Audio sometimes continues playing when you quit to main menu
Only once, a single small piece of a ship had a weird blur shader, as if it was supposed to have exploded (or maybe jumped from hyperspace) but the graphics wasn't updated.
Only once, the button prompts were stuck on joystick even though I don't have any joystick. Touching the keyboard or controller would make the prompts change for a moment then change back to joystick. Had to restart the game.
I used Proton 9.0-4 at first. Two times in the first 2 hours, the GPU would suddenly be pegged at 99% load and FPS would drop to <10, even though nothing was happening on screen and temps were low. Reloading or quitting to the main menu did not fix it, only a full restart of the game.
After that I switched to Proton Experimental and had no problems for 4 hours. Not sure if it's a Proton bug or a bug in the starting area or first few missions.
Great performance, everything maxed except raytracing off, 1080p, stable 60 FPS on a RX 6600.
XeSS works well, I don't need the perf but it's saving electricity and lower temps. At XeSS Ultra Quality, I can see small differences in screenshots (mainly halo effect around lights) but in motion it basically looks the same. The game has XeSS 1.1, you can upgrade to 2.0.

Works perfectly
Payed whole game at 1440p and constant 144fps with max settings (except ray tracing).

Tried -dx11 launch option, tried Proton-GE, tried official proton 7, 8 and 9
Error: "LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 3971] Retry was NOT succesful."
Completed without issues

Limite de TDP 10
O jogo travou quando cheguei numa estação espacial. Mudei o proton e resolveu.

Required Proton Experimental to play

Flawless with standard Proton.
Even ray tracing setting works, but of course slows FPS down.
Worked out of the box. Used controller. First launch took a little longer than expected. Subsequent seemed normal.

Perfect on PC
On the Seam Deck I had to lower the graphics to reduce stuttering. Sometimes the game freezes but it happens rarely, the worse was when I had to complete a quest with the pirates on the PC.

Regarding the tinkering step: Steam recommends "Experimental" to me as the default, but Protondb defaults to 8.0-5.

Some areas in the game will make your game freeze regardless of your graphics settings, if you are lucky enough it's unfreezing itself, else the game just crashes after two minutes. For me it happened in 2 specific areas, one in the beginning of the game and one around the end. The issue is present with Proton 8 and later, to fix it, use Proton 7.0-6

It works like native. Really good.
Game sometimes was not remembering the key mappings correctly in my HOTAS>
VKD3D_CONFIG=dxr11,dxr PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamescope -W 2560 -H 1440 -r 165 -f -- %command%

Installed .dll for .NET Framework 4.8
Playing via Heroic Games Launcher.
Problem ->Solution
Configuratioin file "/var/lib/sddm/.config/sddm-greeterc" not writeable: -> Installing the .NET Framework 4.8 with winetricks
Error Message on Startup "DX12 not supported on your System" -> Add the Game argument "-dx11"
The game works perfectly out of the box, with no adjustments at all necesary. Autodetected graphics settings run at a mostly perfect 60fps.
DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=<path to dxvk config with dxgi.nvapiHack = False

gamemoderun %command%
Once or twice, I got a bit of pop-in objects that almost got me killed. Very rare.
Ran perfectly, no issues.
Runs out of the box.
Runs perfectly out of the box with default Proton

Try the demo!
You can't change resolutions to anything other then Display size. Thus, if you didn't buy a new graphics card this year, you'll have to do with some very sluggish performance,
Worst tutorial out there. Die in the first 30 seconds since there is no way to learn how to fly without getting blown up... But that's really a different discussion.

Everything worked perfecty, no issues at all. Played through the whole campaign + side missions.
Played the whole thing on Twitch and uploaded VODs to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGUngjVLEvWVjwfaIki_NMcuerPqawuME
Works out of the box with no tweaks needed.
Worked perfectly, didn't have to change any settings. Controller worked as well (F310) without any additional setup needed.
Out of the box with Proton 6.3-8.
No issues, works since release day out of the box with Proton
There might be a little hiccup here an there, probably due to shader caching. This game uses DX12 via vkd3d and shows great performance.
Das Spiel ließ sich installieren und spielen wie auf einem win10 PC.

Mouse was extremely sensitive initially. This was fixed easily in the game's settings.
This game runs better on my older hardware than some newer games. Only tested the Demo.

Pantalla en negro
Si alguien sabe como solucionar esto agradecería los comentarios. Gracias

I tried the demo and it seemed to work fine except for missing voiceover in cutscenes.
Narration/Voiceover in cutscenes is not there but seems to still work in the DEMO.
Demo version.