Hangs or crashes, never displays window.
Hangs on Proton-6.5-GE-1. Crashes on all other versions. Never displays window or sound.
Runs but does not create a window
On proton 6.5-GE-1 Does not create any window or play any audio, but doesn't outright crash.
Relies on kernel level anti-cheat, which in turn relies on powershell.
On launch, it attempts to run a powershell script to install a kernel level anti-cheat. Wine does not currently support powershell well enough for the script to execute properly, and even if it did, there would still be the kernel level anticheat to deal with.
Tested using demo version. No flaws. Actually runs more smoothly than on windows, but locks to 60 fps.
Can't see anything
The only textures that load are the eyes. Everything else is pitch black. Lighting effects and HUD work but when the entire world is pitch black that doesn't help a lot.
Grabs keyboard and mouse input and doesn't let go.
In order for Mobius to successfully update, you must raise your system's maximum open file limit. In systemd based systems, this is set by DefaultLimitNOFILE in /etc/systemd/user.conf. You can verify that it is set correctly by entering ulimit -Hn in the terminal. By default, it is 4096. You should set this to a very large value, such as 1048576 and then restart. Full disclosure it has been a long time since I've done this and it may be set in multiple places, verify with your distro's community.
Must be run in DX11 mode. OpenGL crashes on launch. News panel still does not work.
Crashes after about 5 minutes.
Crashes after about 5 minutes with Error G201. I suspect BattleEye is failing a check of some sort. Planetside2_x64_BE.exe must be manually killed to get the program to quit successfully.