Sometimes (especially when starting up) the game would have to take a few seconds to load everything in; could just be because I was playing on the highest settings though. Everything else was working OOTB.
Couldn't get the game to open with any Proton version, GE-Proton version, or on Native. Just completely borked for me.
LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib32/libtcmalloc.so %command% -force_vendor_id 0x10DE -force_device_id 0x1180 -oldgameui
Looking at an NPC through a transparent object (e.g. a glass window) removed the textures from said NPC. This did not happen everywhere, and I don't know if there was any pattern to this.
(Spoilers) In Lambda Core, specifically in the section where you ascend the tower via the portals, going through any portal sometimes significantly reduced the FPS - not to the point of unplayability, but certainly nearing that point. This only happened in this section of the game, weirdly enough.
Once, when playing for a long time, I was prompted with an error that said, "Out of memory or address space. Texture quality setting may be too high" before my game froze. I doubt this was a memory leak because I didn't experience any slowdowns leading up to this event, and I don't know if this is an Arch/Linux issue or something with the game itself. Still odd, though.
When trying this game without tinkering, I could not get it to work on Native, Proton, or even on a custom Proton installation. I went to the internet for answers, and from my research I found that Source Engine games are currently borked on Arch linux distros due to some library called "libtcmalloc.so" being bad. To fix this, just use the launch options I have after installing the package "lib32-gperftools" from the AUR. On top of this, if you are like me and are using an NVIDIA GPU with proprietary drivers (I know, sue me), I also needed to install "lib32-nvidia-utils" to get the game to work fully. After all this tinkering though, the game works OOTB on Native.
Hope that helps somebody :)
Textures far away would not appear, as you get closer they start to form until you are close enough and they appear as usual. Might be normal.
Sometimes the game would crash (memory issue I believe), might not be Linux-related.
Works OOTB on Native, haven't tried Proton
Whenever I would load a game my weapon I was holding would starting firing until I swapped to another one.
One crash and weird loading quirk; other than that it works flawlessly.
Works on Native, expect graphical artifacts though
Some textures (mainly ground textures) have artifacts when looking at them from above.
Mouse didn't work on default Proton version.