If you are having problems with the EA app showing as offline follow this guide https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/1jegtfo/found_a_solution_to_the_ea_app_friends_connection/
Need to follow the guide attached if you want to use EA app online

I have the game through Epic, and launch through Heroic. Game would not launch properly with default configuration. I was able to get it to launch and plays well after the following: 1. Using GE 9-26, 2. As in previous recent reports, using Heroic's winecfg to hide the Proton version, 3. Manually editing the game settings in the prefix found at drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/STAR WARS Battlefront II/settings/ProfileOptions_Profile to enable DirectX12. After the game launches properly, it's a smooth and completely expected multiplayer experience.

There is currently an issue where you cannot connect to EA in order to play co-op with a friend if you do not first:
- switch to Proton GE
- enable checkbox for "Hide Wine version from applications" in protontricks -> winecfg -> staging
I'm not sure whether Proton GE is required, definitely the "hide wine version" setting though.
You can join random mulitplayer servers without this, but not join co-op parties via EA
You cannot bring up the Steam overlay while playing this game, however mangohud works.
protontricks fix required for co-op
I wrote a couple of reports for this game in the past complaining about heavy stuttering with DX12. I'm now fairly certain that this has to do with VRAM usage which goes through the roof on DX12. I can now comfortably max everything with my newer 7900XTX and I've seen it exceed 18GB of VRAM usage on 4k!
Also, this multiplayer EA issue came up randomly after many months of reliable play, so I would expect for it to either get fixed and/or for another issue to crop up again in the future. I blame EA

Works great out of the box
Played online without issues

I've completed the campaign and played some multiplayer matches without issues with Proton 9.0-4
The game plays fine, the only issue is the connection with EA servers that sometimes work (and also the annoying EA launcher)

adjusted the power usage through the gpu frequency along with other basic things in the SteamOS overlay.
Only ever occured when trying to play with a mouse and keyboard, but the problem always resolves itself.
It's an EA launcher game on Steam Deck, need I say more? (Yes lol) Saves had occasional syncing issues but waiting a while like suggestion fixxes it.
Frame drops were common until I made adjustmentsnto the steam deck Vram.
My wifi is kinda bad so that's a contributer. I sometimes had trouble seeing my EA friends when they were in a group. I do get disconected from the servers sometimes on a spesific map. Sometimes have trouble connecting to the server.
I would recommend using cryo utilities for performance improvements. Set Vram to 4GB that will prevent a lot of crashes. A person can enjoy without this but it's a lot better with this system moddification. It's easy, watch ETA Prime on how to improve performance. That's what I did.

Everything ran as smoothly as an EA game can. No lag, no bugs, and short load times.
Make sure to force Proton Experimental in the game settings, not just the general Steam settings. Proton 7.0-6 and 9.0-4 did not work, or would allow me to launch the game but would not connect to EA servers. Once I got it running with Experimental, probably one of the best experiences I've had with the game, all previous sessions being on Windows.

9.0-3: Black screen with audio 8.0-5: Fails to start 7.0-6: Works great.

Would not work with Proton Experimental or 9.0-3 -> Would come up with a black window, mouse cursor, and audio. Could hear menu clicks etc in the audio but nothing visually. 8.0-5 -> Would completely fail to start 7.0-6 -> Works fine, no issues.

DXVK_FRAME_RATE=80 gamemoderun %command%
Crashes due to 'Assertion failed' then something about 'vk piplines &&'
FIXED by using flatpak steam instead of the pacman steam
EA app would dissappear which causes the game to close because it needs the EA app
I have noticed a lot of reddit threads saying multiplayer does not work for this game. Well it works amazingly? I think they are just playing on unpopulated servers. In the game, go into settings, click ea, change server to us virginia and I find a lot of players.
Multiplayer DOES work. Don't let people on reddit fool you. ////////// you can run the game without tinkering ////////// framerate limiter DXVK_FRAME_RATE= ////////// FSR WORKS PERFECTLY ////////// When using gamescope with the PACMAN version if I wanted to use fsr I would need --backend=sdl after the gamescope monitor arguments. ////////// Threads talk about adding SDL_VIDEODRIVER=x11 before the gamescope command in conjunction with the --backend=sdl after the gamescope monitor arguments
I have not tried Proton-GE fsr i have not tried gamescope with the flatpak steam because I can't get it to work
flatpak steam does not give me any errors and runs smoother (not in game, just less if any ea app crashes)
if using gamescope and wanting a fps counter you can use --mangoapp after the gamescope monitor arguments
I really do recommend using flatpak steam though.
- Hyprland

Played a couple matches. Very fun but I suck :(
Works Great


Runs smooth as butter in the flatpak version of steam. barely playable in the ":native install.
frame rate can be a little low when first playing the game, ie things are still loading in the background. after 5-10 seconds everything runs as you'd expect.
everything worked perfectly. my skill level... not so much
I'd be curious to see what dependencies are included with the flatpak version of steam that do not come with the standard install.

Sorry to Spam this ProtonDB Page - Solution Found: Disable DX12 (and Maybe Shader Pre-Caching)
Okay, figured it out. I think the fix to stop all the weird stuttering and lag was to disable DirectX 12. I disabled shader pre-caching at the same time also, so I can't confirm that it was only the DX12 change that did it, but in any case I have actually fixed my issues. Buttery Smooth on Ultra now with DX12 off after previously having significant stutters, input lag, and low FPS while using DX12 and low settings. Unsure if a bug or if my 6700XT simply can't handle DX12 at 1440 Ultrawide on this 2017 game.
Please disregard my previous post claiming a solution in turning off Steam Client Beta. Unsure that was related. I'm also alt+tabbing fine now.

Recent Bug Due to Steam Beta (As Far As I Could Tell)
I just figured out an issue causing severe stuttering and input lag and wanted to write a second report as I couldn't find any info online to help when I didn't know what was going on.
I played this game with good performance for a few hours on Ubuntu 23.10 and then after the update on 24.04 without issue except for: -No Steam Overlay -Significantly reduced performance after alt+tabbing or after changing graphics settings requiring restarting the game to resolve.
However today I had sudden significant stuttering and input lag that I could not figure out. It turns out the change was that I turned on the Steam Beta last night and disabling it to use the regular Steam client let me boot Battlefront and play without the issues - all smooth no problem.
Unsure how reproducable this issue is or if anyone else is having it, but worked for me. No beta.
EA app is weird and buggy. I had to add my friend through the EA App initially (forgot how I accessed it without booting the game, it was months ago) but once connected we could join the same party from an in-game menu.

Stuttering for first ~30 secs, then fine afterwards.
Surprisingly seamless experience, given it's EA
Haven't tried with any other proton versions, but ran out of the box w/ proton-GE. Loaded into the tutorial first to test, and had some stuttering for the first few seconds but everything ran pretty great after that. Joining/inviting friends worked perfectly and played multiple full games of Galactic Assault for around half an hour.

Unable to install, game is not supported per Heroic Game
"This game uses third party launcher and it is not supported yet"

Does not work, EA app always crashes while launching
EA app always crashes at the same point after showing its main interface after the "preparing game..." loading screen, it crashes a split second after. I am unable to launch the game at all. I tried proton GE 9.7, experimental, 9, 8 and 7 and all did not work.

EA app sucks !!
The EA app doesn't let the game start, it doesnt recognize the game license and I am following the instructions about deleting the cache and everything else. It is just the EA app which works really bad.
Run this game with Proton Experimental for the EA app to actually download and work, I was using proton-cachy and it never launched.

when boarding the ship for galactic assault there is a glitch wwhere the floor and walls disappear
when boarding the ship for galactic assault there is a glitch wwhere the floor and walls disappear

Generating shaders causes obvious bogging, after though, smooth play
This is for Epic version.
Through Lutris, installed Epic Launcher > Installed SW BF2, which installs EA Launcher ( no feedback, seemed stalled, waited a bit before relaunching ) > EA Launcher launched and installed game, ran game.
Played great out of the box.

Alt-Tab caused slowness upon return and Gnome dock wouldn't go away. No Alt-Tabbing.
Multiplayer worked great. In order to accept my friend's EA Account friend request I had to separately install the EA App via Lutris and accept with that app's interface. Then I could launch the game with Steam and play with my friend.
Works great online without tinkering!

This game has been one I have been desperate to get playable on the Deck. I had seen pre Feb 2024, this game ran flawlessly. However post-Feb it was borked.
I used Fer's advice below (+1 Fer) and installed the CyroUtilities. It was super easy; install and choose recomended settings.
Game booted up and just played 3 games in a row with no issues.
IT WORKS - I am so happy.

gamemoderun %command%
For some proton versions, I did need to add "OPENSSL_ia32cap=~0x20000000" argument for online to work, as I understand it's issue with 12th+ gen intel processors

Can't launch game at all, just does nothing
I've tried a few different versions of proton. I've tried installing and signing into the EA app through Lutris and having EA app running simultaneously. I can't get this game to launch.

mangohud gamemoderun PROTON_LOG=1 RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
works well on arch with Proton GE and the listed launch options

EA's Battlefront II works well on Linux. I did get the occasional stutter, but I feel that has more to due with playing the game on an external USB than playing the game on Linux. Any additional complaints will come from the game iteself.

Find the Origin folder and set all permissions to read only. Stops major stuttering issues.

EA app, I hate you!
As every EA game I bought, no mater what version of proton, impossible to pass the EA app loading screen.

Couldnt make it past the splash screen
90% of the time crashes on the initial loading screen, sometimes causing entire system to freeze up. Managed to get into one game over 2.9 hours of trying that subsequentially crashed at the end although it was a surprisingly stable game.

While there are some online issues, subsequent launches work perfectly and I've noticed no performance degredation over windows.
On first launch, the EA play loading bar stayed open in-focus infront of the game. I had to quit the game for it to dissapear. This no longer occurs.
Connecting to EA Online is hit or miss. On launch, I couldn't connect to an EA servers, spamming the go online button on the top left did nothing.
I had to mess around a bit by launching a single player instance and then go back to main menus. After that, hitting the online/connect button actually worked. Since then it auto connects on launch.

install d3dcompiler_47, install liberation font
Sometimes the EA app launches but the game fails to run. Restarting the game normally fixes it.
Had to use proton 7.0-6 to install the EA app. It would fail to open or fail to install on other versions I tried (experimental, 8.0-5, GE-Proton8-11)
However, the game would NOT work correctly on proton 7.0-6. It could load the main menu, but crashed if directx12 was on and would fail to load even a singleplayer match.
Switching to proton experimental at that point caused the EA app to crash.
Using GE-Proton8-11 after the EA app has been installed works. Once the game is running it's just as smooth as windows, even running directx12. However the EA app is a blank screen. This has not caused any issues so far.
You have to go through EA's custom app login process the first time.
The game will crash your Steam Deck because it runs out of swap space. You need to use something like cryo tools (https://github.com/CryoByte33/steam-deck-utilities) to increase the default swap space. The recommended settings worked for me. Once you make it work, the performance is amazing and the game works flawlessly.

The crashes make the game not really beginnerfriendly. Also the occasional EA Loader bug sucks
Some day it wont get past the EA Loader App
Sometimes it hard crashes the Deck.
Great perfomance if it runs. Otherwise the EA App is crap and the hardcrashes are in the way of pure fun.

gamemoderun PROTON_LOG=1 RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
Above launch options work great with GE-Proton, or use DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
with Proton experimental. Out of the box it ran, but at an unplayable framerate.

L3 - Sprint L4 - Change Shoulder Camera
Make sure to run the game once in desktop mode to sign into EA.
For best performance with very minimal issues and consistant 60 Fps I would recommend the following settings on the steam deck.
Proton 8.0-4
Set in game graphical settings to medium.
Performance Settings:
Frame Limit set to 60 FPS
TDP Limit on
Watts set to 15
Scaling Filter FSR on
FSR Sharpness set to 5
PowerTools Settings:
SMT set to on
Threads set to 8

NikoGenn method tried.
Loads up until the intro space credits then freezes and needs hard reboot.