Finally got the videos to play back with GE Proton
Cinematics are not played back.
subtitles are ok, text UI in-game is very small
in-game the UI text is very small for the deck screen, I had to use steam + L1 to zoom
Minimal tinkering with launch options after which it runs just fine (albeit with some stuttering during cinematics).
OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000 && %command%
Cinematics seem to stutter intermittantly.
At least initially cinematics render such that they wrap around the screen as if there's a sync issue with the monitor. This occurs whether in full screen or windowed. Gameplay, however, is unaffected. Also, you must launch with OPENSSL_ia32cap=:~0x20000000 && %command% in your launch options or the game will crash before even reaching the main menu due to a bug in the feature detection used by OpenSSL which crashes on 10th and 11th generation Intel CPUs.
Can't load the menu
Works fine on my steamdeck so I assume this must be Intel related?
Small UI aside, it plays quite well. I recommend turning off motion blur, however--it doesn't play well with the resolution.
Limited FPS to 40.
The main UI is very small. The text is legible, but I had to squint.
The UI often reverted to showing keyboard icons, but would swap back to standard (Xbox) button icons when the next UI appeared. Controller binds worked no matter what was shown.
Game did not start until I forced Proton Experimental. Once that was done, everything worked completely without issue, small UI and sometimes-inaccurate button prompts aside.
Flawless with GE Proton7-24. All movies worked, runs on max settings with no issues. Failed to launch with standard versions of proton
Doesn't start.
Instaled with: export WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/492230/pfx" && export PROTON="/home/user/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 6.3" && git clone /tmp/mf && /tmp/mf/ -proton
Once in teams' tactical window couldn't move mouse. Had to use keyboard. Not sure if it is WINE or the game bug.
Minor issues, but definitely playable.
Motion blur caused significant FPS drops, but can be disabled in the video options menu.
The intro movie does not play, so the game will hang at a black screen when you start it. Just keep clicking the left-mouse button until the loading screen appears.
avec une carte graphique 960 gtx et 11 GB de ram le jeu tourne à plus de 120 fps.
un long chargement quand vous lancez le jeu mais vous pouvez accélerer le chargement en cliquand plusieur fois sur clique gauche. J'ai fait une vidéo du jeu en multi ici :
some glitches and occasional bugs but ok
Black screen long loading, but if you click much to mouse the black screen load faster. If you have 8 gb ram and you play with Gnome, I recommend to play with desktop LXDE for free ram.The game work perfectely.
The loading video does not play, rest of the game works flawlessly
Black start screen with a long loading (60 seconds or so). Otherwise, the game works flawlessly.