Singleplayer worked great out of the box
Did not try the multiplayer but the singleplayer worked fine with no changes at all and no issues.

Tried every possible solution listed here, and could not get it playable past the first in game cutscene, totally borked.
Crashed constantly the moment it tried to load D-Day (right at the start of the game). Only playable portion is the first 1 minute scene at the table where people are chatting.

used low settings. game still looked fine. should work without changing
must use touch to activate controller. only issue
prob the game being old and not active.

gamemoderun %command%
Flickering and banding. Did not have this initially. Started when I upped my monitor refresh rate but did nto go away when I reverted. It's playable just annoying, and worse the higher the refresh rate (60<120<144 hz). Might be a hardware or cable problem as all my gear is old.
Alt-Enter changes Fullscreen to Windowed and then toggles different windowed modes, but not back to Fullscreen. The interface stays always full screen, never a border around it. But functionally I could always Alt-Tab to other programs, whatever the windowed setting. And gameplay was always fine. So overall pretty minor.
I only play multiplayer local versus bots. Did not try other modes.
This replaces my earlier report where mouse and keyboard lag was unbearable. I was using 2 graphics adapters, Intel + NVidia, and Steam System Report only showed the Intel, even though I was launching with the Nvidia. When I reconfigured for only the NVidia, all issues fixed. Game now plays great.

gamemoderun PROTON_LOG=1 %command%
Keyboard and mouse respond OK for some seconds then get laggy; The ingame avatar overshoots turns, doesn't stop when motion key is released, etc. The mouse sometimes tracks perfectly, sometimes not. Same with shooting, mouseclick shoots sometimes and sometimes is ignored.
The audio and graphics and environment work perfectly. The issue is the keyboard/mouse lag and slowness which make the game unplayable.
If I knew what to tweak in game settings or proton or gamemodrerun to fix the keyboard /mouse response I would do it. Have searched online and not yet found a fit for this issue.
I see in my system summary the graphics is incorrect. My GPU is an Nvidia 1080 TI with nvidia-550 drivers. Right now my system summary shows an intel card which is my second carrd and not what I use to run Steam games.

Doing this has caused the game to go unstable often (similar to alt-tabbing while in full screen)
Ensure that the compositor is disabled (if using KDE) as this can cause FPS drops.
All of my hours are centered in local play. I do not play with other players.
The game runs fine. As I've stated above, there are some things that can cause stability issues within the game, however this is my own experience, it can vary with other systems. In general, this game runs perfectly fine.
FYI, ProtonDB is showing the campaign hours as Activision separated campaign and multiplayer. Overall, I have about 1030+ hours racked up in the game.

Works fine out of the box
Multiplayer works perfectly fine, played some matches and zombies for a few hours without any problems.
Out of box

Works out of the box, no configuration
Haven't tried the Multiplayer one though

gamemoderun %command%
online multiplayer is excellent
well optimized and enjoy to play on linux
Runs smoother and more stable than on Windows out of the box
Funciona Excelente!
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command% gamemoderun %command%
I have the "proton-ge-custom(Unsuported AUR[native])" package installed and this is the one used for this game.

It works out of the box
No tinkering required with Proton 7.0.6.
DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
My game was running slower than most other cod games usually do. After tinkering with render resolutions, texture quality, antialiasing, the works, just for the hell of it, I tried disabling screen space ambient occlusion and got a TREMENDOUS fps boost and could play the game at full res, extra textures and close to max graphics at pretty solid +60 fps.
If you're having trouple getting good framerates, DISABLE SCREEN SPACE AMBIENT OCCLUSION
I did not try multiplayer, but the single player campaign was absolutely flawless throughout beginning to end. Highly recommend gyro for any FPS game on Deck
Have to select a community preset or setup trackpad manually to access option to turn gamepad support on. And then swap back to default config in steam menu.
Runs really good, very slow load times, even on the SSDA because of pre load shader cache built in the game. Controller doesn't work out of the box but it isn't hard to setup. FSR doesn't seem to work with this game but changing the resolution scale to 75% still looks crips if you change the antialiasing. Just mess with the settings to get the look and performance how you want.
I'm yet to beat entirety of the campain. Until now I had the game crash two times unexpectedly.

Multiplayer works great. Maintains 60 fps with low-medium mix, but has a very high power draw. Game also has very players typically.
Multiplayer works great. No significant problems besides sucking with controller.
Overall, a good deck experience.
About 45min into the campaign, after saving Zussman, and attempting to repel the German counterattack, the textures don't render, making the screen appear ~entirely grey. I tried a few times, with different Proton versions, but cannot fix this. It's tricky to progress beyond this point without visibility!

Plays well, takes a while to load levels first time but after first load game is fast and responsive.
Performance with ProtonGE-7-10 is vastly improved over the 6.x series.
Won't launch
Installed on NTFS drive. (Other games work fine)
mangohud %command%
O jogo na primeira vez que for jogar vai dar muito stuttering devido a compilação de shaders. Se por acaso quando for abrir novamente o jogo a Steam começar a processar os shaders, apenas aguarde ele completar e assim o jogo irá rodar de forma mais estável. Recomendo instalar o mangohud e travar a taxa de FPS a 60 para ter uma taxa de frames mais estável.
Finished campaign without issues
Performance was a bit varied but enabling resolution scaling helped a lot

DXVK_ASYNC=1 %command%
Installed the first time and it played fine. Came back to it later and I had no input (kb/mouse unresponsive) and the game had to be killed to stop it as others have complained. Eventually the game somehow uninstalled itself or needed to be reinstalled and it works fine again.
Loading seems a bit slow even on SSD and even if I pre-cache the entire game dir with vmtouch. Some cut scenes skip a bit during loading. Play is almost flawless though.
Wait a minute for the shaders to compile then you won't have stuttering
occasional stuttering due to shaders compiling
Even with shader pre caching on in steam and in the game, the game still compiles shaders with each new level leaving you with a minute of stuttering

Works perfectly out of the box if you use the windowed fullscreen option
The fullscreen option wouldn't allow you to use any input
The game is extremely stuttery at first but smooths out over time. Also when you're first loading into the game or a map, load times will be long. Once you have loaded into whatever it is, the next load time will be much much faster.

I could get into game but then the game would stop responding to input not allowing me to move.
I have tried tons of launch options, I have tried different kernels, I have launched the games through Lutris, and tried many different version of Proton including Proton Experimental, Proton 6.3-8, Proton 6.21-GE-2, Proton 6.20-GE-1, Proton 7.0rc2-GE-1, Proton 6.10-GE-1, and Proton 6.5-GE-2. Still no luck getting the game to work.
On single player mode, it is an enjoyable experience. If you can accept some frame drops, you can really have fun.
Sometimes the frame rate drops under the 20's. But else it's working smoothly.
The game is not enjoyable due to the massive frame drops and unstable frame rate.
Unstable frame rate with heavy drops.
Several freezes.
Campaign ran fine, Multiplayer black screen crash issue fixed for me with explanation below.
Stuttering was prevalent throughout the gameplay experience although just infrequent enough to not cause a significant degradation in the gameplay experience for me.
Fixing the Multiplayer crash issue - When you start the game and it wants you to restart, DO NOT click the restart button. Close the game manually! I've tested this a few times and at least for my system, when I closed the game manually I was able to play multiplayer just fine, but, when I hit the restart button, I would get the black screen crash issue.
Crashes after splash/black screen
before the intro video/main menu.

Audio stuttering during game cutscenes
I had to turn the game internal resolution down to 50%, but the graphics were still beautiful.
I noticed a slight performance problem. The game shoves a warning for outdated drivers when you boot it up, but it's totally playable. I recommend turning an option in-game to pre-render the level during cutscenes, it will stutter the cutscenes, but the level will start butter smooth.
The game stutters a lot at the beginning of the missions, but if you wait a good amount it'll run smoothly

This game won't start
I tried all the Proton versions, can install it but that's all, it won't open at all.
With standard Proton, there was initial stuttering in new levels. Went away.
Multiplayer will either not load and if it does, runs at 5 fps. Not advised.
Prior report had me try Proton-GE-6.10-1, but I couldn't get it to load as it gave a black screen upon loading. GloriousEggroll's "hotfix" for this release may have broken the game. Reverting to Proton-6.9-GE-2 worked.

Multiplayer will either not load and if it does, runs at 5 fps. Not advised.
Multiplayer has major issues and broken with the current Proton/Proton GE