Game runs well, Steam controller integration is not the best but playable.
Steam controller wasn't detected unless powered on before the game started. Occasionally the attack button would trigger the main menu to open.
Played the tutorial and one match and found no issues. Game works 100% from what I can see.
I've played the game through three times on single player and had a few games of multiplayer with no issues. Frame rate within the game is fantastic and smooth, performance was best in Vulkan mode. No crashes or glitches experienced.
Game feels very smooth and performs great but will require the latest Nvidia drivers to get playable framerates.
Proton-5.6-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Alt-Tab causes the game to lock-up
Game crashes when Achievements or friends list alerts popped up.
I'd recommend disabling steam overlay and friend alerts.
Steam notifications can be disabled by editing $HOME/.local/share/Steam/resource/styles/steam.styles:
Change Notifications.Stacksize "3" to "0". Then restart steam.
Game runs very well. A little shader stutter occasionally but nothing to problematic.
FPS tanked after alt-tabbing out and back in.
Seems to play well with the file changes listed by others. The cut-scenes don't play with sounds for me. The game occasionally will crash during loading. It wants to install .net every time I launch the game. Overall in-game performance feels good.
Game runs really well once you get past the Rockstar Launcher. Performance was fine, I didn't see any slowdowns or stutters.
No GTA Launcher fix
Steam controller wouldn't work if it was turned on after the game was launched
Game seemed to randomly cash when getting into a car on some missions. Happened on the larger missions where there was a lot of shooting etc beforehand.
Game runs well in the latest Glorious Eggroll proton build. I previously used the noGTALauncher but that doesn't seem to be required now.
5.2-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Game runs fine with the audio fix. No other tweaks required. Performance is great on max settings.
5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
rename or delete $STEAMAPPS/common/Mass\ Effect/Binaries/OpenAL.dll
rename or delete $STEAMAPPS/common/Mass\ Effect/Binaries/OpenAL.dll
5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Some of the textures seem a little dark.
Game runs 100%, no issues or slowdowns. Steam controller worked out of the box. Game also ran fine via steam-link.
5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Game runs like native, no noticeable issues. Steam Controller detected and working out of the box.
5.8-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Runs perfectly with DXVK. Small stutters after loading in but afterwards the game is very smooth. DX9 mode has been removed from the game now so this will no longer be an option for anyone previously playing through DX9>OGL Wine translation.
Runs great out of the box in latest version of proton. Usual stutters at startup.
5.11-GE-2-MF GloriousEggroll
Running the game with vsync enabled would make my monitor run at 60Hz and I would have to manually change it back to 144Hz.
Quake Remastered ran fine without any tweaks required. It should also work with Luxtorpeda but I have not personally tested this.
5.4-GE-3 GloriousEggroll
This was only required to get the opening videos and some tutorial videos to play. Without this in 5.6-GE1 the game would crash at start but would run in 5.4-GE3 without it ok.
PS3 controller worked 100%, the Steam controller was hit or miss.
The VRAM leak made the game unplayable on my GTX970 but it doesn't have a lot of VRAM to begin with.
Had only 2 or 3 crashes over the full play-through.
The VRAM leak when you pause to go into the menu totally killed performance and I had to restart the game to fix. When initially installing I hit an origin bug that basically locked me from playing for 24 hours because it said "too many computers have played this game recently"
Tried the demo version. It launches to a brown screen and goes no further.
Installs and runs well with 5.2-GE-2. Uplay installs itself and doesn't seem to close when the game closes but the game itself works.
Played the game through (~60 hours) with no issues. Performance was smooth with no noticeable frame drops or stutters.
Played the game through twice with several different version of proton and found no issues or crashes. Frame rate seemed smooth and stable.
The game ran fine out of the box. I've not run into any issues in the first couple of hours playing. The game feels smooth.
The initial launch of the game gave me a prompt about my graphics card not being supported, but I just clicked "ok" and it hasn't come back.