Proton-1.19-GE-1 GloriousEggroll
Fullscreen windowed mode is note available by default
Game does not quit properly .
By Upgrading Mesa from 19.2.4 to 19.2.6 i noticed less bump in FPS , previously with the game set on ultra at 1080p@60Hz / windowed mode in KDE plasma , i was at 60fps with drop at 45fps .With 19.2.6 it's 60fps and much smoother . To be able to quit the game and close the window i set it up in kde as borderless / always on top .When i quit the game i have to make ALT+F3 and select "CLOSE" . The native version return me a gray screen while not even in game that forced me to reboot .
gamemoderun %command%
I used GE proton just to be sure to get video cut scenes
Run extermely well once parameters are set in launch option , windowed display of the game does not feel bad at all for this game .
RADV_PERFTEST=aco -useembedded
-useembedded launch the game in windowed mode , i tried full screen with in game option and the game crash very quickly after .I set windowed resolution to a simple 1600*900 and everything was fine from that point , i used maximum setting in game .
-without D9VK do not tried to go full screen
Feral Game mode
The game Run OOTB with graphical glitch (on my hardware at least) , some kind of 'over bloom' that blind you , to see if you will be impacted go to the research tab in game then zoom in and out and watch what happens .
The game run very well with ACO enabled ( RADV_PERFTEST=aco ) , but the control zone halo of your unit will be impacted by a graphical glitch.
Finally as state in DXVK patch notes , instead of 'PROTON_NO_D3D11' use ' PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 ' as it makes the game run perfect on max setting @1080p60 on my computer .
Run almost perfectly OOB, no issues so far except minor gfx issue when quick system inventory is done (when every planets in a system is presented to you) .There is a super strong bloom effect that hide every details of the planets when that occur , very minor as a simple right click get you out of this .
Everything worked ootb, no issue , suggest you put at least some Anti aliasing to get ingame fonts perfectly clean .I notice a frame drop only once and it did not affect the experience at all (lasted less than 0.5s).The game run a little slower than on win 10 but not by much .
Proton 4.11.8 cause game to crash every 20~30min , hard reset needed .
If stability issue simply reverse to an older proton release , i reverse to 4.2-9 , the game does not quit properly and kept running but is perfectly stable while playing .
I only ventured near the starting town , everything worked except some very minor audio issue that people may or may not notice .
some Sounds were muffled/degraded but music and most audio effect were working fine
IThe flashing light artifact has disappeared with the LLVM 9 /mesa 19.2.1 upgrade ;-)
RADV_PERFTEST=aco PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command% --nologo --waitforpreload --gc 2
LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib/libgamemodeauto.so.0 (feral gamemode)
extremely light stuttering , nearly non existent with the use of ACO , if 100 is perfect i was at 97
I activate feral gamemode for my linux distro ( sudo zypper in gamemoded ) just to squizz a little more perf .
(Reported experimental version: Proton experimental)
Launcher is white by default .To be able to login i copied the content of steamapps/common/PlanetSide 2/LaunchPad.libs/LaunchPad.Cache/Cookies from my win10 install to linux using usb thumbdrive ( 2 files , Cookied-journal and Cookies ) . Then i hovered my mouse on the ' play button ' , it's easy but you can just take a screenshot on win10 and use that to get your bearing .
from library you need to look for ' Proton BattlEye Runtime ' and install it
DXVK_FRAME_RATE=60 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR_STRENGTH=3 LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib64/libgamemodeauto.so.0 mangohud MANGOHUD_CONFIG=cpu_temp,cpu_text="AMD 2700X",cpu_load_value,gpu_temp,gpu_text="Vega 64",vulkan_driver,gpu_load_value,fps,frametime,resolution,ram,vram,engine_version,wine,background_alpha=0.4,text_color=FFA500,gamemode,arch,frame_timing=0,position=top-left,offset_y=225,offset_x=29 %command% --disable-gpu
Translation eats up a lot of fps , but it can cap at 60 so it is more or less acceptable
PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 gamemoderun %command%
Workaround heavy stuttering , which are not related to wayland or X11 , neither Nvidia or AMD gpu for what i read here , i do not think it is related to Proton version either . Simply use PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 If you have stuttering after ~30mins .Tested during prime time on a friday , on emerald with very heavy fights .
Be the native or via proton , the game did not even start .
Crash on newgame or trying to load a save
gamemoderun %command%
I tried proton 8,9,experimental and GE . 8 did not launch the game at all . I am using MO2 for mods , i try with and without mods for each proton version that can launch the game, same results .
gamemoderun %command%
update kernel and mesa from debian backports , then i modify some parameters of mod organizer 2 linux install script ( https://github.com/rockerbacon/modorganizer2-linux-installer ) .
1- in /mo2installer-5.0.3/gamesinfo/ edit starfield.sh and changed those lines :
# "sfse_0_2_15/sfse_1_14_70.dll"
# "sfse_0_2_15/sfse_loader.exe"
this give you the lastest version of starfield script extender.
2- in /mo2installer-5.0.3/step/ edit download_external_resources.sh and changed that line :
this will directly install the lastest version of MO2
game run slower than on windows 10 but it is perfectly acceptable
As all Bethesda games like fallout serie , skyrim etc ... it really worth the small pain to tinker a little .
Not Yet ready for Out of the box experience .
kept hearing some fx after exiting the game
The game did not quit properly , it kept running .
The game now RUN without any tinkering via proton 4.18.2 , only the remaining issue is it does not close properly , that game will propably goes from silver to platinium directly once this is fix .
With gamemode/aco and shader pre-caching , given i lock my fps at 60 , the experience is as smooth as in windows (except sound)
Proton-5.11-GE-3-MF GloriousEggroll
Feral Game mode for OpenSuse and using Mesa ACO
sound is crackling , but only on the 'quiet part' , given the game is rarely quiet this is ultra minor .
Launch option (specific to how Opensuse handle gamemode): RADV_PERFTEST=aco LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD:/usr/lib/libgamemodeauto.so.0 %command%