It works out of the box :)

Activated "Automatically capture the mouse in full screen windows" in Protontricks.
Tried Experimental Proton and 9.0.4. Both are working great.
Worked out of the box. Didn't test multiplayer.

Отлично работает ! С незначительными графическими артефактами (Может это только у меня)
Если игру свернуть, а после развернуть, то будет чёрный экран.. Это единственная проблемма.
Использовал Proton 9.0-3

A weird grey line coming from my character sometimes.
Random hiccup.
Selling items too fast causes a crash every time.
Using Arch-based KDE Wayland.

My hardware is old so that is why.
Works out of the box in proton experimental and I tried on Proton GE 9-7 as well to check if had performance differences and both preformed the same. No issues nstalling or playing.
Mouse cursor is missing entirely and its impossible to navigate the menu so i was unable to start a game

Some of the button prompts look a little bit muddy, but inventory management was no issue.
First time loading up aiming was very jittery. After a restart I had no issues.
In bigger fights where loot is dropping it stutters, dropping from 30 down to around 10fps for a second or two.
In bigger fights the game can slow down to bellow 30fps with lots of action and loot dropping, but on medium settings it's not bad enough to quit. Some of the UI button prompts are a bit muddied, but the overal text (item descriptions and inventory management) are very readable for me. An issue in regards to controller use is the lack of hovering over tool tips makes builds more difficult to plan as you can't hover over a term to understand what it means. Game overall looks pretty decent and plays pretty good. Your character will carry over between PC and Deck with the in game account, not sure if it will work without the account.

In scenes with a large number of enemies or when calling the turret with maximum graphics settings and VSync enabled for 60 frames, the FPS indicator sometimes drops to 38
Problems similar to single mode
In principle, the game can be customized for your PC if it meets the requirements.

AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV gamemoderun %command%
Mouse cursor became invisible when in-game, resolved by setting Cursor Size to minimum in the Gameplay menu
Also tested without Steam launch options, seems to be working as of Aug 2023

There's an option in the menus to make it bigger
Sometimes the game blocks in menus or it doesn't let you create new characters or start a new mission. Just restart the game and it works again.
40 fps with medium textures. It's playable, although it doesn't look its best.

Not compatible with Steam Deck
Works the same like on Windows, nothing to see here :)

Runs well out of the box minus the controller issues.
Playing on 8bitdo ultimate bluetooth - game requires long pressing of inputs to register in certain menus. Very strange, because everything else (except map overlay bound to down on d-pad) works perfectly well and gameplay is overall smooth and responsive.

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Artifcating that looked like tri/polygon stretching; Vanishing corpse models that were probably related but would appear back in the proper spots at times.
Had a complete driver freeze/crash that spit me back out to my display manager. Had to reboot afterwards.
Perfect out of the box!
Runs flawless, with xone also perfect with XBOX Controller.
Some slight slowness but works out of the box.
In addition to some unexpected slowdowns in situations with heavy action, the loading times are considerably longer compared to Windows 10. Occasionally I had to wait for 4 mins to get the loading screen to appear when starting the game. Missions have loaded reasonably fast but still slower than on Windows 10.
Black screen after Alt+Tab in fullscreen mode. No issues in windowed, or borderles mode.
Text is a bit small
The game works out of the box. At native resolution very low settings it can hit 60 fps while draining about 10W of battery. However, it looks awful and crashes.
gamemoderun mangohud %command% -novid
Alt-Tab = black screen. --> solution = borderless windowed
the usual 40hz/40fps. don't use half rate shading, it will render all the text unreadable
Slight drops in framerate during cut scenes, but gameplay was flawless.
Works great out of the box.
Runs fairly well OOTB, with a few tweaks
Alt-Tabbing out of fullscreen made the screen black, putting the game on windowed fullscreen solves the issue.
After turning down the graphics I have stutters and general performance issues when looking at the ship, during the introductory quests, such as discord lagging voice transmission.
AMD_VULKAN_ICD=RADV gamemoderun %command%
heavy stuttering
stutter, alt-tab problem, little bit better with radv
Work perfectly

Works fine out of the box installs and runs well. Just the error with black screen after tabbing out.
Alt tab and back in resulted in a black screen witch could only be fixed by restart.
Had to use proton 6.10-GE to launch the game. On Default I had black screen on launch.
Game runs great! Though expect some stutters at heavily populated areas (monsters). Recommend running GameMode (look it up).
Regular Fullscreen breaks when alt tabbing but borderless fullscreen works fine. Recommend running GameMode to increase performance
Other than occasional graphical artifacts and minor performance hiccups I've enjoyed clocking 40 hours so far on Linux.
Sometimes it seems like particles and physics need to catch up. Sometimes I have a greyish line artifacting from the characters center to the edge of the screen. IT seems less common in 4.11-13 but still occurs.
Fullscreen alt-tab will lock the game up.
Slighty more stuttering than windows. Otherwise playable
The game runs pretty well, I didn't noticed any game breaking issue after playing it for over 20 hours
After some time playing I'm seeing pipewire issues in journal and the sound is crackling
When there is a lot of enemies on the screen the game is starting to lag, sometimes there is a short freeze when the drop from enemy is being calculated
Under wayland I just got black screen instead of menu, works fine on X.Org

Mouse cursor invisible
The mouse cusor is invisible in game window. But become visible at the edge of screen when cusor is partially visible on the second display.
My system is running with Gnome/Wayland desktop. On similar Fedora 33 system but with Gnome/Xorg+NVIDIA driver game was perfectly playable.

Proton-6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
using alt + tab, the game goes black and can't come back again
Runs well out of the box
Didnt encounter any Linux/Proton related issues
Game runs well, great performance even at highest settings on 3440x1440, ALT+TAB works but you can't go back to the game.
ALt-Tab kills the game
Game coop and multiplayer is shit, but it's the same as the windows version.

No cursor in main menu/in the game
I Have no cursor in the game. If I press mute, I can see the cursor during 3s. Maybe a default with wayland. Not works in windowed. Alt+Tab has no effect.

Was a great recommendation in the sea of 40K games out there, a good story and nice looter shooter steeped in 40K lore, which I am new to.
You can play with other people but I have not had anyone to play with at this time.
Works easily. Install and play.
Occasionally with heavy effects and hordes on screen, there is a slight slowdown that doesn't happen on Windows.
While the game runs fine, the textures and lighting make it impossible to play the game
Textures are washed out while the character is rendered correctly.