Recently finished this one as part of a LEGO Star Wars complete runthrough I did on the Steam Deck (TCS, III, TFA) and had a fantastic time.
Game feels really optimized and "just works" out of the box.
Controls work fantastic and the game ran at a pretty locked 60fps the entire time, I had a great time completing this game on my Deck.
Game runs brilliantly on Steam Deck, I played the GOG version of the game and installed via Heroic Launcher, no issues!
Set TDP to 6 Watts
I was initially quite worried when I read all the reports people had of stuttering etc, but that wasn't my experience.
Straight off the bat, I own this game on GOG (Good Old Games) for the DRM-Free experience.
I went into Desktop Mode and installed via Heroic Launcher, I didn't have to tinker with any '.dll' files or DX versions or anything like that, it was literally as simple as Install and Play.
The ONLY thing to note, is when you launch the game for the first time, it doesn't have the best controller support, it expects Keyboard Input, this was really easy to fix though, I simply navigated down to Controller Settings In-Game and changed my Input to "Xbox 360 Controller" then I used "STEAM + X" to bring up the On-Screen Keyboard and then navigated down through each button and mapped it to my Steam Deck, this worked a treat.
From here, it was smooth-sailing, it was a mostly locked 60fps adventure from beginning to end. (I completed the entire game on my Steam Deck, with zero bugs/crashes/issues)
There WAS the very very occasional stutter. (Usually at the beginning of a cutscene or when loading in a large new part of the map) BUT, this really wasn't an issue or very noticable, it's more akin to something you'd experience when emulating a game (think RPCS3 etc) and you're loading shaders in a new area for the first time.
I actually played this game on my Gaming PC which runs Windows 11 and interestingly, the game seems to run better on my Steam Deck for whatever reason, so I'm pretty chuffed with that!
I set my TDP to 6 watts for this game and that gave me a pretty locked 60fps and meant I had great battery life whilst playing.
As you'd expect for a game as old as this, I played it on Max Graphics with Enahanced Graphics turned on, 16:10 resolution, etc etc and had zero issues with performance, it kept 60fps at 6 watts with no trouble.
Like I said earlier, I played from Episode I - The Phantom Menace, all the way to Episode VI - Return of the Jedi and had zero issues. I'd highly recommend this game. I have the GOG version, but I imagine if you played through Steam, it'd be just as good.
Terrific game on Steam Deck! Absolutely flawless experience using the GOG Version of the game!
Set TDP Watts to 7
I played Lego Star Wars - The Complete Saga to completion just before I played this, and if that was a 8/10 experience on Steam Deck, then Lego Star Wars III - The Clone Wars is a 10/10.
I own this game on GOG (Good Old Games) and so I installed it via Heroic Launcher in Desktop Mode. As soon as the game installed, I didn't tinker with anything, I simply went back to Gaming mode and launched Lego Star Wars III like I would any other game.
The game booted up immediately and recognized my Steam Deck controller without me having to tinker! (Something I had to do on The Complete Saga) - so straight away, we're off to a good start!
Then the performance was fantastic. Whilst The Complete Saga struggled occasionally with the occasional stutter during the beginning of a cutscene, Lego Star Wars III had none of that!
I had a LOCKED 60fps experience from start to finish. I changed my TDP to 7 watts to help get some more battery life and the fps stayed at a solid 60fps for the entire game.
Happy to say I beat the game on my Steam Deck with zero issues/bugs/crashes. Performance was fantastic at a locked 60fps, the game displayed in native 16:10 which is always nice, and battery life was excellent!
Fantastic game for the Steam Deck!
Another fantastic experience, played this game beginning to end on the Deck and set my TPD to 5 watts, the game ran at a locked 60fps on the highest settings, genuinely a fantastic Kart Racer game and highly recommended especially if you can grab it on sale like I did.
Game played flawlessly from beginning to end. (The missions and the Grand Prix)
I also played it docked for an hour or so at 4K/60fps and it ran flawlessly. (Although I turned off any TDP restrictions for this and let it play at full power)
Great game and great experience overall on the Deck!
Set TDP to 3 watts
I played Sonic 4 Episode I before this and thought that ran well at 60fps/5 TPD Watts. However Sonic 4 Episode II is a delight, it runs flawlessly at a locked 60fps at just 3 watts and it's much better looking than Episode I.
I played the game beginning to end on my Steam Deck and had no issues at all, flawless experience and highly recommended.