Game refused to launch if I didn't have music/sound playing during launch (I know, it's a weird bug)
Refuses to launch if you don't have sound playing already on your system. Give it a shot and pop on something on spotify, see if it works for you too
Works great with Proton 5.0-10. Glorious eggroll 6.14-GE-1 has also fixed some issues with the launcher and works flawlessly too
If you just upgraded to new proton version, don't forget to fix the steam prefix problems BACKUP CONFIG FILES!
Proton-6.16-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Glorious Eggroll 6.16-GE-1
Resizing windows can be a bit finicky. Think the game doesn't recognise where my mouse pointer is when I try to resize windows. Will try some launch flags and see if anything can fix it
Works great with Proton GE. See notes for fixes to gamelaunch error due to launcher update
Proton-6.19-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Window resizing is buggy on right and lower edge of windows
Missing file for launch fix:
Prefix fix (optional):
%command% --use-d3d11
It does have the white border around the screen edge but I don't mind. Sometimes it freezes when I change graphics/hud settings and you need to fore restart, but game works fine
Great performance and works out of the box without any Proton needed. When the prompt comes up asking if you want to use Vulkan etc, just select Vulkan. Works like a charm
Freezes when started
If I alt-tab I can get it past the loading screen, but then it just freezes in the menu with the popup welcoming you to the game
Despite installing Proton BattlEye runtime the multiplayer does not work and game claims I am running without anticheat.
Tried 6.3.8, Experimental and 6.21-GE-2 , deleting prefix between tries to ensure a clean attempt. On all attempts I was told I was not running anticheat despite have the BattlEye runtime installed and it working fine on other games (Planetside 2)
Works with Proton 7.0-2
Works with Proton 7.0-2
Launcher is white when using Experimental. Use another version (e.g. GE) in order to get first login and accept BattlEye EULA. You MUST install "Proton BattlEye Runtime" (it's in your library)
Install "Proton BattlEye Runtime" and use Proton Experimental to run
See following link for guide to get it running
Proton-6.21-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Disabling KDE Compositor and adding gamemode to steam launch options significantly improve performance
You MUST install “Proton BattlEye Runtime” (it’s in your library)
Delete prefix of planetside 2 if you used Proton Experimental before and Launcher is still white. 6.21-GE-1 renders the launcher and runs the game fine. For added performance try disabling KDE compositor if you use it and/or running gamemode in the steam launcher options
6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
If your launcher is white: Refresh your prefix by deleting the compatdata folder for PS2 - Click here for guide
If you get error G201 or kicked from game after few minutes then either you didn't install the runtime or using an outdated Proton.
Make sure you follow the guide or check out some fixes on this page before leaving a negative report
6.21-GE-2 does not require any launch options for the launcher. Works flawlessly and performance even better than winblows
gamemoderun mangohud %command%
Works flawlessly
If you use a different proton version than 6.21-GE-2 then you might need to add the launch option "%command% --disable-gpu" if you want to see the launcher. If you don't like that then the solution is as easy as just using 6.21-GE-2
Works fine with normal Proton 8.0-3. I use it through steamtinkerlaunch sometimes when I want to tweak things, but works fine without
mangohud gamemoderun %command%
Sometimes hitches a bit. Could very likely be a PS2 issue though as I've heard others report the same
Game works but settings and saves do not persist across launches
Saved games are lost on restart
Game works fine. Saved games are only available in the session and not available to load next time you start the game, meaning you start from the beginning each time with all settings reverted.
Saves need some tinkering
Some random beeps during gameplay
Game checks on start whether there is a save in the game folder (under steamapps/common/Populous 3/save/), however the saves are in the prefix (under steamapps/compatdata/2616430/pfx/drive_c/POP3.CD/SAVE/), which is not the case before some tweaks. The fix: After first game session, simply copy the save games from the prefix to the game folder and then saving and loading always works after that, as it saves on the file in the game folder and loads from there too
The resolution needs to be reset every time the game launches if you want something other than the default during missions
gamemoderun %command%
Bit laggy on world map until I turn VSync on ingame even though I have GSync on already system-wide
Sometimes crashes when alt-tabbing often
Hitches sometimes. Could be because of Host's PC or the connection
A few bugs here or there but seem to be game-specific and not linux-specific
Proton-6.21-GE-2 GloriousEggroll
Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST GloriousEggroll
GloriousEggroll Proton-5.9-GE-6-ST
Very rarely the sound gets a bit crackly, think that has something to do with how I set up my audio though
Steam account works, Wargaming account tweak does not
If you want to play out-of-the-box using a Steam WoWs account then no problemo. If you use the tweak for a wargaming account then nope, won't even launch