Norn Berg
This game gave me splitting headache for two days
Whatever I do, most of my keyboard (letters) don't work. At all. Which means no keyboard controls, no World of Trucks account login, no nothing! I'm 110% sure that I have en_US keyboard layout forced properly as I use "single layout for all windows" mode - and I'm able to type stuff just fine in in-game Steam overlay. I don't understand what the actual hell is wrong with this game.
Some DLCs and whole SHIFT Codes thing are not available in native version
Enable compatibility mode and enjoy worse performance or go native and forfeit Golden Keys (and last storyline DLC). Uncool. Depots for Linux versions of all missing content do exist. Just not used. Weird.
Some DLCs and whole SHIFT Codes thing are not available in native version
Enable compatibility mode and enjoy worse performance or go native and forfeit Golden Keys (and HD textures DLC). Uncool.
Endless loadscreen on new game start.
What a ripoff...
Linux version became broken with latest Steam update (crashes too frequently)
...which is a showstopper for Steam-first Online-first title. Time to return to CS 1.6 - which, suprpisingly, still works...
Proton or bust
Native Linux version spreads itself to BOTH displays.
Native Linux version fails to shutdown properly, leaving ghost process (and some visual artifacts) which can't be terminated by average gamer-on-linux.
And even then, the right answer is "maybe". You'll have to jump through some hoops to make the game use your primary display to the fullest. But it's well worth it.
"The system does not meet the minimum memory requirement..."
Awful. Plain awful.
Even on lowermost graphics settings it turned my GPU into a stack of french fries.
I was unable to enter the session. The game loads then crashes both itself and computer. Due to overheat, presumably. Which is weird, given that already-taxing main menu is being rendered fine - I was even able to do some upgrading and layout switching there. A shame. A real shame.
gamemoderun AMD_VULKAN_ICD=AMDVLK PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 DXVK_FRAME_RATE=62 %command% -nosplash
Grab some visual clutter reducing mods from mod.io . And add to steamapps/common/Deep Rock Galactic/FSD/Saved/Config/WindowsNoEditor/Engine.ini the following:
[SystemSettings] r.DefaultFeature.AntiAliasing=0 r.PostProcessAAQuality=0 r.Tonemapper.Sharpen=1 r.MaxAnisotropy=0 r.AllowHDR=0 r.EyeAdaptationQuality=0 r.AmbientOcclusionLevels=0 r.BloomQuality=0 r.SSR=0 r.Fog=0 r.VolumetricFog=0 r.SceneColorFringeQuality=0 r.DepthOfFieldQuality=0 r.Tonemapper.GrainQuantization=0 r.LensFlareQuality=0 r.MotionBlurQuality=0
[/Script/Engine.RendererSettings] r.DefaultFeature.Bloom=False
If you have non-English keyboard layouts enabled in OS, ALWAYS switch to en_US prior to starting the game, or letter keys will remain unresponsive.
Given my extremely bad hardware, it's a miracle that the game works well enough to spend 300 hours (and counting) there! Non-tinkerers with hardware good enough will have even better experience. Just make sure that you use English keyboard layout...
Was able to launch it ONCE. Then - silent crashes
With each year more and more Unity engine games are becoming unplayable on commonly accessible hardware. This is the case with ECO now too.
This Is How You Do It!
An excellent experience, on par with (or even better than) WIN version on WIN.
Due to necessity to use lower resolution, and overall bad Unity engine's work with upscaling to actual screen resolution, it'll be bad.
Can't set game resolution to my screen's maximal. Only lower. No known trick helped (tried CLI parameters, config adjustments and blatant hacking).
Not platform-specific. The game was left in kinda playable state with some minor yet very annoying bugs. Like issues with workbenches' "active zones".
The most pressing concern is barely readable texts due to Unity's very bad upscaling.
[V] Works
Everything's perfect! From modern screen resolutions support, to (unfortunately) fixed bugs (crowbar mashing was fun), to assassins' models... you name it, you enjoy it!
How's this "playable"?
No character model in main menu.
Keyboard do not respond.
Bugged mess. Fiddled with it for hours, no success. Had to ask for a refund.
Real position of cursor can become misplaced in Fullscreen, requiring swap to Borderless. Vice versa.
Given overall sorry state of the game, "it's better than bad - it's good!"
Surprisingly, it works - and looks gorgeous!
Given how many events might happen on-screen at any given time, and overall density of eye candy, it's a miracle how perfectly this game works on my lousy hardware.
Silent crash related to some specific .NET
At least as far as I recall... it crashed with .NET related problem back in 2014. Now in 2024 it just dies silently.
Even Launcher itself can't do a thing
Launcher don't see network. Trying to run the game anyway crashes launcher, itself AND Steam for good measure (somehow). 11/10 AAA gaming we deserve but not AAA gaming we need.
Given the nature of the game, unexpected frequent crashes are showstoppers.
On average, the game crashes either itself, and/orSteam, or whole OS every ~5 cycles (which, in real-world time, may vary from 5 to 50 minutes). Very frustrating.
I'm suspecting that for some reason other players can't connect to my lobby. Noone to test it with though. Just seeing that someone joins, then leaves.
First of all, statement that this game have native Linux version is a scam. Flip to Win-through-Proton - and you're golden.
Perfectly unplayable
With default graphics settings: due to the game being resource hog, even login screen is lagging like hell. Trying to use non-default settings results in some weird click-through: if the game's window is topmost, clicking anywhere clicks underneath it. Which, by extent, changes the focus to whatever you had under game's window (Steam, in my case).
Given random chance to have the gameplay freeze at the very end of tense combat encounter, it can be a VERY frustrating experience.
For some reason, this game's Steam Workshop implementation failed to show me anything. Upon finishing some missions (notably, any combat at graveyard from Boo-lly arc) the gameplay (not the game itself - only gameplay) freezes.
The game goes really finicky in borderless fullscreen mode. So either traditional fullscreen or windowed mode.
Year 2024. The problem with defunct functional keys (Control, Alt, Shift, Esc, etc) which literally plagues any user with non-en_US locales installed is still not solved. Well, man can hope...
Please run from Reign of Kings.exe
Regardless of hard you try, you'll see "Please run from Reign of Kings.exe". Then, the game will close itself.
Not quite bugs but serious limitations. You see, starting from some unspecific point in the past native Linux version is "local coop only"...
Thanks gods it's not in the store anymore.
As good as original game
I'm under impression that Linux in particular have some online connectivity problems. Hard to tell for sure given low multiplayer players quantity. But when it connects - everything works well.
An excellent example of multiplatform game engine utilized right.
Works even somewhat faster than Win version on Win10.
Linux version is abandoned. Use Proton Experimental
The game resets to windowed mode on each start.
Occasional slowdowns on attempt to check combo explanations mid-game.
With all DLCs present, AI using some combos might cause crash on end of turn.
With all DLCs present, AI using some combos (Heroic Gnomes which ran out of pots and ended with 1 region, as example) might fail to end their turn.
2 out of 5 DLCs are not available for Linux. Native Linux version may or may not run well, depending on your specific libraries availability. Proton/WINE powered version is not quite stable - and, with DLCs, is quite bugged (which may or may not be non-Linux issue). Multiplayer is supposed to be mostly OK, surprisingly, most problems are related to singleplayer.
Lightweight, stable and fun to play!
As far as I understand, the developers are sticking with Linux version because whole development process uses Linux and Linux based tools. So, obviously, native Linux experience SHALL be refined to a perfection. And it currently IS!
A typical gamer uses mods. No mods for you
VERY slow cursor movement.
Good luck making Wrye Bash - without which no significant mod seem to work nowadays - work on Linux. And since vanilla Oblivion, without Unofficial Patch, which without Wrye Bash plain crashes the game, is a somewhat miserable experience...
One more WIN game working on Linux better than on Win10.
You can even install mods with Vortex properly. Get Lutris, add an entry for Skyrim, point at WINE prefix Steam created, make few symlinks - and POW! Experience better than on Win10!
Even given that using WINE and WINE-like solutions to run it takes some toll on performance, with my hardware end user is either bound to resort to playing on Windows on Medium settings - or set everything to Lowest on Linux. Which is outright weird: even Payday 2 works just fine regardless of OS I use.
It's more of a bug in the game itself, I guess. Sometimes item rotating works in build mode with default camera controls. Sometimes it is not.
Every once awhile gameplay speed degrades so much so a game restart is mandatory. Still due to find exact culprit for that...
Full complement of game's very own bugs. Not related to Proton explicitly, I guess.
Given how greedy (in terms of hardware needed to play) the game is, if your hardware is meh - I'd advice staying away from it, unless you're into some heavy tinkering (i. e. tricking the game into launching with Origin only, modding out resource-heavy effects, using as few DLCs as possible and whatnot).
Launcher don't seem to be able to connect anywhere
...nor to find my Ubisoft account. At least it was able to update itself this time, sheesh. Game is still impossible to run anyway. But that's some progress.
Registration/login screens are accessible. Everything past that is not. The game just hangs.
Good enough!
With some undetermined chance, game fails to start. Trying again fixes it. Simple.
1 (one) small bug with cursor that renders the game unplayable - this is ridiculous...
Cursor is not confined to fullscreen window. Really antique problem noone gives a damn about. Which renders the game nigh unplayable while native.
Cursor is not confined to fullscreen window. Really antique problem noone gives a damn about. Which renders the game nigh unplayable while native.
Unacceptable and incurable FPS drops
Every so often FPS drops to nigh-zero.
Multiplayer itself is 100% fine.
I'm not in a mood to reboot every 15 minutes and pray that FPS drop won't occur again. Tried every potentially useful solution, nothing worked. Going native is probably an option - however, there is a rumor that native Linux client connects with other native Linux clients ONLY. Which is, obviously, bad.
Crash on table load.
No, changing to Proton+Windows version does not help: in latter case WHOLE game crashes on load.