Main menu on max anti-aliasing halved my fps. FPS would often go down to 1 inside the game world. Anything can trigger it, from spell particle to getting to battle mode. Alt-tabbing usually fix it for me and the fps go back to normal. Sometimes crash when getting back into the game after alt-tabbing.
Most issues are gone once you enable d9vk. Occasional stutter here and there but nothing drastic since this is mostly strategy game.
I am using MMH5.5 mod and the game runs smoothly. However, It doesn't run with the latest proton and have to use 5.0-10
disable dxvk state caching with DXVK_STATE_CACHE=0
mouse scroll doesn't register, zoom in/out need to use PgUp/PgDn
Performance seems to degrade every alt+tab, after 3 or 4 alt+tab, FPS drops below 60 and have to restart to maintain the original FPS.
Freeze once, haven't encountered again.
Game doesn't launch if there is a dxvk state cache.
Increasing graphic resolution through in-game menu doesn't work, will crash, edit the config file manually.
Launch it with DXVK_STATE_CACHE=0 environment variable or else it won't start. There is also a way to avoid performance degradation every alt-tab. Once you created a profile in-game, find the profile config file at
steamapps/compatdata/15370/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/My Games/Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East/Profiles/[user_name]/user_a2.cfg
then change the line
setvar app_always_active = 0
setvar app_always_active = 1
Minor bug: mouse-scroll does not work correctly, use PgUp/PgDn instead
No stutter, enable dxvk async compiler on proton-ge. This game is bottlenecked on shader compile only.
6.1-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Performance degrade over time
The longer you play, the more it stutter, and the lower its fps
Changed the exe to non-steam version
Somehow the issue with slowdown during plant selection is not present in the non-steam version.
To remove the stutter during plant selection, replace PlantsVsZombies.exe binary with the non-drm one steamapps/compatdata/3590/pfx/drive_c/ProgramData/PopCap Games/PlantsVsZombies/popcapgame1.exe. This non-drm binary only exist in your system when the game is running, so you have to copy and replace it while the game is still running.
Cloud save and achievement is untested with using binary switching trick.
To remove fps drop during plant selection screen, you have to replace PlantsVsZombies.exe with the non-drm version located in steamapps/compatdata/3590/pfx/drive_c/ProgramData/PopCap Games/PlantsVsZombies/popcapgame1.exe
This executable only exist when the original PlantsVsZombies.exe is running so you have to copy-paste this exe somewhere else first when you run the game the first time. Afterwards, delete the original PlantsVsZombies.exe and rename the non-drm exe as the new PlantsVsZombies.exe and put it as a replacement of the original exe.
Cloud save seems to be working but achievement is untested.
Cursor flickering but has almost no effect otherwise. Game also run smoothly though maybe it's just a not very demanding game overall.
Better than the native version, it has MSAA which the native version doesn't
Occasional fps drop
Stutter mess on my hardware
The game stutters heavily, even well above 4 hours continuous gameplay, indicating shader compile is not the culprit. Oddly enough, when it doesn't stutter, I got higher fps than on windows.
Crashes twice in a week
Linux have odd behavior regarding thermal throttle, manually cap fps to avoid stutter.
This game have odd behavior regarding thermal throttling. Instead of having constantly low fps, the fps jumps up and then stutter a lot. I have to manually cap the fps using mangohud to avoid stutter.
The game crashes occasionally, no idea what causes it, might coincide with thermal throttle on my hardware
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=3:0,1,2 %command%
The game have trouble with high (>4) core count system. It has since been fixed on windows but on proton you have to manually set wine cpu topology. Without the tweak, the game consumes lots of cpu power aimlessly which can trip off total power limit in hybrid graphic laptops, reducing max gpu utilization. Note: Intel and AMD use different cpu id ordering for hyperthreads, so modify the environment variable accordingly.
Generally ok experience, game is rather unoptimized so tweaking in-game and out-game options is recommended.
The game is ok, but the alt-tab issue really sucks. You have been warned.
You can alt-tab but can't go back to the game afterward
Protontricks to install d3d9 required
Posting here to bookmark this page, protondb somehow doesn't find this game on search.