feral_support_branch (enter this code in the "private beta releases" box in the game properties window).
max. 60Hz nur
Speicherdaten wegen Beta version korupiert
Funktioniert nur mit der Beta Version, was ich nur von anderen Beiträgen erfahren habe. Gelegendheit Spieler können somit erst nach weitreichende Erkundigungen erst zu laufen bringen. Benchmark 81.36FPS (Windows 126.56FPs)

DiRT Rally, just like many other games, runs better on Linux than on Windows.
The game runs well on Steam Deck and on my PC out of the box, however, on some other computers, you will have to install the hidden beta version feral_support_branch
(enter this code in the "private beta releases" box in the game properties window).
You don't have to do anything most of the time, since fixes regarding UI crashes have already been released.
On some computers though, you might get errors if you have the ingame steam overlay enabled, so try disabling it.

Runs amazing out of the box on deck.

As someone below stated, the game won't start on a machine with too many CPU cores. But adding this to the launch options resolved that for me: WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=14:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 %command%
I've got most of the graphics maxed out and the game looks and runs perfectly.

Proton is required to get this game to run. Also there's a windowing bug, as is tradition with Codemasters games of this era.
Fullscreen exits if you use Alt+Tab.

Opt into "feral_support_branch" Beta (code: "feraldirtsupport").
Native version did not detect my 8BitDo Ultimate 2.4G Wireless Controller (in wireless mode). Enabling "Steam Input" fixed this (it might have been enabled by default and I turned it off).
Enabling Steam Input for a specific game only:
Right-Click game -> Properties -> Controller -> Enable Steam Input

Goes to menu reliably, can change graphics setttings, alt tab, but not get into any race
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=14:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 %command%
Tried every Ubuntu specific option below, including trying the feral interactive beta, and absolutely nothing works. Audio slows down and jutters while loading race, then it crashes every time. Worked fine on Pop OS.

Change to beta version "feral_support_branch"
Use the code "feraldirtsupport" to unlock the feral support branch

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=14:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 %command%
Low GPU usage, low FPS
WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=14:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 %command%

You must select the beta version to play (password feraldirtsupport)
Saves between Windows and native Linux are not compatible
Lack of smoothness

mangohud gamemoderun %command%
The native version did not start on the default branch, but unlocking the feral_support_branch beta branch with the code "feraldirtsupport" did make it work without issues for me. The native version provided higher 0.1% lows and ~3-4% higher average FPS compared to playing it through Proton on the same settings.

native wont launch and i didnt bothered to use the solution on the previous user' comments, but i tried proton experimental and proton-GE 8-32 and they both launch painlessly without extra tinkering. my ps5 dualshock didnt detect automatically so i had launch this game in big screen mode to use steam's controller input. benchmarking this game on my rig with graphics at max at 1080p gave me avg 104 min 85 max 138
which is miles ahead of when i did the benchmark on windows with only avg 70

Since this game depends on some old libraries, they are not available in latest Linux systems and custom protons like Proton GE. So I had to choose Proton Experimental and it runs just fine.

As the game's dependencies are very old, I needed to configure my Distro to be able to play.
I commented on the issue in the link I sent but I'll explain it here too:
rsync -av --exclude='libcurl.so.4' "$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/DiRT Rally/lib/x86_64/" "$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/DiRT Rally/lib/"
yay --needed -Syu gconf openssl-1.0
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/liblber.so /usr/lib/liblber.so-2.4.so.2
sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/libldap.so /usr/lib/libldap.so-2.4.so.2
- About the packages used for installation:
gconf (AUR)
openssl-1.0 (AUR)
As my video card is still old (I plan to buy another one in the future), I configured it in Lutris/Steam, Game Options, DRM-Free Mode activated.
Then the game ran normally and without any problems.

all working i'm just install in steam, no custom configuration needed

WINE_CPU_TOPOLOGY=14:0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 %command%
Game won't launch on computers with high CPU counts such as my Ryzen 9 3950X. So I had to limit the amount of CPU cores the game can use using the above launch option.

Old save file was corrupted
For those trying to run the native client and get error error code '127', I was eventually able to get it working on my Manjaro installation. TLDR is you're probably missing some required libraries and need to manually get them. I'll go into more detail but there is a github issue for the feral client where various fixes are suggested. I would highley recommend reading it if you want to get the native client working.
To start read the original author of the issue and mdiluz conversation (linked above). In short it seems like there are various issues with an enviromental variable on certain distros where the path to the lib folder are not parsed correctly. Second to see exactly what lib it is complainging about you need to try to run the game from the command line, not steam. To do that go to the installation directory and run the dirt rally script file, example "/mnt/linux_games/steamlibrary/steamapps/common/DiRT Rally/bin/DirtRally.sh" that will generate an error and give you some information on what is going wrong. In the article a sym link ( for those new to linux think shortcuts in windows ) to all the files in the lib folder are created one folder up. In my case a sym link wasn't enough and I ended up copying the acutal lib files to the correct directory. So in my case the lib folder is /Dirt Rally/lib, but the actual lib files are in /Dirt Rally/lib/x86_64/, I needed to copy the lib files into /Dirt Rally/lib. Now when I tried to launch the game from the command prompt I still got the 127 error, but it was complaining about a different lib.
Long story short I had to track down a few more libraries and either install them to /usr/lib or into the dirt rally lib folder. All I'd do is run the command to run the game and fix the lib that it mentioned in the error. Unfortunatley I don't have a complete list of the libraries I needed anymore, but here are 4 out of about 6 packages that contain the libraries or the libraries themselves:
libler libgconf-2.so.4 libldap24 libSDL2-2.0.5.so
You can use a utility like pkgfile to find packages that conatin the lib you're looking for.
After a few more libs it finally lauched the game (via steam and cli), and once it did I was able to play, and it runs flawlessly. I've only tried to use an xbox 360 controller so far, but it worked right out of the gate. Though when I finally get around to setting it up I'll try to report back here. No performance issues or anything.

Tried the Native version and it doesn't work as already indicated by others. Forced compatibility to Proton Experimental and the game ran without problems, I could even play with my Xbox One Controller
No matter what i do, the game tells me "Failed to create D3D Device. No DX11 installed" It worked flawless about a month ago

gamemoderun %command%
The game says save is corrupted on every startup.
The game runs perfectly well without Proton. To be clear, I use Steam-Play-None to force Steam to run the game natively since it already has a native Linux port by Feral Interactive.
Controller works perfectly fine (disable Steam Input). Audio is fine. No graphical issues or glitches.
I have an issue with the save being "corrupted" on every launch but I'm not sure if that's because I keep changing between native and Proton.
To activate the native Linux port, use the following beta code: feraldirtsupport

Need to opt-in to Feral beta branch using feraldirtsupport code. This version has no online support but does actually work!
The native Linux version on Steam is borked and needs fixing

The game works well with or without a racing wheel.
The game can detect and use Thrustmaster T300RS wheel and pedals. But it can not detect a TH8A shifter.

Fun rally simulator that works on non-gaming rig.
This is not for sale on Steam anymore so I bought a steam key (cheaply) for the game from a third-party online.

Native version doesn't work, with error 127. Have to switch to the feral beta with code feraldirtsupport, install libxcrypt-compat, and run with Proton GE

Does not launch natively or with proton
Game would crash with error code 127 on native. Copying/moving lib files as suggested online caused segfault. GE proton 8-7 would show splash screen and then crash.
Not startable. tried native, proton experimental and older proton version

Amazing fun and just perfect companion for my Deck!
use beta code feraldirtsupport and use that beta, otherwise gives error code 127
use the
after setting up the beta then it works perfectly fine.
Game says I'm missing libraries that are already installed on my computer
error 127
Works perfectly, but only on feral_support_branch version. Steam branch password: feraldirtsupport
Works perfectly, but only on feral_support_branch version. Steam branch password: feraldirtsupport
RADV_PERFTEST=gpl %command%
To get working steering wheel in game, install Steering Wheel Manager - Oversteer.
worked great for me ootb
Native Linux port crashes at start, have to force the Win version, works well on an AMD lappy 1200p med graphics but no Racenet online times
Stable 60 FPS (even framerate available) in 1080x1050 with vertical synchronization enabled on my hardware are provided
The game runs incredibly smoothly.
gamemoderun %command%
Need to install the libxcrypt-compat package to make the game runs.
prime-run %command% gamemoderun %command%
Windows saves not working