Online didn't work until i switched region to Europe and back.
replays are saved at <steam_folder>/steamapps/compatdata/965680/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/Documents/BoomerangFuReplays/
Online mutliplayer worked great for me (as host). Partner noticed some lagging. your milage may vary.
Was very roboty system-wide before adding launch arguments
Stuttery when spectating other players, but this is a game bug, not linux specific.
+com_skipIntroVideo 1 +com_skipKeyPressOnLoadScreens 1
requires a bethesda.net account. you can circumvent this by going offline in steam. I tried using firejail, but could not get it to work. In the end i just added (\.|^)bethesda\.net$
to my pihole, and it works like a charm.
Crashing when not using Proton Experimental or Proton-6.21-GE-2 or Proton-7.0rc2-GE-1.
Co-op campain did not work with Proton GE versions, but it worked great with Proton Experimental.
Could not load into missions with latest proton (6.3-8) but menus worked just fine. (could have been a shader issue)
alt tabbing causes game to stop rendering or crash
low frame rate, some stuttering in rendered cutscenes. gamplay was fine
Audio did not pause when minimised dispite setting for this turned on.
Mouse sometimes jumpped downwards in menus when clicking, unable to reliably reproduce.
Did not notice in-game.
Ran natively. Did not test proton.
Runs flawlessly, better performance than i was expecting (maybe the game is actually optimised?)
Alt-tabbing is a bit finnicky
Cannot use EA's overlay to invite friends or join games.
Cannot invite or join friends through the interface, but if you are invited: hold "y" to accept. the only indication that you are part of a party will be that the play button is locked.
For Steam Flatpak users only: The game needs SUID which wont function in Flatpak. Swap to the public beta and edit the 'launcher.sh' file in the game folder. Add '--no-sandbox' to the end of the single line in there then the game should load normally.
Normal Steam users change to public beta and the game will launch natively. Flatpak users must use the above edit.