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Works great with ubuntu 24.04
Works right out of the box with fresh ubuntu 24.04 It didnt work with ubuntu 20.04 and nvidia 5.35 drivers

Works great out of the box, but Steam Desk can do more than the default graphical options. I use these and still achieve 60fps:
- Resolution: 1280x800
- Fullscreen
- All graphical setting on maximum
- Resolution scaling to 110
There might be some choppiness and stuttering on the loading screen before fight, but is more due to loading than graphical settings.

Didn't use any launch options. Just launched with Proton Experimental as it is. Worked perfectly.

I did not encounter any issue other that the title screen background being strech out, the rest of the game works flawless (no online test)
Just the title screen look strech out, but everything else looks absolutely beatiful
everything just worked no need to set or configure anything, amazing
game its playable and performant whiout any incovenient that bother me.

Work on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, but no on Flatpak
Launch without flatpak, especially on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. During initial movie, right part of screen seems to be damaged.

Its botched on newer Protons Use GE-Proton7-43 for perfection

aside from start menu graphical artifact, and having to disable steam overlay, this game worked fine, no perf, audio or connectivity issues.
The opening start screen has a weird graphical artifact where half the screen has a stretched texture look, this shows up in one other instance when starting the game for the first time, other than that it is fine. PC has this issue but Steamdeck does not.
If launching the game is very inconsistent and you get a fatal error on start-up, disable steam overlay, this completely solved crashes for me, but made it difficult to invite friends as you cannot invite friends to private lobbies from the steam friends list but rather only in the overlay pop-up when selecting "invite friend" in lobbies.
Runs like native
Had some issues with getting controllers properly mapped (PS4, Xbox)
Pay, Download, Play. Ran flawlessly straight through default Steam without any issues and looks great too. I was ready to do some tinkering but was delightfully suprised. Had a little trouble mapping controllers correctly but that's not unusual for arcade fighters. Didn't try online matchmaking and most likely won't.

Sometimes the Steam overlay will not show up, or sometimes, attempting to use it can result in crashing. I have yet to figure out why this happens
Steam overlay-related issues only. Online worked fine otherwise
Local Multiplayer worked perfectly fine
Aside from Steam overlay not cooperating sometimes, this game is ridiculously fun, and honestly runs a little better than it did on Windows, particularly during reversal edges. It's even moddable on Linux without the use of a tool like Vortex
Runs at a truly unbreakable 60 FPS at 720p, even with the resolution scaling set to 75 and the graphical settings set to "High". Proton Stable from my experience brought unusual choppiness that didn't come up in the FPS counter or graph, but the Experimental branch did not have this problem.
A perfect tale of souls and swords experience!
No issues encountered during my playtime.
*Was not able to test online multiplayer.
Longer time of loading models (In character creator) and loadingscreens
One time I must repeat synchronization with the cloud, but it work
It works pretty much great.
The netcode is obviously not great, but it's not like that's any different from Windows.
Steam lists this as playable because enterring text makes you manually invoke on-screen keyboard... But I don't even know WHERE to enter any text in this game. Maybe when naming you custom character creations...
This report overrides the one that I've just done. Having read that some people couldn't view cutscenes, I found that yeah, I have the same problem with the stock versions of proton. So, I tried GE proton, and the cutscenes could be viewed (e.g. go to Museum, Gallery, Cutscenes, 20th Anniversary Movie). Even if the cutscenes aren't that important to you, I found that with non-GE proton, the game with crash when viewing a cutscene. It's the crash that is the reason I say that I don't recommend this with the current stock versions of proton (both experimental and Proton 7.0-3 were tried). So GE-Proton is a must, and with it you'll have a great experience.
Just works
Works fine with experimental proton at the time of writing, and with Proton 7.0-3. I did attempt to play multiplayer, but there were no matches found so I couldn't actually test it. Single player is nice and easy and fast. Load times good, playability with a PS3-compatible arcade stick has been flawless. Thrilled with how well the game works.
I don't know how stabilise game launch and display videos.
No videos
Game launches not every time.
Didn't try playing online, but offline play works fine
Works very well out of the box. Automatic performance detection sets resolution to native and graphics presets to medium, which makes the game run consistently at 60fps. Full controller support is included.
There were only minor performance hiccups on the very first time I played the game, after that it worked just fine
gamemoderun %command%
Make sure to install gamemode package (depending on your Linux distro) to optimize the game and get 5-10% peformance.
You have to add 'gamemoderun %command%' in the launch options to use it

Works just like on Windows
Sometimes controller got disconnected and wouldn't be re-detected
Arcade and online work great. Story mode freezes on a black screen.
On "Story mode", the game freezes on a black screen (no audio). Perhaps a movie?
Run the game with log activated, the relevant part would be:
winegstreamer error: decodebin1: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in. winegstreamer error: decodebin1: ../src-gst_base/gst/playback/gstdecodebin2.c(4719): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstBin:bin1/GstDecodeBin:decodebin1: no suitable plugins found: Missing decoder: H.264 (High Profile) (video/x-h264, stream-format=(string)avc, alignment=(string)au, level=(string)5.1, profile=(string)high, codec_data=(buffer)01640033ffe1001f67640033ac2ca401e0089f97015202020280000003008000001e4ed0b1689001000568eb735250, width=(int)1920, height=(int)1080, framerate=(fraction)30/1, pixel-aspect-ratio=(fraction)1/1)
One thing: After you install close steam and restart. Then play the game.
When you first install and try to run the game, you'll get a hung screen where it installs DirectX. But if you first close steam and restart, you avoid this problem. After that it's good to go.

Single-player is rock solid. Haven't tried online because I don't roll that way.
The title screen is mostly black, with only "conventional" text visible -- the game logo and any background imagery is missing.
Great single player experience out of the box. Have not tried multiplayer.
Tried a few matches with no issues
Stable performance, did notice missing videos but I skipped all the story

6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Glorious Egroll
PS4 Dualshock controller would sometimes stop being detected after a while - restarting the game fixes the issue.

Game works great out of the box except for the videos not working.
Videos do not play.
Works almost perfectly with Proton GE, occasional shots that don't affect the gaming experience
Playing more than an hour in versus mode, the character editor and cinematics work correctly.
They may be that when using the character editor it locks a little but it is still nothing serious
Works almost perfectly.
During the first launch the game hang while downloading a component or running som background process, so I had to reboot the steam-machine. Afterwards the game ran perfectly.

Los vídeos funcionan en las últimas versiones de Proton-GE. El juego funciona perfectamente, jugando a 4K.
6.10-GE-1 GloriousEggroll