It seems that you can have a great experience running such a complex game on Proton. This game didn't crash or stuttered at all (at least it was just like on Windows), and also the Rockstar overlay works in-game too. Cloud saving through Rockstar Launcher also works perfectly fine.
The game didn't run at all on version 5.13-1, but it did work great on version 5.0-9!
The game doesn't start at all on version 5.13-2. It works very well on version 5.0-10.
7.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
It works fine with Proton-7.1-GE-2 (GloriousEggroll)
The audio chat wasn't working on regular Proton (6.3-8), but was working fine on Proton-GE. It seems that Proton-7.0-1 has now fixed game audio chat.
The game installs fine, but the game itself won't run, nor the Video Setup program. It doesn't even open a black screen.
Giving that you need to change video settings manually on the setting file, and that the game might crash, it isn't a amazing experience.
Since the config program doesn't run, you need to change the video settings manually on the settings.ini file (inside the game folder).
The game runs fine, but when a lot of stuff is happening at the same time, the game might crash.
Besides small hickups here and there, you are going to enjoy this game a lot on Linux. Xbox One controller works fine. 60 FPS all the time.
Small stutters while entering worlds, and some also for 5 seconds after entering it.
Everything works perfectly fine, including Xbone controller support. 21:9 screen support also works as it should. Just install and enjoy it!
Inicial video doesn't play, but not that it is important to the gameplay.