Classic Ubisoft experience
It worked before but now launcher error appears
Still unplayable
Stuttering and low fps
Can't play
Game starts but after intro video nothing happens
It just works
some random crackling in cutscenes
performance drops and screen tearing in replays/cutscenes
prime-run %command% gamemoderun %command%
Windows saves not working
You must select the beta version to play (password feraldirtsupport)
Saves between Windows and native Linux are not compatible
Lack of smoothness
About native version
DualSense controller is not recognized even with Steam Input
Saves between Windows and native Linux are not compatible
mediocre performance even on medium settings
Downloadable content is not supported on Linux and Mac
-w 1920 -h 1080
Doesn't launch without specifying screen resolution
In-game vsync is broken; Some glitches in cutscenes, possibly due to high FPS
Don't touch dx11 and physx options
gamemoderun %command% prime-run %command%
frequent flickering (artifacts)
terrible performance
benchmark freezes
prime-run %command%
game is too dark; adjusting brightness doesn't change anything
stuttering and screen tearing; looks like vsync is not working
Barely playable
Terrible performance: even on medium settings it is difficult to get 60 fps
Random game crashes. EA launcher sometimes crashes too
Mostly playable
FPS drops in heavy scenes, which did not happen on Windows
prime-run %command%
Lots of small problems
Sometimes runs in windowed mode
Random loss of mouse input in multiplayer
Bigger performance hit in demanding scenes compared to Windows
Sometimes on startup, sometimes randomly while playing
Works out of the box
game fails to launch in gamemode
For some reason performance is about 30% better than W*ndows
Works but keeps crashing
Game crashes every time you enter garage after event ends