Just perfect OOTB
The default display mode is X11, switch to Wayland if you are on a DE that supports it.

Works better than the Windows version
No issues at all, been hosting server for friends for weeks without issue. Linux version has a feature called non-blocking save where it will be able to auto save without any interuptions whatsoever, our game saves every 5 minutes and unless you see the green progress bar in the top left corner you wouldnt even realize. 11/10

Works OOTB
Works perfectly

Works just fine.
Can be run as Wayland-native, just switch the preferred video driver in graphics settings to Wayland.
The Steam overlay doesn't load in Wayland clients but everything else still works fine.

gamescope -w 2560 -h 1080 -W 4472 -H 1872 --force-grab-cursor -F fsr -- %command%

This game is a master class in first class Linux support.
Audio on the system drops very briefly during launch, or during intense game activity. This is more likely a distro issue being triggered by the game.
Truly first class experience.
The factory must grow.

Works pefectly fine out of the box played for at least 20 hours without issues
Both the Linux version and the Windows/Proton version work without any issues at all.

steam-run %command%
Had some issues where when launching the game it would not detect my GPU. Although might be a NixOS/my config issue

Works great out of the box. The native version has worked without any issues.
No issues in multiplayer with 2 players, a medium sized factory (800 science / minute) with multiple ships and planets. Playtime: Around 80 hours.
prime-run %command%
hosted multiplayer for 13 hours without any problems. (2 players)
Getting the game to run required downloading a missing .dll which has been linked by Factorio Staff: https://forums.factorio.com/viewtopic.php?t=66665
Proton 9.0-4 crashes during initial load with error: "Failed to compile shader"
Proton Experimental crashes during loading with error "Failed to compile shader"
Linux Native doesn't launch.
Wenn die Scroll geschwindigkeit des Mausrades in KDE erhöt wird führ das auch zu einen schnelleren Kamera Zoom und das Scrollen in Bluprint Books fängt an einige Einträge zu überspringen. Da es in KDE nicht möglich den Slider für die Scrollgeschwindigkeit genau auf eine 1 zu 1 übersetzung zu stellen führt das dazu, das beim Scrollen in Blueprintbook immer ein eintrag übersprungen wird oder nur bei jeder zweiten bewegung des Mausraden ein Eintrag weiter bewegt wird.

Everything ran smoothly, zero issues that I could find.

Works perfectly
No issues

Changed Linux Preferred driver as i had Heavy Flickering or Blackscreens in the Main Menu
In File ~/.factorio/config/config.ini
; Options: x11, wayland
Depending on your distro it might work OOTB
Works out of the box and I cannot put this game down.

There was heavy blinking (unplayable to be honest) In game settings: Changed "Preferred video driver" from "X11" to "Wayland". Now it work as expected on my setup.
Just works out of the box!
works out of the box

Its literally a drug.
This game runs perfectly with no issues at all.
Native build, just works
Native version works great ootb
Works perfectly with my imported steam cloud savegames from windows times. No tinkering required.

Works out of the box natively, mods work perfectly also
Hosting and joining servers worked flawlessly
Works as well

Runs perfectly natively.

Works perfectly without any tinkering
Picked right back up from where I was playing on Windows without any issues, just loaded the save from my steam cloud and started playing.

If every game would launch this smoothly, Windows would not be an issue for gamers any more.

Works exactly as intended
Online multiplayer works as it did on Windows, even works when heavily modded and accross operating systems.
The game works greats natively, no problems at all and no tinkering needed!

Enable non blocking saves. Not required for the game to run but it's a usful Linux/MacOS feature that allows the game to save without stopping.