Works as intended out of the box, might be related to the game itself and how it handles busy scenes.
Mild frame drops in windowed mode with a busy stage.
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton 6.16-GE-1 :
Once you purchase the game make sure to switch it over to using proton by going to properties , compatibility and selecting the checkbox.
For some reason steam seems to think a native client is available and starts a download for 0 bytes unless you switch this on. This is most likely due to the devs saying they will eventually support linux native (thread : )
Updating report : After following the tips mentioned in the other comments, getting the game running on linux using the tweak found at makes the game fully playable. No issues after a handful of hours and the game is pretty smooth overall !
No issues, no framedrops. Ran perfect out of the box even with heavy particles / enemies on screen.
Runs right out of the box with no real issues. A few frame drops are noticeable when a lot of lighting sources are on screen but rarely dips under 30fps in those situations. Keeps a high 60 most of the time.
No issues, smooth gameplay on high/ultra. Worked right out of the box with no tweaks.
Works mostly fine out of the box. Load times are a bit wacky when launching the game or a map for the first time. A few issues I've noticed: -keyboard occasionally stops being able to type. Tabbing in and out of game seems to fix this. -randomly, game will steadily chug down to under 20fps and require a restart. Unsure why. -Some weird input lag at 60fps+ that requires a restart
60fps and relatively smooth gameplay on proton 4.2.4 at 1920x1080 on ultra. Some custscenes soft-lock the game and require a kill of the 'MainThread' process. Unsure what's causing it since restarting steam will often fix the issue. Can be annoying when there's multiple cutscenes back to back. Tweaks mentioned in other reports required if you want to set your own resolution and not run at the abysmal default resolution.
Works out of the box with slight performance dips compared to windows
Occasional frame drops in scenes with a lot of particle effects.
Game runs a little slower than on windows -- occasional 10-20fps drops can happen in certain stages where they were not in windows. Did not experience any issues with cinematic movies both in the base game and DLC.
Excellent playability, almost unnoticable between windows and Linux.
Some artifacts during texture/model loading, usually restarting fixes this. Completely playable though.
Some tweaking required to play online (starting in proton 4.11 and then back to 5+)
Nothing to report. Ran 100% fine straight out of the box, no frame drops, all inputs worked, no graphical glitches noticed. Windowed mode and Borderless ran without a hitch.
Runs perfectly fine in fullscreen mode. A few FPS dips under 60 on high, but entirely playable. Mouse goes a bit wonky after 10-20 minutes of play but it seems like tossing up the steam overlay and/or tabbing out sort of fixes it. Works great with the steam controller with no issues otherwise.
After disabling Esync, runs perfectly fine with no tweaks to settings. Game runs on high / Ultra settings at solid 60 FPS with the exception of towns and heavily populated areas, at which point there are very occasional hiccups. Completely playable.
As mentioned, the performance is honestly alright, I've noticed some pretty extensive frame drops at times that can be really disorienting, and connectivity is incredibly spotty. I was getting constant disconnects while trying to play with friends, but no issues playing other VR online games with them.
Frequent crashes (every 20 or so minutes) even with Large Address Aware tweak. Performance is alright with occasional stutter. Hopefully future proton versions will correct this :(
Updating my review on this -- after the latest proton release, crashes have gone away entirely. The game even has some Vulkan support with pre-caching available. With the large address aware fix mentioned in other reviews it runs great. Solid 60 FPS with very minor hangups. Super playable !
Plays great out of the box with a few caveats for controller users.
ALT TABbing out of exclusive full screen mode made the game unable to be recovered. Fixed by playing in borderless windowed
Slight issues with performance when using mouse and keyboard. Attacking caused a hangup for a handful of frames. This was fixed by unplugging the controller.
Using the Steam Version: No tweaks necessary. Everything works absolutely wonderfully including mods from ESOUI right out of the box. Loading times are a tiny bit slower than windows, framerate still well above 60 and super smooth. Mild hiccup on the launcher during patching, seems it timed out for no reason whatsoever, but easily corrected itself after a few minutes.
Runs smooth as butter with esync disabled on ultra/high settings.
Runs perfectly fine out of the box. Alt+Tabing out during initial loading caused a black screen once, but no issues tabbing out otherwise. No tweaks necessary, same framerate as on Windows.
Mild FPS drops given game quality, but plays fine otherwise
Runs great out of the box. Occasional frame drops but nothing alarming, disorienting or uncomfortable. Played several sessions with friends too, so online works :)
Works perfect right out of the box. Great framerate, no issues whatsoever.