Choose Directx10 low end graphics in the launch options to get better performance. No stable fps. It seems the game isn't well optimized.
Forced to create gfx_settings.ini and made fake_fullscreen = true
The full screen option is buggy make the game starting with a black screen
incompatibility with AMD processor
Crashes that make the steam deck turning off
It seems the game has serious issues with AMD processors
Works but...
Unstable FPS.
Played the campaign from the beginning to the end. This game has well known stability issues related with the game itself. It doesn't matters which settings are chosen. At the beginning the FPS are unstable and drop constantly but the game gets stable after a few levels. I played at 40-60 with all graphic settings high using proton7.0-3
Works fine
When start the game first time is necessary to conclude the game installation. Just use the touchscreen.
Blurry text
To avoid artifacts on screen, make sure to untick _FXAA in the graphics game options
Text buttons in the launch window aren't rendered. Just choose the first option that it's PLAY with the touchscreen.
With GE-Proton7-27 no artifacts. To make the gamepad layout works. Enable Xbox 360 controller in-game options.
Works well out of the box
A main menu appears but the controller and touchscreen do nothing.
Works well out of the box
Just set the right resolution in-game graphic settings
The game only works windowed. In the launch screen choose settings using the touchscreen and next to FULLSCREEN change the option to NO. Choose OK and PLAY
The game only works windowed. In the launch screen choose settings using the touchscreen and next to FULLSCREEN change the option to NO. Choose OK and PLAY
Use proton 5.0-10 to fix the buzzing sound problem
To fix the missing Physx ageia:
- Force compatibility with GE-Proton7-24 and start the game. Physx ageia will be installed but the game won’t start.
- Force compatibility with 7.0-3 instead of GE-Proton7-24 and start the game. Now the game will start properly.
To fix the missing Physx ageia issue:
- Force compatibility with GE-Proton7-24 and start the game. Physx ageia will be installed but the game won’t start.
- Force compatibility with 7.0-3 instead of GE-Proton7-24 and start the game. Now the game will start properly.
Just change the resolution in game options
Works out of the box
To make the layout control works in game options change the control to gamepad
Works fine with proton 7.0-3
Native version doesn't work. Proton version works fine. To use the proton version force using proton 7.0-3 in Steam game properties
The sound in the intro scene doesn't work well but the game cut scenes are fine.
Works but the cutscenes can't be enjoyble
Cutscenes has a crispy sound in background that make them unwatchable
The cutscenes are important part of every game without them the game is incomplete.
Works fine
Just set the right resolution in-game settings
I installed the game using EA App
4:3 resolution only
proton 3.0
Works well out of the box
I changed OpenGL to Vulkan in-game options ADVANCED to get a better performance 60 fps stable. No issues so far with proton 7.0-3
Works well out of the box
The right resolution isn't taken by default. Just go to in-game options and choose the right one.
Works fine
Set the right resolution in-game settings
No servers found to connect using the native version. Instead using the proton version was possible to find servers.
Works well out of the box
Set the right resolution and choose Xbox controller to make the gamepad layout works in-game settings.
Works fine
First time open the game got stuck in the screen Dowloanding content... just restart the game using the Steam overlay.
Works fine
Blurry text
The game is capped at 30 ftps to uncapped it follow this instructions:
Works fine offline. No servers found online.
Works fine with proton 7.0-3
Set in-game options the resolution
Works fine after fix the blurry text issue
Blurry text that make the game unplayable. To fix this issue just Off DIRECTX 11 in-game video - ADVANCED options and restart the game
When exit the game from main menu. The game get stuck. It's necessary to exit through Steam overlay.
To fix the resolution, edit: /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/6920/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/Deus Ex - Invisible War/user.ini in line 279
[WinDrv.WindowsClient] FullscreenViewportY=1280 FullscreenViewportX=800
To fix the hud, edit: /home/deck/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Deus Ex Invisible War/System/Default.ini in line 783
In-game control options reduce the sensitivity to 10
Main menu and Cutscenes aren't fullscreen
Works well out of the box
Blackscreen when the antialiasing is enable.
Works fine out of the box
A weird screen asking for enter text appered when the game was started. Just choose cancel and the game will start.
With proton 7.0-3 60 fps high setting the game runs smoothly
Works great out of the box
The expansions Perseus mandate and Extraction point also work well. To set the right resolution in the expansions follow these instructions as reference
Native version works fine after customize the controls
This game remastered is well known to have issues not detecting the gamepads. Problem also in the Native linux version.
Native version has issues recognizing gamepad and pronton version won't launch.
Works well out of the box
A screen launching will appear after start the game, use the touchscreen to choose the right resolution in OPTIONS.
Works fine out of the box
Choose Play using the touchscreen
on steam go to game properties - general and set the resolution to 1280x800 otherwise the game screen will be tiny
in steam game properties it must be changed the resolution to 1280x800
Works well out of the box
Remedy launcher should be installed. Just use the touchscreen.
Works well out of the box
Remedy launcher should be installed. Just use the touchscreen.
The native version crashes starting. Use the proton version forcing proton 7.0-3 in Steam properties of the game.
Works well out of the box
Work well out of the box but...
I played the game from the start to the end including the DLC. In the game base, in a couple of levels, artifacts appear when there are huge explosions. In the DLC also happens but difference to the game base the artifacts get stuck in the pause screen. To fix this I changed from default proton (proton7.0-3 in my case) to GE-Proton7-28. Omiting the artifact problem the game works great at stable 60 fps with high graphics settings.
Works fine
Works fine
Set resolution in-game settings
The use of the virtual keyboard is mandatory in order to create the new profile
To fix the resolution use 4th method from here
Right trackpad as mouse
Tiny text
Draw distance can't be change. Not current methods to do it works.
Works well out of the box
Works out of the box
Blurry text
In game options set the aspect ratio to 6:9
Works great but...
Controller(s) were not labeled properly.
Popping and smaller FPS drops. Nothing really important. It seems is related with the game itself.
Nobody there to play online.
Played the campaign from the beginning to end with Proton7.0-4. The game works well with minor issues.
It's really annoying the fact that the controller isn't properly labeled showing generic labels as button 11, button 3, etc. because some actions need quick response, making difficult to follow the instructions on the screen (prepare yourself to die because you press the wrong button. FYI: button 3 is [X] and button 1 is [A] on your Steam Deck gamepad).
Works well out of the box
Off the option TRANSPARENCY ANTI ALIASING in the graphic game settings to avoid that the characters and arena images dissapear on the selection screen
Problem with the performance in the transitions during the fights. This is not related with pronton because also happens on diferent videogame platforms.
I just connected to the online for first time and my account was banned.
Works fine
To set the right resolution, just add this line to the Steam launch game options:
/width=1280 /height=800
Works fine with proton 7.0-3
No sound Native version. Use proton version forcing use proton 7.0-3 in Steam properties of the game
Just set the right resolution in-game graphics options
Changed in-game video options
To make the cutscenes run smoothly switched to proton experimental
Works fine
The game starts in a tiny screen. Just choose the right resolution in-game graphics settings.
The resolution should be set every time that the game is started. Also the game is capped at 30 fps. To uncapped the game and fix some bugs use the patch
Works fine
Works great out of the box
Remedy launcher should be installed. Just use the touchscreen.
Just set in-game graphic settings the right resolution and aspect ratio.
Using 6.3-8 the game run smoothly, no problem with cutscenes or tower mode but using the default steam proton 7.0-3 game issues will start.
Use the file from here to get widescreen resolution
Performance problems with proton after 3.7
No widescreen option
Use proton experimental to avoid the cutscenes lagging. To make the layout gamepad works is necessary to choose Xbox 360 Controller in-game options.
Create .asoundrc file
No sound
Using the native version of the game has no sound. Missing textures using the proton version.
To fix the no sound issue of the native version:
- Go to Desktop mode.
- Create a file name .asoundrc (with the dot at the beginning of the name) in the folder/home/deck
- Add the following lines to file created:
ctl.dmixer { type pulse } pcm.pulse { type pulse }
ctl.pulse { type pulse }
pcm.!default { type pulse }
ctl.!default { type pulse }
- Save the file, go to game mode and start the game
Works fine
Lower Mouse sensitivity to 10 in the left joystick
Works fine
Starting the game first time a configuration screen appears. Set the resolution under video tab and under controls tab make sure to tick gamepad option in order to make the gamepad layout works.
I tried to start the game a few times with proton default 7.0-3 but the game didn't start. Then I went to desktop mode and the game started and I went back to game mode and the game worked well.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Launch options is a must. Proton 7.0-3 used
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
To make the full screen works is important to add the launch options
No sound with proton versions after 3.7
No 1280x800 resolution or 6:10 option
The game crash during the gameplay, they were used diferent proton versions but the game just crash.
Works fine
Tiny text
Just set the right resolution in-game settings
Works well out of the box with proton 7.0-3
Just use the touchscreen to choose DIRECTX 10/11
Download xlive.dll from here and place it in the game folder
To make the cutscenes work fine is necessary to install Windows Media Player 11 (wmp11)
How to install Window Media Player 11 with Protontricks on Steam deck:
- Go to Desktop mode and use the Discover app to install Protonticks and Flatseal.
- Open Flatseal and choose Protontricks. Under Filesystem enable all the options.
- Create the Protontricks alias opening Konsole app and this command: echo "alias protontricks='flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks'" >> ~/.bashrc
- Close Konsole app (it's important to close it) and opening again and finally use the command: protontricks 221040 -q wmp11
To make the cutscenes work is necessary to install Windows Media Player 11 (wmp11)
How to install Window Media Player 11 with Protontricks on Steam deck:
- Go to Desktop mode and use the Discover app to install Protonticks and Flatseal.
- Open Flatseal and choose Protontricks. Under Filesystem enable all the options.
- Create the Protontricks alias opening Konsole app and this command: echo "alias protontricks='flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks'" >> ~/.bashrc
- Close Konsole app (it's important to close it) and opening again and finally use the command: protontricks 287290 -q wmp11
It's doesn't start
It doesn't finish the installation and gets stuck on installing script or installing game on windows live. It doesn't matters game or desktop mode never end the installation. Also doesn't matter if any version of gfwl is installed with Protontricks. Several versions of proton was used experimental, default, GE, old ones, new ones, nothing worked. Also was tried using regedit to change DWORDs and changing the windows version with winecfg
Works fine
Choosing a resolution more thant 856x450 the game will crash. In that case, just erase the .cfg file in the game folder.
Just choose the right resolution in-game graphic settings
Using the native version it's not possible to find any server but using proton version is possible to find servers to be connected. Although only bots are there. It seems no a lot people are playing this game online.
Force proton 7.0-3 in Steam properties of the game to find servers
Works great out of the box
A launch screen appears first time starting the game. Just pass them using the touchscreen.
Works well out of the box
No issues with cutscenes and proton default 7.0-3
Works fine with proton 7.0-3
Set the GAME RESOLUTION in Steam General game options
Long black screen after start the game, just wait for Rebelion logo. Then, the game will get stuck trying to loading the fisrt level. Although a savegame can be laoded without problem. A fisrt level save game was placed and the game started from the save game and the game ran smoothly.
Using proton 4.11-13 the game works fine. The game starts with long black screen, just wait till the Rebelion logo appears.
Works fine
Just set the right resolution in-game options
Works well out of the box. Make sure to choose 720p in-game graphic settings to get the best performance
A check requirements screen appears. Just use the touchscreen to choose OK.
By default the game has 1080p HD resolution chosen by default in the in-game graphics settings. Just choose 720p and the game could reach easily 60 fps with all high
A corrupted save file appears all the time. It's related with Steam cloud. The function isn't working properly in the game. Deactivating cloud sync doesn't change anything the bug is stills there.
The game videos don't run well. Using proton 3.7-8 resolve the issue
Works fine
Set widescreen in-game settings options
Works fine
Just set in-game settings the right resolution
Works fine but it seems the game isn't well optimized. It doesn't matter if I set all low.
Works fine
No possible to reach 60 fps. It seems the game isn't well optimized. It doesn't matters if I set all low.
Works well out of the box
Blurry text options