Action Bastard
gamemoderun PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_USE_D9VK=1 %command%
-maxMem=4096 as a launch option, this sped up the game in a ridiculous amount and allowed the game to be enjoyed and finished.
-maxMem=4096 as a launch option, and go into video and set the draw distance to a lower amount(and nix shadows to a lower level)!!!!! This will enable an enjoyable experience.
Throttling the available memory to the game at 8 GIGS pretty much solves all the other problems.
Things worked great for a long while, now since the last update, game crashes while attempting to load the map 50% of the time.
Unsure, thing was working beautifully before.
open protontricks, select DCS, click use default wine prefix, install DLL, select d3dcompiler_47, and nothing else, click okay.
-nolauncher -nosplash -skipintro -noLogs proton experimental sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=1048576
just like everyone else said, played a quick game, thank you!
Let it install, then exit, then run it again, link that account, after game start, set directX to latest. enjoy
When the insurgency menu gets stuck at startup: Click on stop in steam. Right click it, and verify the game files, then it will open.
When you verify the integrity of the game files, it will re-install the anti cheat as well as other runtime scripts. This happens maybe 1-2 times a week playing regularly.
gamemoderun %command%
For those of you that can't make it 2-3 rounds without the game crashing due to artifacts, know that this is typically on NVIDIA drivers. I have a fix for you! Unfortunately it means going into the main menu of the game (tab at the main menu), go to settings, then find "graphics" Then find the low/individual settings, set most items to low or off, including AA and all of that. The secondary graphics window, set the items to either low or "normal." This will make the game look like hot garbage, but you can play all night and have faster FPS as there is no processing going on.
Look at the notes i typed up on how to get around the artifacts
Look at the notes for dodging artifacts.