Starts without any tinkering. Only played about 15 minutes and didn't experience any problems
Once you get it up and running it works really well. Controllers, multiplayer, whatever... all works fine
5.9-GE-8-ST GloriousEggroll
dotnet462 allfonts vcrun2012 vcrun2013 vcrun2019_ge
Followed https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/4234
- changed fifa21.exe to FIFA21.exe in FIFASetup/config.ini. (Guess you could rename the .exe instead if that's your cup of tea)
Not sure if both of the last two are needed, one could try without one of them if one had the energy to do so. Rarely crashes but with autosave it's not a major problem.
Heavy lag. Enabling d9vk with winetricks fixes lag
WINEPREFIX=/home/pippo/hdd1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/15380/pfx winetricks
Heavy lag. Enabling d9vk with winetricks fixes lag
WINEPREFIX=/home/pippo/hdd1/SteamLibrary/steamapps/compatdata/15380/pfx winetricks
Tried various things related to video and multimedia. No results
Sometimes crashes when a cut scene is ending.
If I watch the cut scene (and the game doesn't crash) gamplay is in i slowmotion. Got to play a few fights in normal speed when skipping the cutscene and not crashing. Seems the biggest problem is related to playing movies. Playing local matches is not a problem
Stutters every X seconds. Gets worse as the game progress, donä't know if its time or number of units or whatever. Playable at first, becomes a real problem after a while...
Installed and ran without any problems.
Didn't start with Proton 3.16-4 but started and ran very well with Proton 3.16-7 Beta
Installs but complains about audio issues
Want's Media Player to play audio, also said something about Xna. So... added WMP and Xna with winetricks. Error disappeard but still won't start.