Flawless Victory! Switched to Arch Linux (CachyOS) recently and have had amazing performance with Steam games.
Game works smoothly and runs like native. Would recommend!

Like a native game
Only some network related issues because it's per to per
gamemoderun %command% gamescope
Resolvedby switching to experimental and changing the launch parameters
gamemoderun %command%

Audio crackles after 3-4th cutscene in story mode. It only happens in story mode
Game at random will drop FPS to unplayable level. It only affects gameplay since xrays, fatalities etc are always running as intended max (30) fps
The only problem with MP is that only very experienced players are running it so i doubt you will be able to unlock MP only unlockables (revenenat skins)
If you can then buy it on xbox/ps since PC port is much from being good. FPS drops will happen at random and you will have to either quit match or finish it with very low FPS (if this happens during online or Corrupted Shinnok then you are f....) Audio crakling during story mode (that also spawns FPS drop) makes this mode virtually unplayable for most players since you would have to leave the game after 1-2 chapters to make sure you won't be affected by this.

Game works perfectly excluding audio problems
Its barelly unlistenable on default version of proton.
При прохождении сюжетки звук рассинхронизировался через несколько боев или qte. Не критично, но неприятно.
Помимо звука в сюжетке, иногда были доступны не все сетевые функции (то башни фракции не работали, то ещё что-то по мелочи), но я думаю, что это из-за того, что игру давно не поддерживают, всё-таки уже 12-я часть вышла (MK1). А так вполне играбельно, получил удовольствие от игры.

Must play game in DX10 mode -dx10

It doesn't always have bad audio and when it does you have to exit the game shut it down then restart the game and the audio works well.
The text in the game are super small and hard to read.
It kept crackling and looked like a bad Kung fu movie because the voices and mouth movement weren't on par.
It would always say that it can't find any players because I think the server is down.
As I said audio isn't always bad but when it starts cracking just turn the game off and back on and it works fine.

- Game is incapable of properly handling its VARIABLE VSYNC setting
- In-game automatic rendering quality configuration is unreliable
- protontricks doesn't fix audio issues
Game requires multiple start-forceStop-start-forceStop-.... attempts

cutscenes fall out of sync, and all audio gets major crackling, which gets worse the more you retry a fight. Only fix is to restart the whole game.
the audio issues only come up when retrying a fight after losing, so if you're good at the game you will never encounter them and it will be a true perfect deck verified experience.

Use protontricks to install XACT_x64
Happened once but was solved by a restart.
Performance problems seem to disappear after a few minutes of playtime.
gamescope -w 2560 -h 1440 -f -- gamemoderun %command%
after running the game with gamescope all crackling and out of sync problems during the story QTE were gone and the game was perfectly playable
Fails to launch and doesn't give an error message.
Tried Proton 6.8-3 and aldo Experimental
At first I tried to run it with Proton 8.0-2 then Experimental. Then I went all the way down to 6.3-8 because I read that was last known working version. All of them failed to launch the game. Am I wrong expecting some kind of error message with more info when this happens? A noob here.
Only works fine with Proton 6.3-8 and even with that cannot play more than 5 minutes without crashing.
Audio starts crackling after a short time in a cutscene. Sync problem accompanies crackling.
Especially gets slow between cutscenes. There are also huge FPS drops during fights.
Almost everytime crashes either in a fight or during a cutscene.
Works really well. Needs Proton 6.3 otherwise towers won't work. Also using this proton version significantly speeds up loading times.
During Story mode, I've experienced some problems with audio. Sometimes it goes well, but most of time, it's out of sync, full of noise and crackling.

All good
apart from the part that the game crashes sometimes when you click to start, the game run pretty well
Audio falls of sync during story cutscenes
Game crashed on quick time events until I set Proton version to Expiremental
On default Proton settings the Tower mode doesn't work - works on 6.3-8 and Experimental
Newer versions of Proton do not work correctly, and older versions suddenly don't work either
The latest version of GE Proton seems to be borked. Also, Proton Experimental does not work for me in this game. I tried using the old Proton-6.12-GE-1 but it doesn't seem to work anymore. Proton 6.3-8 works, but still has performance issues that make it run worse than it reasonably should.
All of story mode plays, however I would not try multiplayer with what I've seen.
Audio stops during hanging/loading times in the middle of a fight.
When the game hangs in the middle of a fight, it can ruin the whole experience. Even though the game doesn't hang often and 90% of the time it works well.

Using 6.3-8 the game run smoothly, no problem with cutscenes or tower mode but using the default steam proton 7.0-3 game issues will start.
time cures
small text
Tower mode is unplayable
Using the Tower mode sometimes causes the SteamDeck to restart
Tower Mode goes down to 1 fps and crashes the game or the Steam OS itself
Weird that the game is labled verified with Tower mode unplayable
Cut scenes in story got out of sync, but gameplay audio was fine
Slow load times
Plays right out of the box.
Loss of audio during non-interactive cutscenes in story mode.
Other than the problem above, the audio plays flawlessly during the rest of the game - menu, in-game fights, etc.

Funciona Correctamente Proton 6.3.x
El juego funciona correctamente con proton 6.3 oficial de Steam, también funciona con 7.0, ya NO se necesita -GE
Game crashes on story mode right before the first level

With official proton and proton experimental the keyboard wasn't working at all. But with proton GE, I did not notice any problems.
Proton-6.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Proton GE

Proton-6.20-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Glorious Eggroll 6.20
Sometimes the audio effects (including voices) are lost mid-cutscene. I noticed it happens after you have those "interactive" fights in the cutscenes
Takes a really long time to initialize.
Using Proton-6.12-GE-1 I was able to play as well as on Windows and it's the only Proton version that could play the Story Mode (any other would crash at the first QTE segment)
Runs almost natively, zero issues
I used Proton 6.16-GE-1. Game works almost natively.

If we talk about performance on Linux, then it is exactly the same as on Windows ! There are no differences from the word AT ALL.
6.12-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
I also recommend installing Feral GameMode and writing it in the startup parameters [gamemoderun %command%]

Proton-6.9-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Story mode audio is still bugged (the audio falls out of sync and starts crackling after 3 or 4 story mode fights)
Just installed the most recent Steam-Proton (6.3) and played the game
Sound cuts out during cutscenes.
Needs protontricks 307780 xact_x64 to remain stable

Proton-6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
protontricks 307780 xact_x64
El audio en las cinematicas se rompe, en el juego no hay ningún problema
El modo historia no funciona a menos que se use "protontricks 307780 xact_x64" en la consola, después de instalar protontricks, para podes instalar protontrick seguir lo indicado en: https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks ya que varía según su distribución.