Suspicious Noble
Unable to reach the main menu, game crashes after ~20 seconds.
Inital splash displays, screen goes black and music can be heard. Cursor changes to the game's mouse cursor and after about 15 seconds the entire desktop locks up and crashes me back to the login screen. Tried with GE-Proton9-11, GE-Proton9-5, Proton Experimental and standard. Tried with Steam Overlay disabled also but none of these made any difference.
I finally got this working by installing the Flatpack version of steam. It simply wouldn't run using the native debian installers - no idea
Mouse does not lock to game screen on multi monitor setup
To get in game cinematics working, install Media Foundation DLLs as follows:
export BFG=~/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/363680/
rm -rf $BFG/*
git clone $BFG/mf-install
git clone $BFG/mf-installcab
WINEPREFIX="$BFG/pfx" WINEARCH=win64 wine wineboot
WINEPREFIX="$BFG/pfx" $BFG/mf-install/
WINEPREFIX="$BFG/pfx" $BFG/mf-installcab/
Renaming BorderlandsGOTY.exe to Launcher.exe was required before the game would launch
Mouse input was initially very laggy. Setting the FPS limit to unlimited within the game's menu resolved this.
Proton-5.9-GE-5-ST GloriousEggroll
On one occasion, audio just stopped. Closing and restarting the game fixed this.
Launches after install, no tinkering or arguments needed to run correctly.
Towards the beginning of the game, a TV monitor is supposed to display an image but doesn't. Shows a pink square instead. No thing else though.
Only thing that didn't work was the intro video when starting the game. This requires Media Foundation DLLs. Can be installed as follows:
export SHD=~/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/816090/
rm -rf $SHD/*
git clone $SHD/mf-install
git clone $SHD/mf-installcab
WINEPREFIX="$SHD/pfx" WINEARCH=win64 wine wineboot
WINEPREFIX="$SHD/pfx" $SHD/mf-install/
WINEPREFIX="$SHD/pfx" $SHD/mf-installcab/
Flawless with GE Proton7-24. All movies worked, runs on max settings with no issues. Failed to launch with standard versions of proton
Game launches, tutorial works fine and online multiplayer works fine. No issues at all and no tweaks needed.
As others have said, needed to add WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" %command% to the launch options to resolve the audio issues. Otherwise, game runs perfectly on high settings, no crashes or irregularities so far.
Requires a cracked exe to run and a graphical issue if post-processing is enabled. Otherwise fine
Graphical glitches when post processing enabled. Disabling this resolves them.
Have not been able to play for more than about 20 minutes without a crash.
Games launch and can be played but will periodically crash
Seems that a recent patch to the game has resolved the issues I was having connecting to multiplayer games and crashes. Fully playable
Game will install, launch and run without Media Foundation DLL but one is unable to complete the final puzzle. In addition the background image on the main menu is missing along with those on the instructions page.
To install Media Foundation DLLs:
export WWB=~/.steam/steamapps/compatdata/1218250/
rm -rf $WWB/*
git clone $WWB/mf-install
git clone $WWB/mf-installcab
WINEPREFIX="$WWB/pfx" WINEARCH=win64 wine wineboot
WINEPREFIX="$WWB/pfx" $WWB/mf-install/
WINEPREFIX="$WWB/pfx" $WWB/mf-installcab/