Screen tearing
Standard issues with my distro and games
I needed to force the experimental version of proton, or else it wouldn't boot.
Xenobiology update broke compatibility
Crashes on launch but can be fixed by deleting/renaming /ASTRONEER/Astro/Content/Movies/UpdateSnail_Video.mp4
Once that's done the game runs just fine
Can install and get to the menus but fails anti-cheat so is unplayable
Borked for a different reason
Before I could get to the menu but would be kicked out for EAC. Now I can't even get to the menu 🤔️
occasional odd floaty controls requiring a restart.
Crashes when launched
Worked on my fedora install but not anymore, despite trying serveral proton versions. It briefly shows a unity crash window and then closes everything
cursor offset when window is maximised, manually resizing every time I start avoids this
Failed to request product key from Steam, please try again in few minutes
As others have said, this appears to be a steam issue. I could run this on windows when last checked.
Black screen on start (demo)
The demo doesn't run at all under proton (launches but is just a black window with no audio)
Demo seems all good
After an update from the devs all seems to be working in the demo
Game thinks everyone has a 1x1 screen so you need to change it manually
Haven't played much on the deck but it seems easily playable
Something funky that I've not quite sussed out happened when I used the touchscreen
No EAC support
Functionally useless as the game is online only and EAC support hasn't been enabled. The devs have made it clear they don't intend to support linux no matter how easy it would be:
"We currently don't have the bandwidth or machines to do development and testing on Linux machines. There may be technical or security issues, as such do not support it at the moment."
Screen keeps minimizing
Also tried GE 7.3 and forced experimental with no luck.
Couldn't initialize!
CrashSender.exe opens and shows this error.
Very poor performance
Once tabbed out it goes into windowed
Very low FPS compared to on windows. frequent drops to nearly no frames.
I currently wouldn't suggest playing through proton since the performance is very bad compared to on windows.
Alt-tabbing forces windowed, can use Alt-Enter to make it fullscreen again
Keys get stuck inputting sometimes, causing many plany crashes
I'm sure that for some it's more stable but it's quite messy for me
It runs fine, if with worse performance than on windows.
Sometimes on boot inputs are ignored and the game needs to be restarted.
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command%
Tabbing back in is finnicky
Since the update to DirectX11 PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 is needed and the game now runs too slow to be enjoyably played.
Standard issues with my bluetooth controller
Crash on launch
--PLEASE ATTEMPT TO REPAIR YOUR INSTALL-- Couldn't load shader file 'NULLPixelShader'
EntryPoint() Address = 0x7b0123be (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x401f264e (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x401aeda5 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x403b2b5b (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x403acfc6 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x40d0fda2 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x40d185d1 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x40d180a3 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x40d11a25 (filename not found) EntryPoint() Address = 0x40d10887 (filename not found)
Proton-7.0rc6-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Too unstable to properly play
Crashes my whole GNOME session, logging me out and losing the save ... maybe once an hour
Pretty much flawless. Takes a while to boot up compared to native but other than that there's not much to complain about.
Windowed only has full resolution as an option
Long laggy loads are the only issue
Loading lowers my whole desktop to ~4fps for the minute it takes
And I don't know if that's a linux issue or just how the game be
Crash when quitting the game
Crashes a bit but I imagine they'll get smoothed out
Some crashing on launch, a few crashes in the middle of runs (losing the run)
gamemoderun %command%
I need to manually place the window each time otherwise the gnome bar thing at the top overlays it
It would seem the game can't run at 60 on my decently specced PC and slows down and speeds up randomly so the combat changes pace a lot.
Had several crashes (5+) mid runs and it just wipes your run 🙃
Currently the game crashes far too much and has lots of slowdown when using proton
Overall good
Game just runs slowly overall
Once you get the settings (in game) right, it's alright.
Large screen tearing even with vsync
Lower FPS than on windows on similar settings.
Opens an invisible sign in window
It opens a window to sign in but even when switched to it , nothing shows. People on Reddit say that even when on desktop then the keyboard doesn't work and you need an external one.
Too unstable at the current point
Notable screen tearing
Had the game lockup my whole PC, stopping all inputs to other apps etc. Needed a restart.
Fullscreen only, can't make the game windowed. Need to have it in it's own workspace otherwise it will keep tabbing you back in.