Sumé Linux
Got some cutscenes without sound after a alt+tab. Set screen borderless mode in game options to avoid sound problems. Set controller 'forced off' in game > properties > steam input per-game avoiding messed buttons. Don't know how was on Windows but i feel that loading take too long between chapters.
Got a black screen running with vulkan api. Had to kill the game in terminal. Used '+r_renderAPI 0' in launch options setting OpenGL api. Then got a flawless game experience. Can't explain why this occurs with this configuration and vulkan.
gamemoderun %command%
Funciona perfeitamente. Works out of the box.
EAC blocks the access
Game starts and then EAC kicks you out
Tela cheia levava a problema de lentidão.
Para a GTX 1060 6 GB tive que abaixar a resolução (720p), colocar em modo janela, desligar o DSLL, limitar o game a 30 FPS, colocar upsampling em performance, motion blur OFF e V-Sync ON.
Inicialização: PROTON_ENABLE_NVAPI=1 gamemoderun %command%
Consegui terminar o game sem mais problemas após a configuração acima. Entretanto se jogar com o gráfico no médio ou alto terá problemas de falta de VRAM em relação a GPU.
O jogo rodou perfeitamente no linux. Consegui inclusive jogar a campanha em tela dividida com o meu filho.
Disable esync and use d9vk for better experience. With esync the initial Square Enix screen just freezes. Also tested with a Xbox One controller without problems.
Desabilito a entrada steam para o controle (disable steam input)
Desabilitei a entrada steam para o controle e daí pude jogar com o joystick do Xbox One.
The game is platinum on proton 4.2-9 but with the proton 4.11-2 it just crashes after clicking to start a race.
Doesn't launch in fullscreen mode. You have to change the resolution to get the fullscreen working. The game messed up my controller buttons. Just set 'forced off' in Properties > Steam input to solve this. That's all.
Game run flawlessly! Also recognizes my Xbox One S controller as a 'Xinput Controller'.
The game starts but show just a black screen. I could hear the sounds.
The game run perfectly with 'Steam Linux Runtime'.
Game is playable except for the cutscenes.
Can't see the cutscenes.
You have to force quit game. Or use the command xkill
With this custom proton I could see the cutscenes but the game, now, from time to time crashes.