There's the odd bit of choppiness. I recall similar issues on Windows, so this might not be a Linux/Proton issue.
Overall the game runs well, better than native Windows 11 even!
The game crashes sometimes, but ironically it crashes way more on native Windows. Proton is more stable.
Would recommend installing Quinn's fixpack to fix some pretty major bugs present in the game https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonage/mods/4689 These bugs are NOT a Linux/Proton issue. They are present out-of-the-box on Windows too.
Works great out-of-the-box, as long as you use a controller
Keyboard players beware - I had some pretty gnarly input problems, mostly around holding keys. Turning off "Repeat Keys" (Settings -> Accessibility) mostly mitigated the issue, but input can become delayed when holding many keys and trying to push extras (4 hold + an input for example). I'd recommend sticking to a controller for this one.
The odd stutter, which might be caused by flaky internet
Ironically, emulating this game via Proton worked better than Windows, where I had severe audio compatibility problems.