Will only run in "Windowed Borderless"
Hasn't happened recently.
Uplay will start and launch the game, but then it hangs on a black screen.
- Disabling Esync
- Disabling D3D11
- Using Wine D3d11
- Building latest proton from source
- Changing resolution to 1920x1080
Had to install Uplay with with protontricks. Graphics and gameplay are fine, but some artifacts and glitches; the game occasionally crashes and freezes.
Without these fixes the game will run but you will get stuck on the first level due to a glitch when you are asked to "watch the monitor."
Need media foundation fix:
https://github.com/Matoking/protontricks WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx" ./mf-install.sh
https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-installcab WINEPREFIX="/home/USERNAME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx" ./install-mf-64.sh
Also you will need to obtain a copy of mfplat.dll and put it in this directory (you may also have to make it executable with chmod +x) /home/USERNAME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/397540/pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow64/
Seems to work when set to fullscreen but sometimes when you launch the game it may say "the game crashed would you like to set to defaults?" After a few attempts the game should launch again, but you will have to change to Fullscreen in video settings again.
Works very well, slight jumpiness here and there, but I haven't played for long and it doesn't seem bad.
Sometimes you have to try to launch the game multiple times before it will launch.
Tbh I'm just super happy to see Day-zero (technically for steam anyway) support for this title :)
Uplay launches, then steam will show the game as running but nothing happens.
- Disabling Esync
- Building latest proton from source
Game will not launch, uplay will not launch - error message: "Unable to locate Uplay PC. Please reinstall Uplay PC."
Generally runs well.
Occasionally the game will crash; I have lost progress for some missions.
Starts with Black screen then crashes
- Tried https://github.com/z0z0z/mf-install
- Tried Proton 5.9 & GE 5.9-GE-5ST
Game still starts up then crashes without ever getting to menu.
Also tried Glorious eggroll 5-21.
Could not get more than 15-20 fps no matter what graphics settings I changed.
Looks promising, but the performance issue is killing any potential.
Runs out of the box but the mouse is just horrible. Sensitivity is far to high even if you zero it out and the framerate gets very choppy. Using a controller instead of a mouse helps a lot.
Loads first level perfectly but freezes and hangs indefinitely after cutscene; forcing the game to exist gives this error: \pathtoRE2\re2.exe "d:\reengine\reengine\gitroot\runtime\modules\render\os\renderdevicedx11.ccp" 4215 present failed. HRESULT=0x887a0001
4.21-GE-1 (fork of Proton customized/built by GloriousEggroll) GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
4.21-GE-1 (fork of Proton customized/built by GloriousEggroll) GloriousEggroll
Minor and very occasional artifacts.
Occassional crashes without saves being synced.
Performance slows down at some points, definitely under-par but quite playable.
Used media foundation fix as mentioned here(https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Proton/issues/3224):
Proton-5.11-GE-1-MF GloriousEggroll GloriousEggroll
Won't run at native 1440 for some reason but works at 1080
Mouse input stutters really bad after around 30 minutes of gameplay.
Also tried Proton-5.11-GE-2-MF which is supposed to fix the mouse issue but actually made it worse. Actually can't get any keyboard or mouse input during gameplay other than left-click.