There is extremely bad framedrop/stutter, every second or so the whole game freezes, with fps diving from >200 to nothing then back up again. Renders the game unplayable.
Dosbox starts, game appears to start, main menu flashes up for a few seconds with some audio, then it crashes.
Some very weird artefacts in menu and game. Some text and items in menus are missing, and in game sometimes objects and textures are missing or distorted.
Sits around 40fps, but with lots of stutter.
Seems to only work on Proton 5.0.10
Unplayable as saving is broken
Saving errors with a "something went wrong" message. Occurs on both proton v8 and v7
Once an hour or so crashes, related to the AMD driver.
Generally fine.
Added PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 to launch options
Added PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% -novid -w 1920 -h 1080 to launch options
Mostly ok, but only 5/7 games work flawlessly. 2/7 are unplayable.
"The Fruit" crashes the AMD driver. Seems ok on Windows though.
"Rose of Meat" is missing significant content and is unplayable.
Just fails to start, possibly an issue with the key. Also note that it is borked on windows and only runs with a crack.
Works ok
Some graphical glitches in the MS account login page, but this only pops up on first run and you can muddle through it. Performance seems ok. Note that it is completely borked on Proton v6 and fine on v7.
Throws a GL warning at first run, then immediately crashes. No warning shown on subsequent runs, and still immediately crashes.
Installs and starts ok, but can't watch any videos; the audio starts but everything seems to lock up. Unplayable.
Only works with Proton 7. Proton 8 and experimental crash with a mysterious DX11 error
Use the file from here to get widescreen resolution https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/788-nosferatu-the-wrath-of-malachi-widescreen-fix/
On versions of proton newer than 5.0-10 fps sits around 1 or 2. Runs fine on 5.0-10
Installs ok and seems to start ok (audio, Eidos intro) but on hitting the main menu gets stuck.
Audio stutters, crackles, and occasionally disappears in some sections.
I had a few crashes for the first couple of hours, but have hit a section in the caves where I cannot proceed because the game always crashes on level load.
There were also crashes during the intro sequence, which can be avoided by esc to menu -> skip cutscene option.
Aside from the crashes, runs ok.
Flawless. Possibly works with latest Proton but haven't tested.