Use Proton. The native Linux build has several outstanding issues like always launching on a secondary monitor and being unable to connect to online games. Proton worked flawlessly.

I installed the following through proton tricks. App ID is probably 56400 but double check.
protontricks d3dx9 protontricks d3dx10 protontricks vcrun2010 protontricks vcrun2013 protontricks vcrun2019 protontricks d3dcompiler_43 protontricks d3dcompiler_47 protontricks dotnet40 protontricks dotnet48
Rebuild your prefix afterwards. Double check the address. rm -rf ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/56400
Insert this into advanced launch option on the game. PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -dx9
Crashed if I tabbed out to a different window.
It ran well with no significant problems.
Works as advertised.
The game launched perfectly fine without anything but Proton Experimental. However, it had significant texture issues until I installed all the dependencies.

gamemoderun %command%
The characters textures are messed up or missing
You can install the Windows version and the game will run out of the box without any tinkering, but there will be missing textures on character models.

character textures messed up
where is the linux port?

d3dx9 d3dx9_42 d3dcompiler_42 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 vcrun2005
That fixed all the texture/shader issues and made it work flawlessly.
For vsync go to the prefix folder: 56400/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Dawn of War II - Retribution/Settings/ There edit the configuration.lua file and change the Vsyinc line from 0 to 1. On the playercfg.lua file you can change the profanity filter to false if you prefer.

Unacceptable and incurable FPS drops
Every so often FPS drops to nigh-zero.
Multiplayer itself is 100% fine.
I'm not in a mood to reboot every 15 minutes and pray that FPS drop won't occur again. Tried every potentially useful solution, nothing worked. Going native is probably an option - however, there is a rumor that native Linux client connects with other native Linux clients ONLY. Which is, obviously, bad.

lighting was messed up.
besides the graphical issues the game ran fine.

Runs pretty well.
first launched in an 800x600 resolution that only showed part of the game viewport. Mouse was not locating menu items in the correct places. after navigating in the dark a little i managed to set the game resolution and window mode.
it may be in a pretty scewed window and resolution on first launch. with the mouse not aligning properly with menu items. But once i got through the menu options and changed video settings the game had no more issues

d3dx9 vcrun2005 dxvk win7
Suddenly stopped launching. In proton log it tried to load msvcr80 from vcrun2005. I had had only a newer one installed which worked fine until a month ago.

Surprisingly enough, NONE of the tweaks mentioned on this page worked for my rig. Some versions of Proton still gave me black screen on launch despite installing all the dlls, newer versions lauched the game just fine but the shaders were borked beyond belief. Surprisingly enough, some lauch options (namely -nomovies) caused the game to straight up crash on me. In desperation I've turned to the native Linux runtime option, and... Yeah, it worked just fine. Once in a while there's some minor audio stutter, but apart from that the game runs fine. No multiplayer with Windows users, I guess. No big deal.

Game had troubles with shaders, was crashing and dropping frames. Running
protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7 d3dx9_42 d3dcompiler_42 d3dcompiler_43 d3dcompiler_47 dxvk
Fixed all the issues, and made it more than playable.
Played with friends that are on windows. Played both Last Stand and standart battles - had no issues
For me, worked only after protontricks command
protontricks 56400 d3dx9
I recommend setting Vsync to 1 in ".../steamapps/compatdata/56400/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Dawn of War II - Retribution/Settings/configuration.lua"
gamemoderun ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 %command%
Use this protontricks command on your terminal and the black screen issue will be resolved "protontricks 56400 d3dx9" (without the quotes)
- Tried MP, but didn't found any games to join, so can't say anything about this mode; maybe trying in a different time could bring better results ;)
- Launch options totaly optional, but installing gamemode and vkBasalt provide enhancements in image quality and performance.
%command% -nomovies
Blackscreen issues were fixed by protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7
To fix "out of sync " errors invoke the following
cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/56400/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/
wget "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe"
cabextract vc_redist.x64.exe
cabextract a10

PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=12:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 %command%
protontricks 56400 d3dx9
I selected 12 CPUs in my "Launch Options" if you have less you have to adjust it.
Initially game would launch with black screen and sound only. I used Proton tricks: 1 select Dawn of War 2: Retribution 2 Select the default wineprefix 3 Install Windows DLL or component 4 check "d3dx9", "d3dx9_43", "d3dxof", "dxvk", "vkd3d", "vulkanrt121412" 4a - im not sure if all of them are necessary but the game started working after I did above steps.
Multiplayer crashes every other game, installing vcredist did not help
Benchmarks 170 FPS all settings maxed, better than native.
Missing textures after long play sessions.
Was able to complete all games without issues.
Proton version needed for multiplayer, cross-platform play not supported.
If running native, must use Linux runtime. If running native, must have the -tcp launch option. The option is added in Feral launcher, not in Steam configuration nor desktop launcher.
`PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -nomovies -window`
protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7, since it's on deck if you get protontricks from Discover it will likely actually be flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7 (annoying i know)
Must force windowed mode with -window if you get black screen but have audio.
Just use the correct GE proton version or it won't work.
UPDATE: may have to use -window if you get black screen but have audio. This problem is inconsistent for me but this fixes it every time so far.
-nomovies -window -fullwindow -forceactive -lockmouse
supposedly gives you borderless window but i don't care to try
just make sure you use the correct GE otherwise you can't even get in the same room as a steam friend
tons of fun, bound back buttons to abilities and yeeted everything as necron lord in last stand. runs on max settings at 60fps in last stand
dpad for camera, touchpad for mouse, grid hotkeys on in game settings (regardless of platform it's way easer), and bind back buttons to abilities makes last stand a ton of fun. thought it would be a million times worse. also got discord running in the background for voice which did not impact performance. 30fps instead of 60 isn't really necessary but like doubles battery life if you need to do that. again, Custom Proton: GE 6.1-GE-2, get using protonup-qt from discover
tons of fun, bound back buttons to abilities and yeeted everything as necron lord in last stand. runs on max settings at 60fps in last stand
protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7
, since it's on deck if you get protontricks from Discover it will likely actually be flatpak run com.github.Matoking.protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7
(annoying i know)
just make sure you use the correct GE otherwise you can't even get in the same room as a steam friend
dpad for camera, touchpad for mouse, grid hotkeys on in game settings (regardless of platform it's way easer), and bind back buttons to abilities makes last stand a ton of fun. thought it would be a million times worse. also got discord running in the background for voice which did not impact performance. 30fps instead of 60 isn't really necessary but like doubles battery life if you need to do that. again, Custom Proton: GE 6.1-GE-2, get using protonup-qt from discover

To get the cutscenes working run the command: protontricks 56400 -q wmp11.
To fix the multiplayer desync run the commands: cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/56400/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/, wget "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe", cabextract vc_redist.x64.exe, cabextract a10 (ignore errors of the cabextract a10 command).

To get the cutscenes working run the command: protontricks 56400 -q wmp11. Used Proton 5.0-10 and it worked, didn't test with newer versions.
I didn't try multiplayer, since it's from Relic the Company of Heroes 2 multiplayer desync fix might work if you have such an issue: cd ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/56400/pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/, wget "https://aka.ms/vs/16/release/vc_redist.x64.exe", cabextract vc_redist.x64.exe, cabextract a10.

Game doesn't start with default proton, nor with tinkering
After failing with normal Proton, I tried aforementioned tinkering with protontricks and Proton-GE. All fail equally.
The game basically freezes 3 of 4 time in average in multiplayer. It raises an error related to synchronization and gives up

Install the game (maybe delete old pfx - backup saves e.g.)
To make it run great:
# protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7
Install Proton GE 6.1-GE-2. No luck with other Proton versions to fix desyncs here. 3.Then use Steam Launch options (no launch trailers):
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% -nomovies
instead of PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1
(which is recommended) boosts FPS by almost 50%+ BUT Steam Overlay does not work anymore, which makes inviting friends via Steam impossible.
After launched the game one time, ALT-F4
used "protontricks 56400 d3dx9 win7 dotnet20"
dotnet20 install crash for me, but still install working stuff
Long multiplayer game (with windows player) lead to desync

Black screen.
The native Linux port is not cross-compatible with Windows in multiplayer.
Game starts, but with a black screen. Unplayable.

Protontricks to install d3d9 required
Posting here to bookmark this page, protondb somehow doesn't find this game on search.
Works better than native for single player but multiplayer doesn't work
When you play multiplayer (both last stand and skirmish) you will be defeated and the game will crash to desktop after just a few minutes. Likely some sort of desynchronisation issue with proton. Unplayable in multiplayer which defeats the whole point of running the game with proton - except that the feral port literally doesn't work on my PC (:
protontricks to install d3dx9, otherwise the screen stays black

At last I got it running with proton. Initially I had just a black screen and nothing was being rendered, so I had to install winetricks, and there install d3dx9 to get it to work. After this it seems to run very fine.

Even though it has a native port, I tried to run it via Proton to get an access to MP. Unfortunately this game is very much borked, and crashes right on a splash screen.