A good shooter similiar to World War Z, an okay story with nice gameplay-mechanics
The game struggles with 60 hz/fps and i found the stutter annoying with 40 so i set hz/fps to 50 which is the golden middle-road in this case for me. Windowed fullscreen, FSR Sharpness 5, motion blur off, shadow quality low, texture quality medium, chromatic abberation off, anti-aliasing quality 2, ambient occlusion and screen space reflections off, DirectX 11, looks a bit ugly with these options, but at least stable fps between 45-50, rare drops to 40 in big fights with lot of enemies
One of the best old-school crpgs in the world, perfectly playble on the deck, extremely long battery life
The game is hardcapped at 30 fps but i still set the Deck's framerate limit to 30 fps, i don't know if this helps with battery life. Set TDP to 5 Watts for around 7 hours of battery life.
One can increase the font size of the text, i recommend it to a minimum of additional 40% to be able to read the conversations, scrolls, equipment descriptions etc. I personally play on story mode, because real time with pause games are quite complicated to play with the trackpad in my opinion, the game is fully enjoyable this way, plus there are a dozen options to when to have the game auto-pause.
A great metroidvania with soulslike elements, perfect for the deck
refresh rate/fps can be set to 40 for improved battery life
An emotional and beautiful tale of brotherhood and the power of family and blood, perfect for the deck
40hz/fps and TDP 10 Watts for around 4-4,5 hours of battery life
On first startup it is recommended to check the settings in the initial launcher, it's possible one has to change the screen size from 720p to 800p
I recommend this gem to everybody who likes linear stories with platforming and puzzle elements
An awesome top-down roguelite, constant 60 fps
refresh rate/fps can be turned down to 40 for better battery life
Lots of upgrades, boosts, perks and weapons, doesn't overstay its welcome, can be completed in a few hours on normal difficulty, a good little game
Perfect for the deck, better than expected controller support, surprisingly long battery life with two battery modification
set TDP to 7 watts, refresh rate and fps limit to 40 hz/fps which is perfect for the turn-based combat and the not-so-many moving elements at the same time on the screen, around 6-6,5 hours of battery life with these settings
Almost constant 60 fps, insignificant drops during bigger fights, great experience on the deck
A really good isometric rpg, completely playable on the deck, resembles the OG Fallout and Wasteland games
For comfort and accessibility, enable the backbuttons for quicksave, map menu, inventory screen and character screen
40 hz/fps for around 3,5-4 hours of battery, every setting on high, one can lower the antialiasing and shadows to eliminate the occasional minimal stutter during gameplay (sometimes it drops from 40 to 35-37 when there is a lot of lightning and particle effects on the screen at once)
It's not exactly the game's fault but i lost all of my save files when i switched from native version to proton experimental because of the frequent crashes, i presumed it will happen but they didn't come back when i rolled back from proton to the native build, which i don't know if this is the game's fault or if steam cloud functions like this. The strange thing is that when i changed back, my in-game profile returned, but all of my save files were gone, so i suspect this is the game's fault
One crash on a loading screen in the first five hours, then i had no problem until around hour 35, around the beginning of Act 2, where the crashes became so frequent that it hindered the experience
Meaningful choices that drastically alter the in-game world and the flow of the story, turn-based combat, real-time exploration, if i hadn't lost my save game and progression i think the game could have offered me around 30 more hours of gameplay minimum
A short but enjoyable side-scroller pixelated experience with light horror and choose-your-own-adventure elements
The game is hardcapped at 30 fps, i also set the fps lock to 30, set TDP to 7 Watts for around 5-6 hours of battery life, this is enough for around 5-6 consecutive playthroughs
The optional safe at the end has a bug where you cannot exit the password screen without entering the correct password, i recommend either not touching it if you don't know the password or searching it up online as you need to exit the game to be able to continue otherwise
Great indie side-scroller game with light puzzle and platformer elements
refresh rate/fps to 40, tdp to 8, around 3-3,5 hours of battery life
Nice first-person shooter roguelite, not a strong story but enjoyable gameplay loop
turned off fog, volumetric lightning, vignette and pixel downsampling for constant 60 fps, 2-2,5 hours of battery life
Perfect for the Steam Deck, somewhat good battery life, perfect controller support
Scaling filter FSR sharpness 5, constant 60 fps, battery lasts around 3-3,5 hours
Works perfectly ootb, somewhat challenging puzzle segments, nice platforming elements
Around 5-5,5 hours of battery life on 60 fps, which is more than enough for a complete playthrough
An awesome detective-noir pixel-art game with intuitive gameplay and minimal hand-holding
refresh rate/fps to 40 for improved battery life, perfectly playable for side-scroller games
60 fps during gameplay, 30 fps during cinematics, perfect port from the consoles
Constant 60 fps, nice prologue for Phantom Pain
Final cinematic advertising Phantom pain did not play correctly
Perfect optimisation, constant 60 fps, an awesome open-world game with Batman Arkham-style combat
if refresh rate and fps is turned down to 40 it is still enjoyable and gives a better battery life by around 40-50 minutes
Bioware's Magnum Opus, the Odyssey of Shepard, the Definitive Space Opera remastered and optimised, perfect 60 fps on the deck
Changed right trackpad click to left mouse click, set L4 to M key and R4 to F5(quicksave)
set TDP to 8 watts for around 3-3,5 hours of battery life
Usual EA app shenanigans in the background, had to log in to the app a few times, most of the times force exit and restart solved the problem
No button or joystick were recognized in main overview menu, had to use trackpad to navigate, everything worked fine in the individual games' menu
In my humble opinion, one of the best game trilogies of all time, it has incredible worldbuilding, flawless characters, captivating and intriguing story and choices with heavy impacts resonating through all three games
Great game for the deck, really good controller support, challenging but not punishing gameplay
Sidescroller games like this one don't always require 60 fps to be playable and enjoyable, so the refresh rate and fps can be turned down to 40 for improved battery life
Fast-paced roguelite game but leaves enough breathing room for tactical approach, challenging but not punishing gameplay
Better battery life on 40hz/fps but visible stutter so i don't recommend lowering it from 60 for the sake of plus 45-60 minutes of battery life
In the main menu, when i opened settings or the in-game menu, sometimes the game didn't recognize the B (back) button so i was stuck in that section unless i used the Steam button+trackpad combination to manually go back to the main menu or back to the game. Another problem relating to this is if i use the trackpad method, sometimes the cursor disappears completely in the main menu after this, requiring the trackpad method again, which is kind of annoying but not game-breaking, tried forcing Proton-experimental, nothing changed
Other than the controller-problem, the game is enjoyable, has a good roguelite gameplay-loop and feels responsive
Didn't work with Proton 8.0-5, tried experimental and GE-Proton8-25, game crashes on startup every time
An awesome roman age hack and slash game, one of a kind literally as i don't know any other game like this, plays perfectly on the deck
40hz/40fps combination for improved battery life 3 hours max, around 2 hours on 60hz/60 fps, all graphic settings on normal, motion blur off, anisotropic filtering 4x for stable 60 fps with minimal framedrops. Late in the game, on the 5th or 6th level the fps started to drop constantly to 35-40 so i lowered object detail and shadows quality to low, no visible graphical difference but fixed the framerate issue for the remaining levels
no connection problems or framedrops
Extremely fast-paced gameplay resembling the arcade machines of the 90's, short but enjoyable, sometimes frustrating but rewarding
40 hz/fps, around 5,5-6 hours of battery life which is enough for around 5 playthroughs, the game is really short but fun
Innovative and interesting story and gameplay mechanics, great experience on the deck
refresh rate and fps to 40, which is perfectly playable for top-down shooters/rpgs in my opinion, around 3,5-4 hours of battery life
See mentioned controller problem, unplayable native without external accessories
Full controller support on game page, but doesn't recognize joysticks or trackpads, tried changing the controller layout multiple times to no avail, tried an external controller with 2.4 ghz connection, still doesn't work. Tried GE-Proton 47 and 49, proton experimental, Proton 7.0-6 and Steam Linux Runtime, nothing fixed the problem, which renders the game unplayable without an external keyboard and mouse.
An emotional and truly hardcore Visual-novel/Rpg with multiple branching storylines and meaningful choices that brutally impact the story
40hz/fps, TDP 7W for 5-5,5 hours of battery life
I recommend doing an ironman-run on the first playthrough, where there is no retries, one has to live with every consequence and turning off the option where the consequences are visible before making a decision, let your intuition guide your choices, the game becomes much more immersive
One of the best campaigns of the 2010's, still holds up by today's standards, plays perfectly after minimal tinkering on the Steam Deck
Set scaling filter FSR sharpness 5, changed model detail to medium, model draw distance to normal, effects detail to medium, ragdolls to medium, texture filtering to anisotropic 4x, still beautiful graphics and constant 60 fps with no visible drops through the whole campaign
EA launcher crashed at first startup, proton GE 47 didn't fix it, set compatibility to proton experimental, startup was rather slow but worked, had no problem after this
Played one Frontier Defense match, worked perfectly, no fps drop or stutter, no connection problem
Excellent controller support and optimization
An excellent port from the Xbox360/PS3 era, constant 60 fps during gameplay, fast paced combat and snappy movement
Nice roguelite similiar to Dome Keeper, pretty pixelated graphics, good gameplay loop
40 hz/fps and TDP 8 Watts for 6-7 hours of battery life
A good X-com clone in Warhammer 40K setting, people wo enjoy the lore of this universe will get many well-spent hours out of it
Cap framerate in game's settings to 30 fps, turn off motion blur and bloom, set anti-aliasing to FXAA, texture quality to medium, model-, shadow-, and decal quality to low, far clip distance to short, debris and UI Postprocessing to low for stable 30 fps and around 2,5-3 hours of battery life
Not possible to increase font size and the game requires the player to read through conversations, character screens etc.
An awesome Warhammer 40K shooter with heavy and impactful gameplay mechanics, runs perfectly on the deck
50 hz/fps and TDP 8 Watts for around 3,5-4 hours of battery life
At first launch, had to change the resolution from 720p to 800p
An awesome turn-, and squad-based post-apocalyptic rpg, perfect for the deck, supports stable 60 fps
Enabled a back button for quicksave(F5) At first startup, had to navigate to options and change the controls to controller from keyboard+mouse with the trackpad plus at every startup the game asks you to press A to identify the controller you play with, the steam page of the game doesn't advertise controller support but it works perfectly and it's optimised for the steam deck and external controllers also
40 hz/fps for around 4 hours of battery but the game's default settings support a stable 60 fps also with lower battery life logically
A high-quality shooter with a good story, perfect controller support, great mechanics
50 hz/50 fps for 2,5 hours, around 2 hours on default 60 hz/fps, turned off motion blur, every graphical setting on high, filters on anisotropic 4x, anti aliasing on TSSAA 8TX, stable fps with minimal drops in bigger fights
Tried the black screen flickering fix posted here but it didn't work for me, it's possible that i set the launch options incorrectly, others are welcome to try and post their experience